[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Argh, im torn between this build and an impale cyclone champion as league starter. Since i never played either impale or poison.
VoldemarM написал:
Starting league with this build. Im wondering how bad my damage will be with cobra lash? Since this league will be all about clear speed i feel like having good clear>single target

It's decent :)
Jugles написал:
Argh, im torn between this build and an impale cyclone champion as league starter. Since i never played either impale or poison.

Impale Cyclone is simpler build, maybe start with that one and you can swap later. :)
i cant find tribal fury in pasive skill tree.
spajjons написал:
i cant find tribal fury in pasive skill tree.

It's only available through Anointments
Playing viper strike armor/block pathfinder and made this tierlist thing for some of the notables to organize my thoughts on them. Thought I should post it here. They are grouped by type and if a notable isn't present here I didn't think it was worth considering for the build.

Последняя редакция: Hman120#0620. Время: 13 марта 2020 г., 21:00:35
Himanshu24 написал:
Playing viper strike armor/block pathfinder and made this tierlist thing for some of the notables to organize my thoughts on them. Thought I should post it here. They are grouped by type and if a notable isn't present here I didn't think it was worth considering for the build.


Tyvm for this contribution :D
Himanshu24 написал:
Playing viper strike armor/block pathfinder and made this tierlist thing for some of the notables to organize my thoughts on them. Thought I should post it here. They are grouped by type and if a notable isn't present here I didn't think it was worth considering for the build.


Nice. thank you very much for the tierlist, just I am unsure about the ranking - I am assuming S is best, A second and B third?
Its going pretty well for me but I dont know if I'll be able to play pestilence strike. The explosions, especially in the fog with the tons of mobs, really bog down my PC. Can easily just freeze up. Crashed once. I dont even have a bad PC; run 1440p at 144+fps most of the time. I havent tried downscaling to 1080p to see if it helps, but its not looking good once the pack size starts to show up.

Just the fog monsters plus like an Onslaught rez box knocks me down to freeze frame.

May be cobra lashing it boys. Ive been swapping between both because I like both, but I dunno why these explosions are lagging me so bad. They used to do that on the gladiator back in the day on my old rig, but I upgraded my pc awhile back and game runs fine. But it does not like explosions.

But Cobra lash feels good, too, so if thats what I gotta use, its what I gotta use.
Destructodave написал:
Its going pretty well for me but I dont know if I'll be able to play pestilence strike. The explosions, especially in the fog with the tons of mobs, really bog down my PC. Can easily just freeze up. Crashed once. I dont even have a bad PC; run 1440p at 144+fps most of the time. I havent tried downscaling to 1080p to see if it helps, but its not looking good once the pack size starts to show up.

Just the fog monsters plus like an Onslaught rez box knocks me down to freeze frame.

May be cobra lashing it boys. Ive been swapping between both because I like both, but I dunno why these explosions are lagging me so bad. They used to do that on the gladiator back in the day on my old rig, but I upgraded my pc awhile back and game runs fine. But it does not like explosions.

But Cobra lash feels good, too, so if thats what I gotta use, its what I gotta use.

Glad to hear its going well! :D

About explosions. Your pc is more than fine, problem is the sound most likely.

Open Windows search box and find Device Manager. In there check if you have installed nVidia sound driver. If so, disable it. It makes all kinds of problems.
In PoE lower the sound channel count to low.
Get back to me are there any improvements. There are few more tricks to improve fps.
Honestly if I played it on Athlon x4 (got new pc now) from 2010 you can do it too. xD
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 14 марта 2020 г., 5:09:04

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