I think the mark of the elder ring is what I need next but it's going to be hard to get my resists in line to equip it.
Life is almost to 5.4k, still feels really thin. 5k life isn't what it used to be.
You should upgrade your rings at first and a better belt shuld be next. A rare helmet with maybe the Nearby Enemies have -9% to cold resis would be nice too. Your quiver is ok but there are some better out there.
TrafficLi9HT написал:
I really enjoy the playstyle, and I'm obviously nowhere near done with the items, but I would like some help on what to upgrade next. Probably mark of the elder and better assassins mark ring. But even if that gives me lets say 20% more dmg I don't think I would feel comfortable in high tier maps. I dont really deal that much dmg wihtout HH buffs. Can someone help?
To be honest I dont like the gem selection from aqa.. but I think its personal preference. I use for clear Ice Shot->Added Cold->Inspiration->Mirage Arhcer->Chain->Ele dmg with Attacks and for single target Barrage->Added Cold Dmg->Inspiration->Cold Penetration->Hypothermia->Ele Dmg with Attacks...
You have to aim for at least 5k life minimum. With that we are stil really squishy but the dmg is huge and with vaal grace there is enough time to dodge and melt down bosses.
I have done every single end game boss deathless with 4.5k life. I melt t16 metamorphs in 0.5sec.
Just get a voidfletcher, go raider, end of your problems......
@Aquarism: In your pastebin you have 40 mana left. I have 44 mana left with all auras running and have the feeling that the gameplay is pretty clunky with such little mana.
With Enlighten 4 I could push it to 66, but struggling with missing INT and not sure if this would make a big difference.
Is it just my missing experience with this little mana, or what is your recommendation of having mana?
To be honest spider is not really needed as I can clear all content, but it would be a nice upgrade for min-maxing.
Its really rare. One of your guild mates spend almost 4ex in Blight to get just this craft. I just used some crafter guy from the forum with decent posts in his offer section.
Последняя редакция: Mekrat#5932. Время: 4 янв. 2020 г., 8:01:23
@Aquarism: In your pastebin you have 40 mana left. I have 44 mana left with all auras running and have the feeling that the gameplay is pretty clunky with such little mana.
With Enlighten 4 I could push it to 66, but struggling with missing INT and not sure if this would make a big difference.
Is it just my missing experience with this little mana, or what is your recommendation of having mana?
To be honest spider is not really needed as I can clear all content, but it would be a nice upgrade for min-maxing.
If you have a int problem for the enlighten lvl 4 just try to get rid of the onyx and go to a good lapis.. I think there are some of 43 int to cap...the 16str/dex are not the big deal if you miss it.
Can you give me some pointers on what to upgrade/change? Currently trying to be able to kill Syrus
for sirus swap to stygian, try to get barrage helm. you can multi mod quiver and gloves. if you use yoke, you can try taming.
Prong007 написал:
@Aquarism: In your pastebin you have 40 mana left. I have 44 mana left with all auras running and have the feeling that the gameplay is pretty clunky with such little mana.
With Enlighten 4 I could push it to 66, but struggling with missing INT and not sure if this would make a big difference.
Is it just my missing experience with this little mana, or what is your recommendation of having mana?
To be honest spider is not really needed as I can clear all content, but it would be a nice upgrade for min-maxing.
Aspect is not needed you are correct, to use it you would need to have enlighten lvl 3 with minus mana cost craft on ring, or enlighten lvl 4. 60 something mana should be fine, you need onyx with attribute as an affix, or lapis amulet
HoloSemmy написал:
Thanks for the guide.
Can you explain how to use the formula?
frenzy + barrage support seems to do more damage to single target (with "9% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge" enchants)
But i can't be sure
you keep frenzy as a 5l, then times the total dps byt the formula's multiplier. n is the number of additional arrows not total
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684
Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Its really rare. One of your guild mates spend almost 4ex in Blight to get just this craft. I just used some crafter guy from the forum with decent posts in his offer section.
I really enjoy the playstyle, and I'm obviously nowhere near done with the items, but I would like some help on what to upgrade next. Probably mark of the elder and better assassins mark ring. But even if that gives me lets say 20% more dmg I don't think I would feel comfortable in high tier maps. I dont really deal that much dmg wihtout HH buffs. Can someone help?
use added cold instead for barrage, you don't have 7 frenzies, get barrage helm, otherwise follow what you wrote, luxury upgrades can be watcher's eye
Arganista написал:
Do you think i should sell my HH and just try to max out the build? Would like to be able to do awakener and all end game content with this build since i'm really enjoying it, and if so, what should be my order for upgrades?
HH is BiS, it solves all str requirements, do not sell it.
Mekrat написал:
I am not completly following this guide... but I try to min max an iceshot setup and atm I am struggleing with some problems.
With enlighten lvl 4 I need at least 96 INT to change the quiver from Hyrris to a crafted one gets a littlebit tricky. To get a Redeemer Onxy with good rolls is im possible cause not existent. (the only good roll would be wrath jas 25% reduced mana reservation... calculated with aura calc and would solve the problem with Enlighten Lvl 4 and would set free mana to cast precision on a bit higher lvl as well)
Is there any way to replace the rare gloves for doulbe tombfist without the taming? I have the sickest HH ig with 16% all res and increased STR/DEX so I cannot use a Stygien Vise. Maybe only with res on jewels?
edit: whats about a Faruls Fur instead of a Hyrris Ire? Aspect of the Cats would be nice
farrul might perform better in single target situtation with near permanent power charge up time. last i tested hyrri is still better over all with legacy version.
you lose too much resist and life if you swap for tombfist. I can see using a bismuth flask with charge on crit to sustain against bosses. have you tried making an onyx amulet with 3 gems? then fossil/essence chaos spam. you can also use -mana cost on ring paried with enlighten 3 to solve mana problem.
Arganista написал:
Followed Aqua's Tips and everythign became smother, now my only problem is HP, not sure where to get it from/ what changes to make to the tree to reach the most Jewel Sockets, what do you think is the best option?
Arganista написал:
Followed Aqua's Tips and everythign became smother, now my only problem is HP, not sure where to get it from/ what changes to make to the tree to reach the most Jewel Sockets, what do you think is the best option?
you want to take revenge of the hunted in tree, 16% more life. try to upgrade all your rare gear with t1 life, aim for 5k plus.
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684
Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978