[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

MarlorZ написал:
Worst build I've ever played - 50ex+ 4 of 6 death in simulacrum. 50ex+ budget btw

u cant dodge simply as that i did uber elder guardians rippy as fuck and sim ur bitching about sim? with the dps it has well i can see blame the build before urself dodge whirling bv up into pack go out fucking dies see a delrirum mod fucking posion it whirl away alot of them explode not just red

and unblock ur chars before u wanna claim 50 ex im bad i had it up resfreshed for assurance updated with ur claims and now character tab gone ur not spending 50 ex and this build dosent die if u build right and do right and map right and bos riught ill do 10 sims in a row for u 1 portal i bet ur not even cluster jewel built yet or not doing somethign right with curses

t7 Sirus - piece of cake, t8 u do that but u cant deal with delrium mobs and dont know everyon single ones mechanics are and how sim works
Последняя редакция: zackpathofexile#1657. Время: 2 апр. 2020 г., 7:25:05
My first simac I did 20/20 deathless and I died once on my first a8 sirus

Build is great...
MarlorZ написал:
Worst build I've ever played - 50ex+ budget 4 of 6 death in simulacrum.
Ty for balance btw, GGG. t7 Sirus - piece of cake, t8 - piece of *****, the same for wave 19 and wave 20

Or maybe you're just not cut out for dodging and playing mechanics right. As mentionned many times, if you want a facetank-build where you don't have to play mechanics, this is NOT the build for you. In the past leagues, i played a WOrb-Headhunter-Build, a CoC-Assassin (with and without HH), a Cyclone Slayer (with and without HH) and a HoA Mana Guardian. All of these builds did cost 150-250ex each. Amongst these builds, this poison BV-build probably has the lowest survivability (on par with WOrb imo), but it is INSANELY fun to play and still a decent boss-killer, IF you play the damn mechanics. If you're not able to play the mechanics, then switch to Righteous Fire-Build where it takes you 20 minutes to kill Sirus. But at least you're halfway safe.
Can someone explain Plague bearer, and how to use it? I assume it is only for the boss?
C_Stokes написал:
Can someone explain Plague bearer, and how to use it? I assume it is only for the boss?

What's to explain? Everything's in the tooltip. It stores part of your poison dmg up to a specific limit (depending on the gem level of plague bearer). As soon as it reaches that limit, the icon changes, and you can switch it on to inflict that stored dmg over 8 seconds to all the mobs around you. Once all the stored dmg is done, it starts incubating again. It's a nice addition for clearspeed, and ok for bossing too. Incubation period is one second, two max.
MarlorZ написал:
Worst build I've ever played - 50ex+ budget 4 of 6 death in simulacrum.
Ty for balance btw, GGG. t7 Sirus - piece of cake, t8 - piece of *****, the same for wave 19 and wave 20

well then you are doing something wrong :D I did simulcarum myself yesterday and I only died twice cause of lags, I just zoomed trough the mobs in simulacrum.

Angren1991 написал:
MarlorZ написал:
Worst build I've ever played - 50ex+ budget 4 of 6 death in simulacrum.
Ty for balance btw, GGG. t7 Sirus - piece of cake, t8 - piece of *****, the same for wave 19 and wave 20

well then you are doing something wrong :D I did simulcarum myself yesterday and I only died twice cause of lags, I just zoomed trough the mobs in simulacrum.

Pretty obvious this guy just sucks and chooses to blame this build instead of his gameplay. You spend 50-60ex on any halfway decent build in the game and you should be able to clear all the content pretty easily
what about rare daggers they give me more chaos damage then 2x cold iron point
HornedTerrorist написал:
MarlorZ написал:
Worst build I've ever played - 50ex+ budget 4 of 6 death in simulacrum.
Ty for balance btw, GGG. t7 Sirus - piece of cake, t8 - piece of *****, the same for wave 19 and wave 20

Or maybe you're just not cut out for dodging and playing mechanics right. As mentionned many times, if you want a facetank-build where you don't have to play mechanics, this is NOT the build for you. In the past leagues, i played a WOrb-Headhunter-Build, a CoC-Assassin (with and without HH), a Cyclone Slayer (with and without HH) and a HoA Mana Guardian. All of these builds did cost 150-250ex each. Amongst these builds, this poison BV-build probably has the lowest survivability (on par with WOrb imo), but it is INSANELY fun to play and still a decent boss-killer, IF you play the damn mechanics. If you're not able to play the mechanics, then switch to Righteous Fire-Build where it takes you 20 minutes to kill Sirus. But at least you're halfway safe.

I forget simulacrum's boss name but he wears swords instead of guy with axe. So. U'll never come close to him. This piece of **** spread billions of orb which oneshot u. Same for Sirus, he just teleport every second and u can't stack poison on him
Shaddolf написал:
My first simac I did 20/20 deathless and I died once on my first a8 sirus

Build is great...

Yeah, best in game, especially for 3.10
mochiloc написал:
Angren1991 написал:
MarlorZ написал:
Worst build I've ever played - 50ex+ budget 4 of 6 death in simulacrum.
Ty for balance btw, GGG. t7 Sirus - piece of cake, t8 - piece of *****, the same for wave 19 and wave 20

well then you are doing something wrong :D I did simulcarum myself yesterday and I only died twice cause of lags, I just zoomed trough the mobs in simulacrum.

Pretty obvious this guy just sucks and chooses to blame this build instead of his gameplay. You spend 50-60ex on any halfway decent build in the game and you should be able to clear all the content pretty easily

Yeah, last league I had all the gear for asenath's price and could do all content without problems, this build just sucks

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