3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Okay so i got this weapon now

My next upgrade gonna be Shaper's Touch with Vulnerability, my question is when i get the gloves do i remove Vulnerability gem completely from Geofri's? also what Aura worth using instead of Vulnerability Avian from weapon or there is something better with same mana reserved?

yes, you can remove vulnerability completly and you can go with this setup in chest:
flesh and stone - maim - pride - discipline - enlighten - dread banner

or im using this:
flesh and stone - maim - pride - enlighten - skitterbots
and then using dread banner with generosity support in gloves.
without discipline as i die very rarely.

then there is variant with purity of elements which could be replaced skitterbots and so on.

is using Avian with the double damage it provides not worth it ?
emdoudar написал:
Okay so i got this weapon now

My next upgrade gonna be Shaper's Touch with Vulnerability, my question is when i get the gloves do i remove Vulnerability gem completely from Geofri's? also what Aura worth using instead of Vulnerability Avian from weapon or there is something better with same mana reserved?

yes, you can remove vulnerability completly and you can go with this setup in chest:
flesh and stone - maim - pride - discipline - enlighten - dread banner

or im using this:
flesh and stone - maim - pride - enlighten - skitterbots
and then using dread banner with generosity support in gloves.
without discipline as i die very rarely.

then there is variant with purity of elements which could be replaced skitterbots and so on.

is using Avian with the double damage it provides not worth it ?

With Saqawals yes, without no IMO
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
BopMajster написал:
Cyrom написал:
in combination with
Chest gem setup looks weird af but actually gives alot smoother clearspeed, now i never have to go back cuz my zombies missed some mobs. I did have to give up awakened generosity support (wich i had linked to dread banner) to run this in chest but hey... i feel its worth!

how much damage actually holy relic do? is this noticable or is holy relic here only for regen?

With this setup Relic is sitting around 400k dps wich is more then enough to kill trash and wounds harder to kill mobs so that zombies or golem finishes them in a single blow. All i can say is i never have to slow down or backtrack anymore :)
I want to link the nodes to Death Attunemnt, but i dont need Charisma node.

Is there another node which i could use on the amulett?
BopMajster написал:

yes, you can remove vulnerability completly and you can go with this setup in chest:
flesh and stone - maim - pride - discipline - enlighten - dread banner

or im using this:
flesh and stone - maim - pride - enlighten - skitterbots
and then using dread banner with generosity support in gloves.
without discipline as i die very rarely.

then there is variant with purity of elements which could be replaced skitterbots and so on.

Would you use Flesh and Stone in Sand stance then?
If not, why a Maim support in chest?

Another question I have:
I’ve seen other builds are experimenting gearing AG with a “nearby enemies are blinded” in chest
Has anyone tried this? If it works, then we could just change Flesh and Stone for Skitterbots all together?
aortisan написал:

Would you use Flesh and Stone in Sand stance then?
If not, why a Maim support in chest?

You stay in Blood stance 100% of the time and link with maim for this reason:

Flesh and Stone can be linked with Maim Support In to increase the effect of Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take X% increased Physical Damage.

Once you have maim linked with Flesh and Stone you no longer need it on the Golem and instead can use Blind to link with Golem.
Последняя редакция: AndyLovesHisBge#5265. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 7:55:35

so i dont usually craft anything much crazy, but i "eventually" managed to craft this with afew essence of fear and afew anulls, have i bricked it or can i still roll a +1 level on it somehow within a reasonable budget or is it not worth trying?
obviously i would like the +1 on it before i craft the 3 mods then the +2 and minion attack/cast.
clear step instructions would be much appreciated <3
emdoudar написал:
Sarclol написал:
emdoudar написал:
Do i need "Increased stun duration on enemies" as implicit or i can get another weapon with Area damage instead coz it will be cheaper?

The only implicit that does anything for us is "Increased Area of Effect." If you just want the weapon, pick whatever's cheapest.

PattyWin написал:

What is the name for the beastcraft. I dont have it yet.....


Okay so i got this weapon now

My next upgrade gonna be Shaper's Touch with Vulnerability, my question is when i get the gloves do i remove Vulnerability gem completely from Geofri's? also what Aura worth using instead of Vulnerability Avian from weapon or there is something better with same mana reserved?

Yes, if you get the gloves with vulnerability corruption, then you can remove the gem + blasphemy from the chest and have this setup: pride-flesh and stone-maim-summon skitterbots-either discipline or dread banner-enlighten.
However, if you use a merveil's retainer specter (which applies a level 50 vulnerability), you don't need the gloves with the corruption :)
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
I started to use smokebomb instead of flamedash and phaserun. Its kinda like combined of them both longer range than flamedash and slightly lower movement than phaserun. Bit harder to use as well, but can set it up for example on strongboxes with detonate dead you can teleport out before harm.

Before I got a level 3 Enlightened I experimented with Holy Relic. WIth 5 link I reached about 650k dps with it. Holy relic - Iron will - Minion damage - Controlled destruction - deathmark. 6th link Would be empower. It helped alot in clearing Legion encounters for example.
Morphl1 написал:

so i dont usually craft anything much crazy, but i "eventually" managed to craft this with afew essence of fear and afew anulls, have i bricked it or can i still roll a +1 level on it somehow within a reasonable budget or is it not worth trying?
obviously i would like the +1 on it before i craft the 3 mods then the +2 and minion attack/cast.
clear step instructions would be much appreciated <3

This is not worth it. You lose out on either +1 to gems or +2 to support gems, which are infinitely more valuable than extra minion damage, especially when it's just T3.

You're picking EITHER Minion Damage OR Fortify.

On an elder weapon, you pick Fortify.

On a regular weapon, you pick Minion Damage.

If you want both, later on the dream is to corrupt a regular minion damage weapon and hit Level 10 Fortify. Most people won't bother with this since it's extremely risky and extremely expensive.
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 10:24:33

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