[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Drvi34 написал:
If i lose my frenzy charges i cant generate enough to delete bosses or metamorphes in seconds so in the end i cant dodge or evade an attack and i die. This is happening every metamorps creating phase and bosses if they have an animation before i can attack like crusader etc. Becuz of this problem i went for frenzy generation craft before additional arrow on quiver but i still cant generate charges fast enough.

My idea for next upgrade was mark of the elder and stygian vise. But im gonna have res and str problem if i change these items. Do you have something in your mind to improve my defense without losing DPS? I have 4.3k hp btw.
Would probably shelf the darkrays for now then and get boots with high life / unconditional movespeed and some resists, so you can lower the threshold of required resists on other slots you wish to upgrade. You'll have 1 less max frenzy charge, but if you say you don't generate them fast enough, it won't matter if you have 1 less.

I have a friend who had similar problem with crusader boss, darkrays ended up slowing him down and killing him.
Последняя редакция: Viktranka#3883. Время: 3 янв. 2020 г., 17:52:09
Mekrat написал:

You should upgrade your rings at first and a better belt shuld be next. A rare helmet with maybe the Nearby Enemies have -9% to cold resis would be nice too. Your quiver is ok but there are some better out there.

I was pretty happy with the belt with the 2 t1 damage mods? I was thinking about hitting it with an annul to try and knock the mana off though. I hit it with fossils. I can see getting defence there instead to enable offence elsewhere.

How much currency do u think i would need to put in this build to be able to do t16 metas with the current prices of items?
chest is around 8ex bow is 4ex, jewel is down to 40c then it's gearing the other slots with life and resists and that's going to range. 15-20ex probably just to get rolling.

this is my current gear, sadly i cant get any currency maybe i am unlucky, i had only 3ex dropped the past 2 weeks. i am disappointed. the whole build seems very good but with this luck i dont know if i can keep it up

anyways any tips for some upgrades?

i am thinking to buy a brigade chest 6l its like 30c now
Kyosin написал:
How much currency do u think i would need to put in this build to be able to do t16 metas with the current prices of items?

Chest 8 ex
bow 4 ex
good quiver 2-10 ex
helmet with barrageenchant 2-4 ex
amu+rings 2-5 ex
boots 1-4ex
belt 0.5-10 ex
watcher's eye 4-xx ex
other jewls 1ex
flasks 1-2 ex
tokajero написал:

this is my current gear, sadly i cant get any currency maybe i am unlucky, i had only 3ex dropped the past 2 weeks. i am disappointed. the whole build seems very good but with this luck i dont know if i can keep it up

anyways any tips for some upgrades?

i am thinking to buy a brigade chest 6l its like 30c now

Barrage 6L takes priority over Ice shot. You can clear T16 quickly with just 5L Ice shot. Swap out Ice Bite for Added Cold. A quiver with frenzy charge generation is mandatory for bosses and costs like 3c for a mediocre-okayish one.

Mekrat написал:
teknik1200 написал:
I think the mark of the elder ring is what I need next but it's going to be hard to get my resists in line to equip it.

Life is almost to 5.4k, still feels really thin. 5k life isn't what it used to be.

You should upgrade your rings at first and a better belt shuld be next. A rare helmet with maybe the Nearby Enemies have -9% to cold resis would be nice too. Your quiver is ok but there are some better out there.

TrafficLi9HT написал:

I really enjoy the playstyle, and I'm obviously nowhere near done with the items, but I would like some help on what to upgrade next. Probably mark of the elder and better assassins mark ring. But even if that gives me lets say 20% more dmg I don't think I would feel comfortable in high tier maps. I dont really deal that much dmg wihtout HH buffs. Can someone help?

To be honest I dont like the gem selection from aqa.. but I think its personal preference. I use for clear Ice Shot->Added Cold->Inspiration->Mirage Arhcer->Chain->Ele dmg with Attacks and for single target Barrage->Added Cold Dmg->Inspiration->Cold Penetration->Hypothermia->Ele Dmg with Attacks...

You have to aim for at least 5k life minimum. With that we are stil really squishy but the dmg is huge and with vaal grace there is enough time to dodge and melt down bosses.

I have done every single end game boss deathless with 4.5k life. I melt t16 metamorphs in 0.5sec.
Just get a voidfletcher, go raider, end of your problems......
Thanks for the guide.

Can you explain how to use the formula?

frenzy + barrage support seems to do more damage to single target (with "9% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge" enchants)

But i can't be sure

I know i miss some levels but my damage is very low can you tell me please what is wrong with my gear?
my defense is good
Последняя редакция: shlazar#1686. Время: 4 янв. 2020 г., 2:55:53

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