3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Mubbsy написал:
Swysh написал:

Would an Awakened Brutality Support fit in here well anywhere? I'm thinking swapping it with Melee Physical but POB shows I lose DPS...

Spirit offering adds 30% of physical damage as extra chaos, so losing that for brutalitys bonus is not worth it

Brutality is only good as a gem swap for feeding frenzy on a CI build. You don't use spirit offering so you don't take a loss from using brutality.
Aldora_the_Summoner написал:
TheChosenOne_ написал:
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my defensive summoner? I seem to die more than I should. Account name is TheChosenOne_ and character is my lvl 89 summoner. If I can't use all 4 auras which aura should I leave out? I can't use pride aura yet if that matters but I can use the other 3. Also not using animate guardian yet

Only a couple of things that I can see:

1. Your chaos resist is really low, negative without flask and just in positive with flask. See if you can get some extra resist on your belt and rings, or even Jewels.

2. Your aura gems are still not high level so Discipline is not giving you as much ES as you would really want.

For auras, I would run Pride, Discipline and Flesh and Stone. Take out Blasphemy and manually cast Vulnerability when you need it.

Why aren't you using your Alt gear slots to level extra gems? You should be running at least some extra Zombie gems to quality then corrupt.

Thank you for the feedback. I was too lazy to get the extra zombie gems on the alternate weapons but I will do that. Once I get lvl 4 enlighten (currently lvl 3), I should be able to run all of the 4 auras the guide recommends? How much chaos resist before flask should I aim for?
I've done 33 challenges so far and tried to do Baran conditionally with just 3 zombies up (since we can't port out) and the other minions don't really do much damage and they f***ing killed him before i could do it lol. That's just how powerfull this build is. Guess i'm just gonna have to wait for the next cycle
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).
RinnzlerFRL написал:
I've done 33 challenges so far and tried to do Baran conditionally with just 3 zombies up (since we can't port out) and the other minions don't really do much damage and they f***ing killed him before i could do it lol. That's just how powerfull this build is. Guess i'm just gonna have to wait for the next cycle

Same, its the 1 condition I couldnt get either and I tried it the exact same way. Im a casual though, 36 is more then enough for me, very happy with this league.

I just hope they buff other classes rather then nerf summoner and miners into the ground but in my 20+ years of experience in online games thats never the case sadly, the approach is always to make everything suck equally, well see.
Hi guys,

Just a short question - is it worth using Aspect of avian from weapon, when i use Geofri chest? (is the aspect even working for minions without saqwal chest?).

Here is what i was able to craft and link yesterday finnaly:
Hello guys,

I am struggling with this build. I am new player, so excuse my small game knowledge :)

Budget version.
But I reach tier 12 maps and I am dying a lot. Like 3-4x in first half of the map. My zombies are dying quickly and they dont do enough damage i think. And i am even not able do complete tier 6 Blight maps.
Offcourse I tried to look up fo some informations on forums etc. But there is just a lot variations and i dont have too much currency.

How can i improve or "repair" build? I have now about 200c
Thank you :)

Последняя редакция: Stellar9#0788. Время: 15 февр. 2020 г., 4:12:13
Where is the skill tree at? I cannot see it..

If anyone has won the lottery, i'm selling an amazing Lethal Pride ...

Redemption: 5% increased strength
Faith and Steel: 5% increased strength
Devotion: 5% increased strength
Singular focus: 5% increased strength
Santuary: 5% increased strength

Sanctum of Thought: +20 strength
Holy dominion: +20 strength

Arcane capacitor 10% incfortify
Overcharge 4% maxlife
Righteous decree 10% reduced dmg from crit
Righteaous Army: +30% increased melee crit stike chance


And also selling the one i'm currently using ...

Redemption: 5% incstr
Devotion: 5% incstr
Singular focus: 5% incstr

Righteaous Army: +20 str
Faith and Steel: +20 str

Arcane capacitor 10% incfortify
Overcharge 4% maxlife
Righteous decree 10% reduced dmg from crit


Contact me ingame or leave a pm if interessted and gl to everyone.
45 ex seems a bit insane when singular focus and sanctuary are in horrible positions and need between 9-12 points to take them depending on pathing.

you'd be much better off just taking two jewel sockets for 6 points and use two brawns. or taking more flat strength around marauder start.

but hey, each to their own. if someone is silly enough pay it, why not take their currency
This build, this league is amazing. Thank you for that build i enjoyed it incredibly.

Aul's with pride is overprice. Pass that and bought with hatred. My strength is 1110. Yeah it's low but having 14 zombies rn. I haven't timeless jewel bcs idk how to use it, it's complicated.

edit: also i chose resolute technique from passive tree. It makes a lot of difference.
Последняя редакция: StraightXEdgeX#0126. Время: 15 февр. 2020 г., 6:08:06

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