[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Landy3 написал:
Any advice on how to craft the +1 chaos, chaos dmg multi amulet?

I think there are a few options that work. My approach was to use aberrant fossils until I got cdot multi then messed with the amulet until I got it to where it only needed a prefix. Aug Chaos at that point will get you the +1 chaos. I think optionally, you could look at envy fossils for the % chaos and try to make something really gg. I think to reforge chaos would be a fine option as well if you don't want to use aberrant fossils. If someone has a more sure-fire approach, I'd love to hear it.
xMalachi написал:
Landy3 написал:
Any advice on how to craft the +1 chaos, chaos dmg multi amulet?

I think there are a few options that work. My approach was to use aberrant fossils until I got cdot multi then messed with the amulet until I got it to where it only needed a prefix. Aug Chaos at that point will get you the +1 chaos. I think optionally, you could look at envy fossils for the % chaos and try to make something really gg. I think to reforge chaos would be a fine option as well if you don't want to use aberrant fossils. If someone has a more sure-fire approach, I'd love to hear it.

I crafted mine by using Reforge Chaos from Harvest, I got to a point where i have Chaos Multi, big life, life regen and the ES. i got super lucky so i can just aug Chaos for the +1 Chaos because it had an open Prefix. I then got and crafted Aspect of the Crab on the amulet... I could make it better by removing defense from harvest and augmenting Speed. This will give me 3-10% Movement speed. Or If I really wanted to YOLO the amulet, i could remove defense to get rid of the ES, and then exalt slam for +1 Level of Dex Gems (Don't know if you can Harvest craft for the +1 Level of Dex)
Enleiv написал:
So, I am currently playing this build as pestilent/viper strike in SSF, and managed to get my hands on a Perfect Form. I was thinking about trying to 6 link it, but Transcendence looks like it could be really good, and I'm not too far from a loreweave. Do you think I should save my fusings for loreweave instead, and then get a militant faith of the type I need? Or will survivability from 6L Perfect Form make it easier to get the rest of the gear I need? Right now I'm just on a life/resistances/defenses 6L.
Go from 6L to Loreweave 6L if you really have the rings ready.
You also need some divines to roll 78% res.
For transcendence you also need a thread of hope with Small Ring to get Phse Acro.

The Militant Faith should be obtainable through 5 Way encounters in SSF with Legion Farm in New Vastir.

ShadowBlazinIce написал:
I could make it better by removing defense from harvest and augmenting Speed. This will give me 3-10% Movement speed. Or If I really wanted to YOLO the amulet, i could remove defense to get rid of the ES, and then exalt slam for +1 Level of Dex Gems (Don't know if you can Harvest craft for the +1 Level of Dex)

You can "remove defence" from Harvest and use the crafting bench for "chaos damage with attacks" or "-mana cost to non-channeling skills".
The chaos to attacks is almost the same value as +1 chaos gems.
The +1 dex skills has no tag, so you can only get it with exalt or "augment influence mod".
Downed A9 Sirus with 4.5k life, deathless. Transcedent build is beyond op.
Landy3 написал:
Any advice on how to craft the +1 chaos, chaos dmg multi amulet?

Your current amulet has an open prefix (two, but one is crafted) and full suffixes. If you augment chaos it will be forced to become a prefix and the only option for a hunter influenced amulet is +1 level of chaos skill gems.
@Vennto How do you like using the AP totem to stack your withered vs withering step?
What is better to use now: viper strike or pestilent strike?
For maps and delirium
Последняя редакция: KOT2897#1038. Время: 5 февр. 2021 г., 19:52:30

Craft it all night....... best roll. help me find out what's best to start with....

i see the transcending version and i feel like it's not very expensive from where i am.

I don't have very good gear but the transcending version feels closer than i thought.

I haven't finished crafting my claws yet, and some pieces of stuff that i have really leave a lot to be desired (amulet / helmet)

I have ~3ex left and it seems possible to me to go now to this build as perfect form is more expensive than loreweave, militant jewel cost nothing and i don't need to change much gear (take res gloves, change flasks, take boots with enchant which is like 2ex actually)

Is my intuition correct or am I forgetting something?

Последняя редакция: Solemplow#7879. Время: 5 февр. 2021 г., 19:23:45
Should i go for the Watcher's eye or the awakened gems first ?

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