ivaskakosoy написал:
Quote from the guide: "At the time you get to maps, or early on in white maps you should look to transition into a CI build. For that you will need better ES rares and to ditch the life rolls on your gear. The gearing itself is straightforward however as you just want high ES scores and res. Having around 3k ES should suffice at the start of the transaction and last you until you finish white maps.
One thing to keep in mind here though is that your goal is to switch over to LL as quickly as possible, we wont stay in this stage for long, so try not to waste a ton of currency here micromanaging your upgrades."
The problem is that when you follow this advice, the build becomes unplayable.
Second quote: "Having around 3k ES should suffice at the start of the transaction and last you until you finish white maps."
According to the author, 3k es should be enough until the end of the white maps, which is especially funny that in this setup, white mobs on a t1 card will one-shot you.
We add here systematic errors in the names of skills throughout the guide and conclude that the author is not entirely competent in matters related to this build and poe in general. It's a shame that I wasted time on this build.
its just a game man! Chill...
doing errors in name of skills happens. Writing a build is not easy and you should not blame those who take the time to do so.
A lot of players had successfully managed to play this build and said its very stong. Maybe the problem is that you lack of information to get/craft the proper gears. Maybe try to be constructive by sharing your POB?
Последняя редакция: pickila#7108. Время: 19 янв. 2021 г., 17:28:50
Сообщениеpickila#710819 янв. 2021 г., 17:28:25
pickila написал:
KronosIT написал:
Since I've played this build before (and I've had a blast since I've understood how to play it), here's my suggestions to anyone trying to play it:
1) Play life based until you can afford at least Shavs, Presence of Chayula and Prism Guardian (it's very cheap actually), and if possible a small cluster jewel with energy from naught (100 flat es). In order to stay life based, place some nodes on life % and prioritize flat life on gear.
2) Keep moving, don't stand still, before your build will be completed with leech (from gloves only), all auras and a decent pool of es (let's say 6/7k) you'll be really squishy. You need to aim on a playstyle like this: move > flasks > pop some mines (4-5) and detonate them > repeat
3) During bosses preload all the mines and denotate them in time, 90% you won't even need to load more but keep throw and denotate them anyway, just in case.
4) Don't prioritize damage over defense, you'll melt everything in the game, so if you have to choose between some flat es over some damage, go for the es.
I'm currently close to yellow maps with 2.8k life and 1.4k es, and apart from the massive amount of mobs in rituals, I don't have any problem.
If you want to check how a character will look with this build in the endgame, check my character "CalebLewin", but remember that it was build during Harvest where I've had almost 12k ES thanks to the insane ability to craft.
It's totally a matter of playstyle, and once you'll get it, you'll have a blast.
Thank you for your feedback !
its exactly what I needed :)
Im currently level 50ish and I will follow you character JonahBart tree (level 84 atm on life version). I was very close from it
Can I share the POB with everyone?
How is it going so far for you?
No problem, feel free to do it, but consider that I'm not paying much attention to the tree for now, a part placing some life node since the Rituals are kinda rippy :)
For now I'm just farming currency and chaos recipe on low tier maps, then I'll buy everything to move to LL, but you're not bound to it at all since the league is really rewarding.
СообщениеKronosIT#380119 янв. 2021 г., 17:50:06
Hey guys!
Enjoying my first time since open beta as a miner. Since this build is quite a bit more skill/flask/movement skill heavy than the melee I am used to, can anyone can share what they use as their key bindings? I am still sing my melee setup with movement skill as spacebar and everything else in the original locate. Doesn't not seem to mesh well with the playstyle as a miner :D.
СообщениеPachiZ#492019 янв. 2021 г., 18:12:30
PachiZ написал:
Hey guys!
Enjoying my first time since open beta as a miner. Since this build is quite a bit more skill/flask/movement skill heavy than the melee I am used to, can anyone can share what they use as their key bindings? I am still sing my melee setup with movement skill as spacebar and everything else in the original locate. Doesn't not seem to mesh well with the playstyle as a miner :D.
mouse left for move only or phase run for those who use it, mouse right to place mines, mb5 to pop mines, 1234 mb4 for flasks, space bar for movement skill, qwer and ctrl+qwer for everything else needed
СообщениеPadreBruxo#263719 янв. 2021 г., 18:33:46
Thanks for the reply!
СообщениеPachiZ#492019 янв. 2021 г., 18:39:05
pickila написал:
ivaskakosoy написал:
Quote from the guide: "At the time you get to maps, or early on in white maps you should look to transition into a CI build. For that you will need better ES rares and to ditch the life rolls on your gear. The gearing itself is straightforward however as you just want high ES scores and res. Having around 3k ES should suffice at the start of the transaction and last you until you finish white maps.
One thing to keep in mind here though is that your goal is to switch over to LL as quickly as possible, we wont stay in this stage for long, so try not to waste a ton of currency here micromanaging your upgrades."
The problem is that when you follow this advice, the build becomes unplayable.
Second quote: "Having around 3k ES should suffice at the start of the transaction and last you until you finish white maps."
According to the author, 3k es should be enough until the end of the white maps, which is especially funny that in this setup, white mobs on a t1 card will one-shot you.
We add here systematic errors in the names of skills throughout the guide and conclude that the author is not entirely competent in matters related to this build and poe in general. It's a shame that I wasted time on this build.
its just a game man! Chill...
doing errors in name of skills happens. Writing a build is not easy and you should not blame those who take the time to do so.
A lot of players had successfully managed to play this build and said its very stong. Maybe the problem is that you lack of information to get/craft the proper gears. Maybe try to be constructive by sharing your POB?
No probleb. https://pastebin.com/Fv1GfyRH
Сообщениеivaskakosoy#197619 янв. 2021 г., 18:54:08
So how does this build generate power charges? I noticed them in the POB for Ball Lightning but Im either blind or can't see what it uses to actually generate them...
СообщениеChen93#043819 янв. 2021 г., 19:11:24
PachiZ написал:
Hey guys!
Enjoying my first time since open beta as a miner. Since this build is quite a bit more skill/flask/movement skill heavy than the melee I am used to, can anyone can share what they use as their key bindings? I am still sing my melee setup with movement skill as spacebar and everything else in the original locate. Doesn't not seem to mesh well with the playstyle as a miner :D.
It’s a pretty active build, which is why a lot of folks don’t enjoy line setups. It’s best to check the vods as you can see the setup directly.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 янв. 2021 г., 22:27:24
Chen93 написал:
So how does this build generate power charges? I noticed them in the POB for Ball Lightning but Im either blind or can't see what it uses to actually generate them...
Right side of the tree, power charges are auto generated by mines.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 янв. 2021 г., 22:28:03
Do you have a full POB for a purifying flame miner loadout?
СообщениеPugloaf#328119 янв. 2021 г., 22:29:16