3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Have you reserved all your mana with auras or is there a small amount left over to cast Cyclone? You'll need at least a few mana to do that.
I'm not running any of the auras atm. Even without the CWC support on i cant cast cyclone in general
Последняя редакция: Kontronix#4130. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 14:18:29
Can you unhide your character so we can see all the details. It will help to diagnose your problem.

How is your Dexterity? Have you increased the level of your Cyclone gem above the amount of Dex you have?
I have 130 dex and a lvl 20 Cyclone requires 98. Should be unhidden now. I dont currently have CWC active i have it in a random slot to level it since it wasnt working.
Последняя редакция: Kontronix#4130. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 14:47:12
You're using a wand
Selling this entire build in league 3.9 just pm me or if I'm offline add me.
Will it work with a staff? Trying to farm up currency to buy a good 6L staff.
Cyclone works with any melee weapon, including staves.

You should pick up the recommended levelling staff while building currency. It shouldn't be expensive and will massively improve your gameplay.
You can also run with a Queen's Escape, which are relatively cheap for a 6L - depending on how much currency you have. It's especially nice if you want to run Skeletons, too, until you can afford the more expensive stuff.
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 15:13:48
Mubbsy написал:
Bit the bullet and decided to pray that intimidate from awakened melee phys works with zombies, and drop my old watchers eye for a ES from clarity one. Holy hell I'm beefy now.

Needed to get a new ring with a slot for clarity, paid 22ex for this ring and slammed the lottery 25% minion damage into it after failing on like 10+ 1-2ex rings.

Only thing I really want now is a better hubris if possible but that hard, and a corrupted fortify weapon. Saw a dope 125% minion dmg one for 1.5 mirrors on trade for all of 6 hours... right after I had spent a bunch of money. Can almost afford it again. But alas it is gone.

how exactly does that work to get the ring like that?
IGN: xthbx

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