[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

SoularSmashMan написал:
Hello Torstein,

Thank you for writing up such a detailed build guide! This looks very fun and promising to me, so I just wanted to ask a question before I started. How does the character fare versus multi-phase bosses where you cannot rely on Vaal Molten Shell? Would you say that survivability significantly decreases if facing a multi-phase, end-game boss (Uber elder, T16 elder guardian, Chimera, etc.)?


What he said above.

The build pretty much excels at multi-phased encounters due to flask regeneration.

Just don't jump thru hoops when leveling the char by playing higher tier maps than necessary.
Build requires some time to get used to it's mechanics and feel.
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 15 февр. 2020 г., 4:38:26
I've tried to craft some claws, but with little success.
Is there a point to switch to any of those, or should I stick with the Wasp Nests?

I'm having troubles with figuring out their actual efficiency.
We should have this instead of checkpoints: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3677132
Flying_Mage написал:
I've tried to craft some claws, but with little success.
Is there a point to switch to any of those, or should I stick with the Wasp Nests?
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I'm having troubles with figuring out their actual efficiency.

Which fossils did you use for crafting?
TorsteinTheFallen написал:

Which fossils did you use for crafting?

Aberrant, Corroded and Shuddering.
We should have this instead of checkpoints: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3677132
So should I keep any of those, or are they all garbage (i.e. worse than Wasp Nest)?
We should have this instead of checkpoints: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3677132
Flying_Mage написал:
So should I keep any of those, or are they all garbage (i.e. worse than Wasp Nest)?

Those are not good unfortunately...
Try to hit few with just Aberrant, Corroded and Metallic.

You basically need 2 mods to hit together to be better than Wasps, added chaos and chance to 100% more damage.
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 16 февр. 2020 г., 16:56:33
TorsteinTheFallen написал:

Those are not good unfortunately...
Try to hit few with just Aberrant, Corroded and Metallic.

You basically need 2 mods to hit together to be better than Wasps, added chaos and chance to 100% more damage.

Does crafting with Aberrant, Corroded and Metallic gives me better chances to get those mods than crafting with Aberrant, Corroded and Shuddering?
We should have this instead of checkpoints: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3677132
Angin написал:

Used my saved up ex to craft and create the build and it turned out very very good (Weapons rolled great). I've gone through all content (Not Uber Elder I'm garbage at the fight) easily and quickly with really no problems with surviving or dealing damage.

I'm using Glorious Vanity with Ritual of Shadow to not have to use wither totem and threw in Plague Bearer which has significantly increased my clear speed. I swap in Viper Strike for the all the major boss fights.

Overall 10/10 build I would recommend it. :)

Super interesting. Nice claws! Geez.

How did you manage to get enough accuracy on your build? I have 500+ on both my rings and have barely any overhead space on it. Also, where did you put the Glorius Vanity jewel?
Hey, thanks a lot for the guide and the build. Decided to make this my League-Starter next season, I´m having so much fun.

Since I am a really new player, just 2 questions about things that I don´t get:

1. What does The Vortex - Bonechill - CWDT - Setup actually do for us? The chilled-effect doesn´t seem to be that great and it doesn´t interact with the -30 action-speed from artic armor or does it? As others mentioned I feel like this doesn´t do that much and plague bearer or any other defensive skill for movement seems to be more attraktive.

2. Some mentioned placing down another curse like temp chains. How does that interact with our flask? On the witchfire brew it says curse AURA, does that mean you can place 2 curses on enemies without having "add additional curse" on the gear or do you still need that?

Thanks a lot again, looking forward to answers :-)

Best regards, Vennto
Vennto написал:
Hey, thanks a lot for the guide and the build. Decided to make this my League-Starter next season, I´m having so much fun.

Since I am a really new player, just 2 questions about things that I don´t get:

1. What does The Vortex - Bonechill - CWDT - Setup actually do for us? The chilled-effect doesn´t seem to be that great and it doesn´t interact with the -30 action-speed from artic armor or does it? As others mentioned I feel like this doesn´t do that much and plague bearer or any other defensive skill for movement seems to be more attraktive.

2. Some mentioned placing down another curse like temp chains. How does that interact with our flask? On the witchfire brew it says curse AURA, does that mean you can place 2 curses on enemies without having "add additional curse" on the gear or do you still need that?

Thanks a lot again, looking forward to answers :-)

Best regards, Vennto

i am also doing some experiments with the cwdt vortex setup and i think its just another nice addition of slow and some extra damage over time. i cut the bonechill completly and while delving the vortex as well for withering step which gives phaserun, extra dodge and another way of applying some withering stacks. thats why i didnbt take phaserun cause it overs a bit more and during mapping some flamedash cause it feels bad without gapcloser over fences and highgrounds^^ i didnt rly find a perfect setup for evrything cause of missing slots and beside that i needa run precision 1 for accuracy cause i only got 450 on my ring and the other one is circle of notalgia. i allways like having lots of chaos res and so far i am around 65 but planning getting some more accuracy with a jewel maybe casue without precision 1 i am around 96 which might be enough anyway :P

i am using temporal chains as additional curse. the annoint whispers of doom on my amulet is making it possible having a 2nd. its also a damage increase and feels good while bossing. less actionspeed on boss feels a bit safer while giving him some poison hits and they even last longer and deal more dps. i apply temp chains with whirling blades curse on hit and cut of faster attacks. while mapping packs die after 1 or 2 hits anyway so the 2nd curse is not needed but what ever temp chains is most annoying curse and feels good having one^^ i dont even know if its worth playing with it over a nice dps annoint on amulet instead. whispers of doom annoint costs are around 210 chaos and i need another amulet xD sadly i am also noob and dont know how to calculate the extra damage from temp chains in pob but its my first own creation whirling blades-curse on hit-temp chains-fortify so i totally believe in it^^

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