[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Some things I've noticed when I was checking alt quality versions of Gems...

1.Wrath 2%red mana reserve
Or. 5%inc aura effect
2.Zealotry +5% crit multi
Or. 0.4% life reg per sec
3.Clarity 10% Inc mana reg from flasks
Or. 20% Inc damage while on Full mana
4.Precision 10% reduced Mana reserved
Or. 10% Inc Damage - 10 Less Area of Effect
5.Vitality 20% Inc Damage while Full Life
Or. 0.4%leech phys dmg as life
And the one that made me thinking

6.Blood Magic 60% inc dmg while on
or 1%red mana reserved.

So the idea here is LL mines with Watchers non-channeling - 10mana while on Clarity casting Ball lightning (?) on Blood Magic .
No usage of mana besides reserving for auras + heralds/skitters.. Will check on pob but I am quite sure that with - 10 life per BL cast, a pool of 100 life will be quite enough for 19 stacks of mines..So that's a 60% inc damage for 1 gem slot. Is it worth it though?

The number is doable if we gain 10% mana reserved less on Precision n the 2% on Wrath (Although can't tell if the 5%inc effect is a better option)

Highlighted Vitality cause with less % mana Wrath Reserved on Amulet (Crusader) we can opt a 4th aura as CI dunno if it's a good option but kinda liked that 20%..just a thought
Последняя редакция: StazwXp#0432. Время: 18 сент. 2020 г., 6:38:15
Hoegli написал:
BeerLeague написал:
m0ffd0g написал:
Hey Beer,

Thank you for your constant work on this guide.
I am going to use it for my SSF HC adventure.
Have the pastebins been update yet btw?


Moffdog ( =

Not yet, today I’m getting to it.

Do you already have the SSF HC tree ready? I also would take a glance at it.

Nice work dood!

I’ll try to get around to it this morning, the HC tree would look a lot different though. Starting CI generally isn’t a good idea in HC unless you have the gear ready to go.
Presencio написал:
Hello, nice guide dude.
I have one question.

Why do you link physical to lightning in GC setup, wouldn't be better awakened cold penetration for example?

Normally I’m a huge fan of pen, but for GC the scaling is much better with phys to lightning.
HarryHaller написал:
Presencio написал:
Hello, nice guide dude.
I have one question.

Why do you link physical to lightning in GC setup, wouldn't be better awakened cold penetration for example?

Thats my point too. Either i dont understand, why we scale lightning damage aswell, when GC will convert 100% physical damage into cold damage by default.

Check out poe double dipping. We aren’t scaling cold, we are scaling ele and mine damage.
BeerLeague написал:
HarryHaller написал:
Presencio написал:
Hello, nice guide dude.
I have one question.

Why do you link physical to lightning in GC setup, wouldn't be better awakened cold penetration for example?

Thats my point too. Either i dont understand, why we scale lightning damage aswell, when GC will convert 100% physical damage into cold damage by default.

Check out poe double dipping. We aren’t scaling cold, we are scaling ele and mine damage.

Don't you also enable the Explosives Experts' crit chance on shocked enemies?
Последняя редакция: Hoegli#4225. Время: 18 сент. 2020 г., 6:43:39
O_Aga8opswlhs написал:
Some things I've noticed when I was checking alt quality versions of Gems...

1.Wrath 2%red mana reserve
Or. 5%inc aura effect
2.Zealotry +5% crit multi
Or. 0.4% life reg per sec
3.Clarity 10% Inc mana reg from flasks
Or. 20% Inc damage while on Full mana
4.Precision 10% reduced Mana reserved
Or. 10% Inc Damage - 10 Less Area of Effect
5.Vitality 20% Inc Damage while Full Life
Or. 0.4%leech phys dmg as life
And the one that made me thinking

6.Blood Magic 60% inc dmg while on
or 1%red mana reserved.

So the idea here is LL mines with Watchers non-channeling - 10mana while on Clarity casting Ball lightning (?) on Blood Magic .
No usage of mana besides reserving for auras + heralds/skitters.. Will check on pob but I am quite sure that with - 10 life per BL cast, a pool of 100 life will be quite enough for 19 stacks of mines..So that's a 60% inc damage for 1 gem slot. Is it worth it though?

The number is doable if we gain 10% mana reserved less on Precision n the 2% on Wrath (Although can't tell if the 5%inc effect is a better option)

Highlighted Vitality cause with less % mana Wrath Reserved on Amulet (Crusader) we can opt a 4th aura as CI dunno if it's a good option but kinda liked that 20%..just a thought

Interesting idea. It works on a life build, it won’t work on an ES build though.
BeerLeague написал:
O_Aga8opswlhs написал:
Some things I've noticed when I was checking alt quality versions of Gems...

1.Wrath 2%red mana reserve
Or. 5%inc aura effect
2.Zealotry +5% crit multi
Or. 0.4% life reg per sec
3.Clarity 10% Inc mana reg from flasks
Or. 20% Inc damage while on Full mana
4.Precision 10% reduced Mana reserved
Or. 10% Inc Damage - 10 Less Area of Effect
5.Vitality 20% Inc Damage while Full Life
Or. 0.4%leech phys dmg as life
And the one that made me thinking

6.Blood Magic 60% inc dmg while on
or 1%red mana reserved.

So the idea here is LL mines with Watchers non-channeling - 10mana while on Clarity casting Ball lightning (?) on Blood Magic .
No usage of mana besides reserving for auras + heralds/skitters.. Will check on pob but I am quite sure that with - 10 life per BL cast, a pool of 100 life will be quite enough for 19 stacks of mines..So that's a 60% inc damage for 1 gem slot. Is it worth it though?

The number is doable if we gain 10% mana reserved less on Precision n the 2% on Wrath (Although can't tell if the 5%inc effect is a better option)

Highlighted Vitality cause with less % mana Wrath Reserved on Amulet (Crusader) we can opt a 4th aura as CI dunno if it's a good option but kinda liked that 20%..just a thought

Interesting idea. It works on a life build, it won’t work on an ES build though.

Yeah I was thinking LL Shavs and Blood magic setup. Remove Zealots Oath so I can regen my life from detonating mines and using a head with crusaders inf (1-1.5) % es regen.. (I crafted some in Harvest) Machina mitts for leech and it should be OK... The point is if removing SA or something else for it...

Will try it tomorrow with the changes enabled..

In a CI build ofc Blood magic is unusable.
BeerLeague написал:
HarryHaller написал:
Presencio написал:
Hello, nice guide dude.
I have one question.

Why do you link physical to lightning in GC setup, wouldn't be better awakened cold penetration for example?

Thats my point too. Either i dont understand, why we scale lightning damage aswell, when GC will convert 100% physical damage into cold damage by default.

Check out poe double dipping. We aren’t scaling cold, we are scaling ele and mine damage.

But the new GC converts 100% to phys to cold already. For Double dipping ele DMG you need cold to lightning or fire conversion? Phys to lightning support will only shift the % of cold/lightning DMG you deal or am I mistaken? So there is no double dipping ele dmg scaling here.

The phys as extra lightning is very nice though.
Is there any reason for phys to lightning now? Since they increased phys to cold on gem from 60% to 100%
You cannot exceed 100% conversion, therefore no.

EDIT: To make it more clear, conversion from gem is always applied first, at full value. You could only potentially do Cold to Fire in this situation.

(1) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Damage_conversion
(2) Mark_GGG, https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/173465
Последняя редакция: onikava#0869. Время: 18 сент. 2020 г., 10:22:19

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