3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Timbo Zero написал:
My Elegant Hunris has a node showing ‘Rigwalds Might - 80% increased melee physical damage’
Am I correct that this is exactly what I am looking for on it, or does that only affect me and not the minions?

That would only affect you. You want a node called slumlord with 80% minion damage on a hubris.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Lvl 74 and res at minus ? how do i possiby cap now
Mubbsy написал:
Timbo Zero написал:
My Elegant Hunris has a node showing ‘Rigwalds Might - 80% increased melee physical damage’
Am I correct that this is exactly what I am looking for on it, or does that only affect me and not the minions?

That would only affect you. You want a node called slumlord with 80% minion damage on a hubris.

Thanks Mubbsy
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
gr4h4m написал:
Lvl 74 and res at minus ? how do i possiby cap now

You'll need to unhide your characters so we can help. However check the FAQ on the first page, this may help.
SaIigia написал:
Hey guys, does anyone know if
works with animate guardian? if the guardian can give itself 30% increased life with the armor mod isn't that super amazing? I can't see anyone doing that though and it doesn't show up as life in PoB so I'm not sure... but I don't see why it wouldn't work

It will not. This essence will apply to your minions, with the qualifier "your" applying to the minions of whoever is wearing the armour. AG isn't its own minion, nor does it have minions, so there will be no benefit. If you were using that essence on your own armour, then naturally all of your minions would get the benefit. It isn't 30% more, though, it's just 30% increased, so it'd be a bit less valuable even if it did work. Plus the majority of us are just using Stitched Demon anyway.

Even without that, my AG is sitting nicely on 80k life. He doesn't really need more, he never gets touched.

Simonkaa написал:
Hello, I've been following this build for a while now and I feel like I'm doing something terribly wrong, some bosses take too long to kill and I get one shot even by regular mobs sometimes. Just died on sirus multiple times, I'd really appreciate someone looking into my build and pointing me into right direction, thanks :) character name Odesea

Gem level and quality is relatively important. Are you using all of your auras? Everything looks like it's supposed to, there's really nothing "wrong" here. You can swap around flasks as a way of having increased defenses. Soul Catcher isn't really doing anything and 3 quicksilvers (esp. Rotgut) is overkill.

BreadyMcBread написал:
Managed to get a 5 link multi modded weapon for 50c elder base but without the fortify. I almost had a heart attack when the guy accepted. THANK YOU KIND STRANGER.

If someone could check my gear and tell me if that 5 link will be better for zombies than having them in my 6 link chest would be appreciated.

It's not the worst thing in the world, especially for that price, but you still want to be looking for Fortify or Minion Damage since either of those are going to give you around 20% more damage (12% or so comparatively for you, since that weapon has 40 on it already).
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 22 февр. 2020 г., 7:32:57
My 1 kill Uber Elder)
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Xitmen666 написал:
My 1 kill Uber Elder)
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how can you even play with shaking screen, gz on the kill tho.
Guys if you interesting i have lv 4 %100 awakened gem i'm selling rn.


edit: SOLD
Последняя редакция: StraightXEdgeX#0126. Время: 22 февр. 2020 г., 10:54:49
First - thanks so much for this guide! I've never been good at PoE before, but this build has forced me to do a lot of learning and research.

I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for where I can take my build from here. I need some help figuring out where best to get some more strength and/or DPS.

Currently have 7ex left to spend after upgrading my weapon. I have a lethal pride, but need more divines for it to be not shit, so I'm working on that already.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Character is LadyBlofeld.
Finally managed to get a 10% lethal pride, but I had to spend something like 8 points for Sanctum of Thought, and Singular Focus lol.

Not that I mind anymore, ended up just killing Uber Elder earlier today and sold unid Watchers, didn't want to play the lotto, ID a trash eye, and end up losing all that currency, even though I don't think I'll be playing the rest of the league.

Did die once, and this was within seconds of the fight because I got careless and I think I ate an Elder slam.

Might just buy another lethal pride and some divines, and see if I can get a better gem though for the hell of it.

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