3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Well they go ham into the Baron, the item need a LOT more investment to work. At some point you still have the same dmg but not the easy started that punch into late game with few chaos. Feedyng Frenzy looks really bad I wonder if changing to Death Mark is better, the amount of dmg you are losing only to get aggresive minion is quite high. Also you lose a lot of flat ES from shaper's touch so you will have a harder time hitting the 10k+ eHP.

The Spirit Offering, Bone Barrier and Commander of Darkness changes hurts a lot, no more instant ES recovery and easy cap for Resistances. We will be really weaker compared with before. The changes to number of zombies hurt early but won't change when you start to invest on it.

In terms of dmg you can compensate a lot from new jewels (that are frankly pretty broken) and open more options to the build. But in terms of defenses we are losing a lot, specially for the cheap and easy option for leveling, capping resistances will be a lot harder and expensive, will need to open options on rares. In shor this is no longer the cheapest build used to be to do all content.

Edit: Also this will be another Minion Meta, AW are crazy, the nerf to Spectres can be overcome with the new spectres added, the nerf to Feedyng Frenzy isn't that big of a deal and you can use Death Mark if you want more damage, you still have plenty of damage, Skelletons still over the top with 600k-700k dmg even with nerfs to the base damage.
Последняя редакция: Osgili4th#7665. Время: 10 марта 2020 г., 21:06:29
Build should still be a very OP league starter, shaper's touch and baron got hit reasonably hard, but considering how strong this build is, I think it will remain quite strong. Would love to hear your guys thoughts.(They said they were going to nerf Geofri's but I don't see anything.)
IceColdPorkSoda написал:
crazypearce написал:
I'm at work so haven't really seen the nerfs... But as a CI user the spirit offering change has literally no effect. I didn't run with the ascendency and as a result I used flesh offering anyway, so that is good news for me.

A nerf with geofris and shapers touch shouldn't really effect much as we should be able to get way more flat strength that previous leagues because of a well placed split personality.

So if the only other thing is a zombie dps nerf then that's fine too. 1 second conqueror kills are pretty easy to manage with good gear, so 2 second kills are fine too.

Think people are worrying too much here. The build was STUPID OP. I've played since beta and it's one of the most broken things of all time, more stupid that pre nerf coc discharge with instant vaal pact. So powerful that even with these 'nerfs' it will still be powerful as fuck

I’ll be following your lead on the summoner CI build! The thing that really hurts is losing 3-4 from total zombies because of baron and gem nerfs, but our other friend has shown us the way with his incredible +2 gem level wands.

Could you point me into the direction of these wands good sir
Zerss434 написал:
IceColdPorkSoda написал:
crazypearce написал:
I'm at work so haven't really seen the nerfs... But as a CI user the spirit offering change has literally no effect. I didn't run with the ascendency and as a result I used flesh offering anyway, so that is good news for me.

A nerf with geofris and shapers touch shouldn't really effect much as we should be able to get way more flat strength that previous leagues because of a well placed split personality.

So if the only other thing is a zombie dps nerf then that's fine too. 1 second conqueror kills are pretty easy to manage with good gear, so 2 second kills are fine too.

Think people are worrying too much here. The build was STUPID OP. I've played since beta and it's one of the most broken things of all time, more stupid that pre nerf coc discharge with instant vaal pact. So powerful that even with these 'nerfs' it will still be powerful as fuck

I’ll be following your lead on the summoner CI build! The thing that really hurts is losing 3-4 from total zombies because of baron and gem nerfs, but our other friend has shown us the way with his incredible +2 gem level wands.

Could you point me into the direction of these wands good sir
i think it was one 156 or 157 of this thread, but it’s pinned to the front page under the different builds for fun part. The wands in that guys build would cost a mirror each or more, but I’m sure something great could be had for far less, especially if you can craft it yourself.
Any ideas when POB will be updated?
Didnt see a Geoffri's nerf but I did notice they nerfed the carrion golem aswell.

Idk, pretty much did everything on this build in metamorph and spent half the remaining time helping others in pms in and out of game with the splash I ran.

Im sure it will still be playable/strong I just dont like this approach in any game, its what The Elder Scrolls Online does in every content update. Instead of buffing other classes they just nerf whatever people are using atm until it sucks as much as everything else.
I know im new at this but would trading skeles and removing cyclone and replacing it with bladefall, animate wep be a suitable change
the last build I didn't even use skeletons, I just used zombies and spectres and it was still incredibly powerful!!!

Since I didn't even use Baron, one less zombie isn't going to hurt me.........Necro's will still be dominating!!!!

And regarding the Carion Golem, there are ALWAYS substitutions, and Brunowa will find them! He always does!
Последняя редакция: Mentoya#7912. Время: 10 марта 2020 г., 21:30:28
IceColdPorkSoda написал:
Any ideas when POB will be updated?

few days, maybe a patch with the changes by friday but for the new Jewels will take a lot of time, putting that much information is insane.
updates pls :3

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