3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
" I didn't know it's hidden. Now it's ok. |
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Even more fun.
No Brutality but...and for bossing Ruthless or Impale. Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 12:28:34
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Ok.further testing. Swapping Brutality from the 6L.
Spectres adding 3 frenzies all the time, each zombie attacks more than 3 times/sec. 45 attacks per second on a boss with a Bleed chance of 33%. If we could add more frenzies that would be crazy. Any ideas on how to get four frenzies for them? But check Ruthless Blows: That's 132% MORE melee damage per zombie/sec + MORE damage per bleeding. That´s insane. I would you guys to tell me your thoughts on this. I am not an POE engineer. But in the last 6 maps the damage has been ridiculous. Disregard. Did some quick maths with PoB. Brutality wins. Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 13:34:38
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Too much variations/combinations,heh..
I hope that "Wizzard" of this build will update PoB or add variations (spectres/zombies or other combination..) and kinda..sort all information for easier get-by :) |
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Switched to spectre version using frost sentinels. Fun would be an understatement. I had to swap equips around to minmax, what do you guys think?
13 zombies, 6 spectre (currently using 2 carnage chieftains + 4 frost sentinels but since the chieftains are not linked to blood magic they dont seem to cast the frenzy often), vaal skele and AG. Immune to freeze and ignite due to cyclopean coil Ill be cursing with temp chains + enfeeble for more defense |
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" Nice, Changed my belt/amulet/boots to match your strategy. Got the freeze immune +over7.5k life in the process Already had fun with skellie mages and don't wont to worry about both phys and elem reflects so I sticking with good'ol skellies. It's hard enough to see what's going on the screen w so many minions w/o those projectiles too Also linked phase run w increased duration and can now have up constantly |
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OK,new experiment as suggested by a very wise guy.
So as you can see, no Multistrike but the very powerful Impale. I get 100% chance of impaling with :Impale Support gem 40% + Dread Banner 20%+ 25% from Watchers+ 15% from annointed Forceful Skewering (which also grants strength). Total 100%. Now we have Brutality+100%Impale+Frenzies from spectres. So now, we are Cyclone Champion Summoners. Go try it against bosses guys. Also using Pride+Enfeeble with Enlighten and using Vaal Haste when gaining Souls, which is quite often. Pride is way more powerful than Vulnerability. Check my profile if curious, is public. Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 16:29:38
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" I would personally do death attunement as it opens up more options for playing with your tree. I'd say death attunement is mandatory whereas ravenous horde is not. |
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" That build looks like it's very dedicated to spectres and more specifically slave drivers. It also looks like it involves some crafting. I would think this build is simpler to throw together because it uses many standard uniques accessible to everyone and the versatility is high so you can play with many different setups. Just go with what you think is easiest to understand.. that's probably the best as a first character. |
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" Definitely! The only major change is not speccing into Indominable Army and instead completing the life wheel. |
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