[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

TorsteinTheFallen написал:
Destructodave написал:
Its going pretty well for me but I dont know if I'll be able to play pestilence strike. The explosions, especially in the fog with the tons of mobs, really bog down my PC. Can easily just freeze up. Crashed once. I dont even have a bad PC; run 1440p at 144+fps most of the time. I havent tried downscaling to 1080p to see if it helps, but its not looking good once the pack size starts to show up.

Just the fog monsters plus like an Onslaught rez box knocks me down to freeze frame.

May be cobra lashing it boys. Ive been swapping between both because I like both, but I dunno why these explosions are lagging me so bad. They used to do that on the gladiator back in the day on my old rig, but I upgraded my pc awhile back and game runs fine. But it does not like explosions.

But Cobra lash feels good, too, so if thats what I gotta use, its what I gotta use.

Glad to hear its going well! :D

About explosions. Your pc is more than fine, problem is the sound most likely.

Open Windows search box and find Device Manager. In there check if you have installed nVidia sound driver. If so, disable it. It makes all kinds of problems.
In PoE lower the sound channel count to low.
Get back to me are there any improvements. There are few more tricks to improve fps.
Honestly if I played it on Athlon x4 (got new pc now) from 2010 you can do it too. xD

Thanks man. Seems to have made a huge difference. It was on my monitor that has no speakers. I disabled it; I may just uninstall it completely. It honestly sounds familiar turning it off. I may have did the same thing back in the day. I had turned my fps down to 72 to see if that helped at all(even though I have adaptive sync), but I might turn it back up now and see what happens, but my first foray into the smoke didnt seem to lag me that time on explosion.
Destructodave написал:
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
Destructodave написал:
Its going pretty well for me but I dont know if I'll be able to play pestilence strike. The explosions, especially in the fog with the tons of mobs, really bog down my PC. Can easily just freeze up. Crashed once. I dont even have a bad PC; run 1440p at 144+fps most of the time. I havent tried downscaling to 1080p to see if it helps, but its not looking good once the pack size starts to show up.

Just the fog monsters plus like an Onslaught rez box knocks me down to freeze frame.

May be cobra lashing it boys. Ive been swapping between both because I like both, but I dunno why these explosions are lagging me so bad. They used to do that on the gladiator back in the day on my old rig, but I upgraded my pc awhile back and game runs fine. But it does not like explosions.

But Cobra lash feels good, too, so if thats what I gotta use, its what I gotta use.

Glad to hear its going well! :D

About explosions. Your pc is more than fine, problem is the sound most likely.

Open Windows search box and find Device Manager. In there check if you have installed nVidia sound driver. If so, disable it. It makes all kinds of problems.
In PoE lower the sound channel count to low.
Get back to me are there any improvements. There are few more tricks to improve fps.
Honestly if I played it on Athlon x4 (got new pc now) from 2010 you can do it too. xD

Thanks man. Seems to have made a huge difference. It was on my monitor that has no speakers. I disabled it; I may just uninstall it completely. It honestly sounds familiar turning it off. I may have did the same thing back in the day. I had turned my fps down to 72 to see if that helped at all(even though I have adaptive sync), but I might turn it back up now and see what happens, but my first foray into the smoke didnt seem to lag me that time on explosion.

Don't uninstall nVidia sound driver because the damn thing keeps installing itself again in the background. Just disable it.
Test it more, I rly want to know the results. :)
TorsteinTheFallen написал:

Don't uninstall nVidia sound driver because the damn thing keeps installing itself again in the background. Just disable it.
Test it more, I rly want to know the results. :)

Its a lot better. Its not freezing at least, which was the worst. I just had a huge amount of mobs on my screen and I did drop frames but it wasnt freezing on explosions; just lagging some. I got most stuff on low; I only have a 970gtx trying to run 1440p(the one part I didnt upgrade because last 2 leagues I played ran great, but I wasnt playing an explosion character, and all my other games run fine so seemed a waste to upgrade it). It runs pretty well 85% of the time, but is lagging some on something like abyss, fog, onslaught chest, etc. Or thats what just lagged me down some.
Destructodave написал:
TorsteinTheFallen написал:

Don't uninstall nVidia sound driver because the damn thing keeps installing itself again in the background. Just disable it.
Test it more, I rly want to know the results. :)

Its a lot better. Its not freezing at least, which was the worst. I just had a huge amount of mobs on my screen and I did drop frames but it wasnt freezing on explosions; just lagging some. I got most stuff on low; I only have a 970gtx trying to run 1440p(the one part I didnt upgrade because last 2 leagues I played ran great, but I wasnt playing an explosion character, and all my other games run fine so seemed a waste to upgrade it). It runs pretty well 85% of the time, but is lagging some on something like abyss, fog, onslaught chest, etc. Or thats what just lagged me down some.

Good :)
there are more tweaks with sound that improve performance so if you have trouble during the league msg me.
Flypython написал:
Himanshu24 написал:
Playing viper strike armor/block pathfinder and made this tierlist thing for some of the notables to organize my thoughts on them. Thought I should post it here. They are grouped by type and if a notable isn't present here I didn't think it was worth considering for the build.


Nice. thank you very much for the tierlist, just I am unsure about the ranking - I am assuming S is best, A second and B third?

Yes. Also if a node gives damage then the approximate % damage increase is on the top right of it.
Hey, I'm planning to use CL version of this build as my starter for this league. But first I wanted to ask how it's looking so far. So if there is someone using this as starter please give me some feedback :)
AceLizzard написал:
Hey, I'm planning to use CL version of this build as my starter for this league. But first I wanted to ask how it's looking so far. So if there is someone using this as starter please give me some feedback :)

Hey I tried CL for a few hours from level 1 up to act 4, no twink gear at all, up to 4L CL it's quick for clear, but ST is lacking compared to something like Pestilent strike, might have some problems with the yellow/blue delirium mobs as they have quite a chunk of health and hit really hard.

I picked up PS and stuck with it, granted I never tried VG though and I'm not yet through acts so take it with a pinch of salt.
Hey, having a LOT of issues when using Pestilent strike. The game just lags to hell whenever I use it for some reason. Viper strike is perfectly okay, pestilent strike however is not.

Anyone having similar troubles or tips to help?
Doherty98 написал:
Hey, having a LOT of issues when using Pestilent strike. The game just lags to hell whenever I use it for some reason. Viper strike is perfectly okay, pestilent strike however is not.

Anyone having similar troubles or tips to help?

Actually now that you mentioned it, yeah it does lag pretty crazy. I thought it was my wooden pc, changed to viper strike and it seems not to stutter anymore.

Last league I had the same issue but that was with Aspect of the spider causing massive frame drops.
Having a lot of fun with the build.
The usual maps are a breeze at the moment. I hope it remains like this on the yellow and red ones!

I do struggle a bit with Delirium, but my guildies too, so I suppose they are just tough.

Here my gear at level 71:

Don't know if I should buy now a Perfect form... because they are rather expensive and I don't have the money to 6-Link it... They soon will go down on price as the market gets flooded.
When I reach red maps I will report again :)

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