[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Hello again, I improved my gear and I am absolutely amazed by the damage and tankiness, the only encounter I didnt do yet is maven's the feared everything else has been a breeze so far! Now I am waiting for the cluster build version update :DD
Also, what do you think is the bis mods for the claw? unholy might, onslaught on hit, double influence with poisons inflict faster
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Hi, just wanted to give a heads up for those who are unaware of the new tool in the Craft of Exile website (not going to link here cuz I'm not sure it is permitted, don't wanna ruin this thread), where you can simulate craftings. It is helping me a lot to better understand what could be used to craft build items, and what mods go where, at which ilvl, what craft currency I could use, what Harvest craft I could or could not use, etc. Might help those who, like me, never crafted before and have no idea what they are doing lol

Lfw to craft a good belt and a better glove in the near future.

(if posts like this are not permitted, pls let me know and I'll delete it asap)
Can i return back block from this passive or this permanently convert in other passive when i use timeless jewel?

Mr_Neocronic написал:
Can i return back block from this passive or this permanently convert in other passive when i use timeless jewel?
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Either divine the jewel or buy another and sell that one.
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
Mr_Neocronic написал:
Can i return back block from this passive or this permanently convert in other passive when i use timeless jewel?
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Either divine the jewel or buy another and sell that one.

Buying something in poe trade is pain, especially when they still not add filter for maxarius jewels only.
Just a heads up, your leveling filter is broken.
You need to remove Harvest section to make it work as its useless after Harvest rework.

I'm trying to get a better life roll on gloves.
which anointment should i put on amulet?
Orestiada написал:
Also, what do you think is the bis mods for the claw? unholy might, onslaught on hit, double influence with poisons inflict faster
Unholy might is just more damage on kill, not good for bossing.
Onslaught is also on kill, not on hit.
I'd go for the faster poisons.

Mr_Neocronic написал:
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
Mr_Neocronic написал:
Can i return back block from this passive or this permanently convert in other passive when i use timeless jewel?
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Either divine the jewel or buy another and sell that one.

Buying something in poe trade is pain, especially when they still not add filter for maxarius jewels only.

On the right side of the trade website where you put in your life/resists put in "maxarius".
Problem solved.

Nekrolith написал:
which anointment should i put on amulet?
Corruption or Swift Venoms for damage.
For defence either something with high life, physical mitigation or block/dodge.
Most people go with damage.
Последняя редакция: blastinMot#6703. Время: 5 февр. 2021 г., 9:32:56
Any advice on how to craft the +1 chaos, chaos dmg multi amulet?
So, I am currently playing this build as pestilent/viper strike in SSF, and managed to get my hands on a Perfect Form. I was thinking about trying to 6 link it, but Transcendence looks like it could be really good, and I'm not too far from a loreweave. Do you think I should save my fusings for loreweave instead, and then get a militant faith of the type I need? Or will survivability from 6L Perfect Form make it easier to get the rest of the gear I need? Right now I'm just on a life/resistances/defenses 6L.

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