[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
What do you guys think about Withering Touch Support for Pestilent Strike build?
Specifically against bosses (to take maximum from debuff). Or maybe as a main support for clearing as well.
29% physical dmg as extra chaos (at lvl 20) seems nice. And debuff boosts chaos dmg even further.
Not sure which gem it could replace though...
We should have this instead of checkpoints: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3677132
Used my saved up ex to craft and create the build and it turned out very very good (Weapons rolled great). I've gone through all content (Not Uber Elder I'm garbage at the fight) easily and quickly with really no problems with surviving or dealing damage.
I'm using Glorious Vanity with Ritual of Shadow to not have to use wither totem and threw in Plague Bearer which has significantly increased my clear speed. I swap in Viper Strike for the all the major boss fights.
Overall 10/10 build I would recommend it. :)
Weapons rolled insane! :D Rest of the gear is nice too and mod that you made.
First of all, great build! ive had a ton of fun clearing and farming with this build.
So i rolled this:
after about 5 ex of attempts, good enough for now. Any suggestions on what to slam ? From what i can gather its either slam a hunters for faster poisons, which according to fork isnt that much of a dps boost. or slam for Rare mob power steal for some clear fun.
Great claw!
You can only slam a prefix btw so no faster poisons...
It's fine the way it is. But if you want to try go ahead.
build plays fucking smooth, ty :)
was inspired by a video of mbextreme playing with plague bearer as additional clearing but but his setup lacks defenses so i watched around and ended here^^
just bought some items yestereday and i enjoy a lot.
got some questions if its worth running temporal chains as additional curse.
linked it on whirling blades with curse on hit support with fortify.
so i miss the bone what ever support on vortex. here is my other question if its rly that impactfull having chilled enemies or can i get it another way as well?
the thing is i thought about cwdt with withering step, phase run or maybe another defensive tool or even just a slot for flame dash. rly it feels os bad without dashing across gaps etc^^
last but not least which items are worth to keep in my build?^^ was a fast shopping last night and in my opinion amulett, mainhand claw and chest are good.
ty if any1 responding
Tnx for the feedback :)
Both claws should be upgraded. Amulet is fine if you have enough stats. Rings! You need accuracy. Boots should have 100 life.
Instead of Vortex setup make what ever you like. Add Dash, Flame Dash...
You could make Blasphemy - Temporal Chains setup with Solstice Vigil amulet but you will also need to anoint your amulet for additional curse since you have Despair already.
What do you guys think about Withering Touch Support for Pestilent Strike build?
Specifically against bosses (to take maximum from debuff). Or maybe as a main support for clearing as well.
29% physical dmg as extra chaos (at lvl 20) seems nice. And debuff boosts chaos dmg even further.
Not sure which gem it could replace though...
It's not good. It's not that strong support gem in the first place. Also it scales damage out of physical but this build has very little of it.
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 11 февр. 2020 г., 19:33:01
Thank you for writing up such a detailed build guide! This looks very fun and promising to me, so I just wanted to ask a question before I started. How does the character fare versus multi-phase bosses where you cannot rely on Vaal Molten Shell? Would you say that survivability significantly decreases if facing a multi-phase, end-game boss (Uber elder, T16 elder guardian, Chimera, etc.)?