3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

estereotipo12 написал:

Hi, how are you?

I have a problem, it could be that an aura, that is, Hastee or Hatredd cannot be activated due to mana? since I have to leave one of the 2 auras inactive.

I await an answer
Thank you!


Your account is private so we can't see your gear to help you.

Are you running enlighten for reduced mana reserved?
How about reduced mana reserved nodes on the tree like Sovereignty?

"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Mubbsy написал:
Linus1985 написал:

With fossils you are much higher chance to hit it.

But then you don't get the incursion mod for % ES

although you can get 35% minion dmg from fossils so its not a bad trade off
Still, I'd rather have the resist, and minion dmg as a prefix, as there are only 2 good prefix types anyways, and this fills a hollow spot on the ring.

...wait, just double checking.

Fossil Minion dmg is a suffix, Redeemer Minion dmg is a prefix. Is it possible to double dip similar to how ppl were making helms with the incursion mod w/ phys dmg taken as an element and slamming in more with conq ex's?

For a ring with up to 60% minion dmg?? Prob not, but figured it was worth dreaming about.

Also just wondering, is it bound fossils for minion dmg. Doesnt show up on poedb as an option for fossils, or is it a drop only delve thing? Probably just not up to date??

You can actually get either one you can get teh redeemer version as well. I crafted a awakenered orb ring with that. Redeemer minion damage is a prefix while fossil is a suffix
Последняя редакция: Linus1985#5731. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 20:26:32
Tidied up first post build guide. Most 3.9 videos have been moved to the archive with a few key vids still up top.

Getting pumped for 3.10. Looking forward to the announcement tomoz :)
Which gems should I focus on adding quality to first?
Fizzx_Gaming написал:
Which gems should I focus on adding quality to first?

Every support gem in your weapon and chest, I recommend to put off hand zombie, specter and Ag gems quality give life to zombies and for all minions gives movement speed making clearing maps feeling better, you also need to hit 21 in zombies and spectres and you will need many tries. Don't put a lvl 1 gem raise spectre, zombie or AG you will lose almost all your dmg and make them have little health and will die constanly.
estereotipo12 написал:

Hi, how are you?

I have a problem, it could be that an aura, that is, Hastee or Hatredd cannot be activated due to mana? since I have to leave one of the 2 auras inactive.

I await an answer
Thank you!


Haste is vaal haste to activate only during boss figths vs.
emdoudar написал:
I just got a good corrupt!! yahoooo :D

can someone pls check all my gems and links if there is anything i can improve and wont cost me 60ex

can someone help me with this pls
iamDoudar написал:
emdoudar написал:
I just got a good corrupt!! yahoooo :D

can someone pls check all my gems and links if there is anything i can improve and wont cost me 60ex

can someone help me with this pls

You're pretty much near BiS so any small optimizations will be very costly. You could switch your weapon to one with +Str instead of Avian, I guess you're not using it anyways as you're running geofri's? That's about 15 Ex but your Weapon is also worth a lot so probably more in the 5 ex total cost departement.

You could switch to CI for fun (I like it a lot) but that will cost a bit.
Последняя редакция: n4zroth#0122. Время: 25 февр. 2020 г., 7:24:14
n4zroth написал:
iamDoudar написал:
emdoudar написал:
I just got a good corrupt!! yahoooo :D

can someone pls check all my gems and links if there is anything i can improve and wont cost me 60ex

can someone help me with this pls

You're pretty much near BiS so any small optimizations will be very costly. You could switch your weapon to one with +Str instead of Avian, I guess you're not using it anyways as you're running geofri's? That's about 15 Ex but your Weapon is also worth a lot so probably more in the 5 ex total cost departement.

You could switch to CI for fun (I like it a lot) but that will cost a bit.

what do i need to switch to CI?

thanks for help!
Последняя редакция: iamDoudar#2467. Время: 25 февр. 2020 г., 7:49:04
Fizzx_Gaming написал:
Which gems should I focus on adding quality to first?

Do all gems that are not Raise Zombie, Raise Spectre, and Animate Guardian at once. You'll need to drop your map tier for a bit until they all level up to a respectable level again, but it's much smoother.

If you're not SSF, buy a level 21 Raise Zombie, Raise Spectre, and eventually Animate Guardian.
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 25 февр. 2020 г., 8:49:48

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