[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Rechno написал:
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
The only issue with this is it's very likely some notable passive will get bricked!!

It's likely, but on my 3rd divine I found a maxarius that changed none of it.
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I'm trying to craft this thing, but aug speed is very expensive that I might just multimod speed + chaos dot multi.

Also I wanted to ask if chaos damage + skill effect duration craft or chaos dot multi craft is better with these claws.

I found good jewel too.

Try to hit more poison mod and attack speed, added chaos is guarantee with aug chaos. Make sure you have left open prefix for chaos multi craft.

edit: now i see you got faster poisons, nice. Then aug speed i guess.
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 31 янв. 2021 г., 14:27:52
__FEL__ написал:

normally i struggle a little bit with the endgame challanges when going for 40/40, but not this time. this build rocks!

did u use the metal,corroded & speed fossil for ur claws?
By playing with Transcendence, how can you tank physical damage ? Because I saw that youre armour applies to elemental res instead of physical res.
Sorry if this question has been already asked I didnt saw it.
And if I dont play the Transcendent version of this build, can i start to handle like T16 40%/60% delirious map with a good gear ?
Последняя редакция: ImZouzou#0171. Время: 31 янв. 2021 г., 16:09:26
auc_martin написал:
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__FEL__ написал:

normally i struggle a little bit with the endgame challanges when going for 40/40, but not this time. this build rocks!

did u use the metal,corroded & speed fossil for ur claws?

used metallic, aberrant, shuddering, corroded and finished with augment chaos from harvest.
Total noob to PoE, first league ever, etc.

I've been doing well so far, got to 85, got uber lab done, and have some nice pieces thanks to some savvy shopping, but I want to ask how does one exactly go about crafting the claws with the fossils?

Fossil Crafting
To craft perfect claws you will use 3 fossils: Metallic, Corroded and Shuddering with the Powerful Resonators. On average those 3 mods can be aquired with 36 tries.

So do I just buy Elder Influenced claws of any variety, and start rolling them with Powerful Resonators+ the 3 fossils? Won't that wipe away the elder influenced prefix? I'm hesitant to find ones with the "60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage" just to put in a resonator and find out it wipes it all away.

What's the correct "order of operations" here? Or at least the one most people are going with?
CairoOvercoat написал:
Total noob to PoE, first league ever, etc. [...]
What's the correct "order of operations" here? Or at least the one most people are going with?
Watch recent Youtube videos on crafting in PoE in general. Doesn't make sense to explain how crafting works in PoE.
That should make things a lot clearer. If you have any questions left after that you are free to ask them.

Also first league with uber lab done etc. => well done you :)
Is Loreweave the go to here now? i have a 6L Perfect Form but notice a lot of people here wearing Loreweave.
Question regarding the herald of agony 4 link. Why would I need enlighten 4 for, herald of agony, culling strike support and malevolence? It functions fine with the enlighten 2 I have. Unless maybe culling strike support isn't working because of the enlighten 2?
InSaYnE_72 написал:
Question regarding the herald of agony 4 link. Why would I need enlighten 4 for, herald of agony, culling strike support and malevolence? It functions fine with the enlighten 2 I have. Unless maybe culling strike support isn't working because of the enlighten 2?

Once you get the Fenemus Gloves you will run out of mana with Aspect of the Spider.

You need Enlighten 3 for Herald-Mal-Enlighten + Aspect of Spider from Gloves

You need Enlighten 4 to do Herald-Mal-Enlighten-Culling + Aspect
Последняя редакция: CairoOvercoat#2482. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 2:38:43
InSaYnE_72 написал:
Question regarding the herald of agony 4 link. Why would I need enlighten 4 for, herald of agony, culling strike support and malevolence? It functions fine with the enlighten 2 I have. Unless maybe culling strike support isn't working because of the enlighten 2?

You want either Aspect of the Spider (for the normal build if you don't use Fenumus gloves but rare +1 strike skill gloves) or Aspect of the Crab, which will also reserve Mana. And Enlighten 4 will leave you with more Mana to use anyway.

Edit: CairoOvercoat was faster :)
Последняя редакция: blastinMot#6703. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 2:41:33

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