3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Selling a 20% STR, 20 Flat STR Lethal Pride for ~3 exalts.
It's essentially 10% str with easy nodes but 20% if you path a bit up.
Check my character and msg me ingame if interested. If no takers I will just reroll it with divines.

Edit: Sold.
Can afford an lvl 4 empower now :D
Последняя редакция: DeusVultz#1605. Время: 14 февр. 2020 г., 15:58:42

Would an Awakened Brutality Support fit in here well anywhere? I'm thinking swapping it with Melee Physical but POB shows I lose DPS...
Последняя редакция: Swysh#4557. Время: 14 февр. 2020 г., 14:49:24
Swysh написал:

Would an Awakened Brutality Support fit in here well anywhere? I'm thinking swapping it with Melee Physical but POB shows I lose DPS...

Spirit offering adds 30% of physical damage as extra chaos, so losing that for brutalitys bonus is not worth it
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Just wanted to make a quick post to say thanks for the build, I just hit 40/40 on my very first league :)

I got quite frustrated when my league starter hit a wall on yellow maps, tried this build and found a very smooth progression. Good luck to anyone going for 40/40.
Mubbsy написал:
Swysh написал:

Would an Awakened Brutality Support fit in here well anywhere? I'm thinking swapping it with Melee Physical but POB shows I lose DPS...

Spirit offering adds 30% of physical damage as extra chaos, so losing that for brutalitys bonus is not worth it

Hatred is also in the guide, so if anyone is using those POBs Brutality will also eliminate that.
I didnt end up caring for the other builds I tried this week but was about out of currency from gearing them up and didnt want to wait around for my high end stuff to sell.

So basically I took the advice I always gave others and just grabbed the cheapest weapon with the +fortify and +to gems and added the other mods myself, and made 1 big purchase of the 23/21 zombie gem.

Outside of that I grabbed all cheap/bricked 20/20 gems and set my old necro back up, my strength is crappy, 1,421, wearing 30-50 chaos rings, an astramentis amulet etc.

And you know what, nothings different, dont even have vulnerability on hit gloves, and still steamrolling everything while taking no damage in my usual full tank / holy relic turbo charged variant.

Ill just keep it as is since the leagues almost over, no sense in re-farming all the fancy stuff again and its all just extra. Hell, I dont even have an AG setup atm or a lethal pride jewel on and its still easymode.
Последняя редакция: JCOH35#4078. Время: 14 февр. 2020 г., 18:09:22
Welp, I've finished the majority of my goals for the league. Here's where I ended up along the way:

Bragging, sorry.



Since I have a feeling someone might wonder what's going on with my gloves and why Vulnerability isn't in a link, I'm using a Merveil's Chosen spectre which throws a super strong Vulnerability on bosses, which is really the only time I ever need it.


Other Stuff

Lethal Pride is 10% strength on Righteous Army and Faith and Steel; extra 5% on Light of Divinity to hit 1800.

All weapons, amulet, and belt were hand crafted from scratch.
I'm still going and if I can, I'm going to finish metacrafting that amulet. It's in a really easy spot to do it, I'm just poor now.

Thanks, Brunowa. Awesome build and the most I've enjoyed a league. :)
Congrats guys and welcome back JCOH :)

It's always hard playing other builds after this as so far I haven't seen anything comparable.

If you're looking for something different try out the various versions of the build.
brunowa написал:
Congrats guys and welcome back JCOH :)

It's always hard playing other builds after this as so far I haven't seen anything comparable.

If you're looking for something different try out the various versions of the build.

Its just frustrating b/c so many authors just casually title all their builds "87 kajillion shaper dps / tanky / all content" and then you get to like lv90 and rip on trash mobs or the 1st boss you come across.

Loving the build just finalizing bits before league ends.

I just need some input. I used war banner and awakened minion damage support prior and just switched to impale and dread. It felt damage was lower when I was expecting it to rise. Is it because hatred and skitter don't scale with impale? Maybe better to go back? Thnx.

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