3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
I was preparing my self to total annihilation of the build as I mentioned earlier but people needs to stay put until actual patch notes are out.
I have three phones, Blizzard. Three f***ing phones.
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I dont know if I personally will continue to play, not necessarily b/c of the nerfs, I knew they were coming to a degree and some were deserved.
For me the issue is the game is just entirely too hard. Im old, I get online to relax and have fun and escape the drama/demands of being a father, working, talking to my wife etc. When I have to take night courses on sextant blocking elder rings, gg crafting etc its just too much, thats what drove me away from the game the last time. Now though its just too hard (for me), I dont want to be instantly 1 hit from a screen away 3 to 4 times a day and lose my entire day of progress exp wise. I easily achieved my 36 challenges this league using this amazing build and used the last 5 weeks to try other builds. I spectacularly failed on all of them, including some main stream ones like mana guardian's herald of agony, and several facebreaker herald of purity builds. I can easily run through t16 maps on just about any build with impale, fortify, and cyclone, I dont consider that playing though, I need a build that can actually do all the guardians, conquerors, shaper, elder etc. My reflexs and reaction times are poor, I grew up on turn by turn based rpgs and side scrollers, I went on to play with a controller for 13 years on FFXI, I cant handle today's games designed for 14 year old asian kids, I get that. Idk, I dont need a 50kajillion shaper dps build, I dont mind taking 30 seconds to kill a guardian if I can do it drama free, im just tired of leveling all these build and grinding over priced gear for the same results is all. These nerfs were entirely over the top though.....sigh. |
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Honestly I play to have fun and if these nerfs are true and the game is still so terrible with most builds, that feel like dealing no damage, I ll simply go spend my money elsewhere.
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" Haha yeah... I think that definitely supported the idea of meeting Shaper and Elder influenced items and a direct need to zombies. But I think this time will be more strength stacking and mistress of sacrifice related. I'd rather wait for GGG to release patch notes rather ten go by a Chinese leak, but if they are the real nerfs it's pretty much as I would expect and nothing there surprises me or breaks our build. |
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I do not mind them nerfing this awesome build to the ground, so long they can actually make up for it with new exciting builds that are just as strong.
I am, nevertheless, glad I did not buy the orion supporter pack this round. Ah look! they are having so much fun with summoners! lets power up some gems and flasks and ensure that a new more enjoyable build emerges, the intern said. Nonsense! shouted the senior developer! we will nerf it and then we MIGHT make other builds stronger!. I have three phones, Blizzard. Three f***ing phones. Последняя редакция: MaxEXA#3557. Время: 10 марта 2020 г., 16:16:01
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(I have no faith in this leak, actual nerfs could be worse or better and we will find out soon enough)
I do not mind nerfs as long as they are proportionate, which those don’t appear to be. I know that at its highest end this build is over powered and that end of the curve should be tailored in. What bothers me is I have a great amount of this build done, it’s got no timeless jewel and isn’t min maxed, and whilst a lot of the content is easy not all of it is. Higher tier Sirus fights are very touch and go, some conqueror A8 influenced and final fights are tough (others too easy imo, Hunter is tougher than the others). Shaper/Uber Elder and guardians are too easy, as is Aul. And all this with a hell of a lot of time and currency invested into the build, one hell of a lot. Ok, so I play on console which offers its own challenges to the game but... they need to focus on making the game balanced rather than just nuking the shit out of things they think will make the game harder to play. Glad as hell I didn’t part with the wallet full of cash for the Orion supporter pack (I was seconds away from that purchase) because I expect a game to give me a good and fair fighting chance to beat it all with enough effort, and destroying a build just because it could do the game and a lot played it isn’t the right way of doing things. The way to do it is make other options and choices more attractive and to tune the highest end of builds such as this one down so they don’t scale up as quickly or as far. (If those leaked notes are accurate they have nerfed the build from level 1 onwards). (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division) Последняя редакция: Timbo Zero#8289. Время: 10 марта 2020 г., 16:58:12
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i cant imagine the Chinese patch notes being that much different to what we will be getting, i guess we will see though.
was there a geofri's nerf? i didnt see it on those converted notes? (other than it being mentioned on Baeclast) i feel like we could have been ok with these nerfs, but the spirit offering one really hurts. |
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if ggg nerfed the build to 0...
I can simply play other games instead :) Последняя редакция: golden88#5538. Время: 10 марта 2020 г., 17:24:24
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I doubt it will be dead. Life will be less, ES will be less.
We will see when the patchnotes are out. Did someone else noticed that posts with the patchnotes from imgur got deleted? |
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If anyone would be kind enough to sell their OP items specially amulets and Hubris/Jewels at much lower price in standard, I'd appreciate it greatly as I can only afford to play in standard. Thx...
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