3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hello fellow summoners. Im saving up for awakened multistrike but barely halfway after 5 days if playing. I don't think I'll make it by the end of the league. Anything else you see that I can improve on my gear? Thanks
Deg916 написал:

What exalted orb should i use on this? Do you think there is a stat i should target? Please advise, thank you.

Edit: I do have the Menagerie reward to craft Aspect of the Avian, but would that ruin my item?

You can't use a conqueror's exalted orb on an influenced item. Crafting Avian is a guaranteed way to get something you might use later. You can slam regularly to try for Strength, but the chances are quite slim - and THAT can ruin your item.
What should i do? leave it as is?
Been playing with Deathmark lately. It really does help me slaughter the metas alot faster. Feeding frenzy is now on the carrior golem instead.
Hi, I just wanna do couple more challenges. Is there a cheap way to improve my setup?

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I've farmed up about 70 ex and can't really decide on what to get - Awakened Multistrike or Headhunter. I know we don't benefit that much from Headhunter, is it still worth it for the fun? Honestly, I don't need either, I'm easily clearing anything. Any input is appreciated though :-)
n4zroth написал:
I've farmed up about 70 ex and can't really decide on what to get - Awakened Multistrike or Headhunter. I know we don't benefit that much from Headhunter, is it still worth it for the fun? Honestly, I don't need either, I'm easily clearing anything. Any input is appreciated though :-)

Honestly Awakener Multi Strike give more to this, but in top of that is a lot rarer than HH. But is up to you, personally my PC can't handle HH LUL
n0taku написал:
Hi, I just wanna do couple more challenges. Is there a cheap way to improve my setup?

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The easiest upgrade will be shaper's touch for more Life, but you will lose a lot of stats so you need a ring. I can give both in game, just whisper me. I'm almost done with the league.
n4zroth написал:
I've farmed up about 70 ex and can't really decide on what to get - Awakened Multistrike or Headhunter. I know we don't benefit that much from Headhunter, is it still worth it for the fun? Honestly, I don't need either, I'm easily clearing anything. Any input is appreciated though :-)

I was in the same boat as you, try flicker strike. It's a lot of fun and it's not very expensive at all. Cyclone is also worth trying out too imo.
Последняя редакция: GoldSoulTheory#3952. Время: 22 февр. 2020 г., 22:03:11
Deg916 написал:
What should i do? leave it as is?

Leave it until you find something you want to do with it. Avian is the best if you later decide to switch to Saqawal's (can't see character, so I'm assuming you're using Geofri's). If you have Saqawal's, you should add and fit in Avian. The buffed version is quite good.

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