[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

SiriusFez написал:
Yea I m hoping your Venom Gyre builds is still alive and op cause its hands down the best build I ve ever played!!

It still rocks xD


-added end game video with Wasp Nest claws
Getting Error Code 302 when trying to import the VG pastebin
magnarmalok написал:
Getting Error Code 302 when trying to import the VG pastebin

It works for me. See if you copy/pasted it right.
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
Did testing with Wasp's Nest (2 Chaos) claws.

A8 level, Conquerors and Sirus.

Will post video in 1h or so...

Are you using Vaal Haste or Vaal Grace in this video?
Последняя редакция: qawsican#7202. Время: 12 марта 2020 г., 17:39:46
qawsican написал:
Are you using Vaal Haste or Vaal Grace in this video?

I think Vaal Haste was socketed but i totally forgot about it... xD
Seems like I was just retarded.

Just compared the VS and VG builds and I must say I'll probably be going VS that dps looks insane
magnarmalok написал:
Seems like I was just retarded.

Just compared the VS and VG builds and I must say I'll probably be going VS that dps looks insane

Then go with melee setup PS/VS.
Just to know that VS dps is a little unrealistic since PoB counts max poison stacks for the poison duration time which is over 10s for Viper Strike.
Damage is insane don't get me wrong.
Hi! I cant wait to try out this as my league starter

I noticed you don't run a curse with this build? Is it because of lack of gem slots or just not necessary?

If I wanted to get a curse on my ring or gloves which would be best?

L0NG BCHGestapo написал:
Hi! I cant wait to try out this as my league starter

I noticed you don't run a curse with this build? Is it because of lack of gem slots or just not necessary?

If I wanted to get a curse on my ring or gloves which would be best?


Witchfire Brew flask gives Despair curse.

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