[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

MarlorZ написал:
mochiloc написал:

Pretty obvious this guy just sucks and chooses to blame this build instead of his gameplay. You spend 50-60ex on any halfway decent build in the game and you should be able to clear all the content pretty easily

Yeah, last league I had all the gear for asenath's price and could do all content without problems, this build just sucks

There's 150+ pages of people saying the exact opposite of you. Make sure you have Blade Vortex hotkeyed, that could help out with your damage maybe?
mochiloc написал:
MarlorZ написал:
mochiloc написал:

Pretty obvious this guy just sucks and chooses to blame this build instead of his gameplay. You spend 50-60ex on any halfway decent build in the game and you should be able to clear all the content pretty easily

Yeah, last league I had all the gear for asenath's price and could do all content without problems, this build just sucks

There's 150+ pages of people saying the exact opposite of you. Make sure you have Blade Vortex hotkeyed, that could help out with your damage maybe?

I have no problem with damage, except Sirus and simulacrum's guy who always runs away. I have problems with oneshots. Don't get it clearly, what do u mean by hotkeyed?
How to get frenzy charges?
MarlorZ написал:

I forget simulacrum's boss name but he wears swords instead of guy with axe. So. U'll never come close to him. This piece of **** spread billions of orb which oneshot u. Same for Sirus, he just teleport every second and u can't stack poison on him

You mean Kosis? As said so many times before, learn his mechanics. Watch a youtube-video maybe of ppl who kill him. He hasn't that many dangerous attacks.

- Sword-slashes directed right towards you: Just run around him all the time. If you run away, he ports towards you, which makes it a bit harder not to get hit
- A few Sword-slashes stationary in one direction: just stand behind him
- His jump-earthquake-attack: learn to read his signals, you can dash / whirling blade-away from him
- His beam: just stand behind him when he's doing it, until you break his energy shield and he uses his normal attacks again

Phase 1 from 100% to 25% life shouldn't be a problem. Phase 2 is a bit harder, since he ports off-screen. As soon as he ports away, try to dash to the middle of the area, so you can see where he stands. On his Quadruple-personality-split you see for a short time, where he ports so you can stack poisons on him.

Blood Rage. Not really useful on Sirus or Conqueror-fights, since you have no adds to kill. That's why we switch Blood Rage for Desecrate (cast it manually) on those fights, for a little bit more survivability.
Decided to try to the MoM version that a couple of individuals have mentioned and I must say that I like it better. The extra EHP makes it a bit more relaxed and requires you to be less on point with all the death effects that this league has.

My main concern was losing the damage Dendrobate and Blood Rage offered. I was able to mitigate the loss down to 6% less damage in exchange for 1.5k more EHP and +3 maximum resists from Apep's. I did this by using Hornet's tree and utilizing another cluster jewel setup like he did as well as crafting myself a +1 active skill gems chest. I got back my frenzy charges without the hit from Blood Rage by using a level 1 CWDT with Cold Snap. Swapping Void Manipulation with Poison skill gem got me my 100% chance to poison.

Here's my PoB link: https://pastebin.com/pFeyj53a

I have 6.3k EHP

Clearing DPS is around 3.5m without flasks
Weapon Switch Boss DPS is around 10m without flasks but with using totems

Boss DPS with full flask setup and totems is about 18.5m damage
Последняя редакция: kan333#1064. Время: 2 апр. 2020 г., 10:33:49
Lets be honest this build very fragile even one shot very common at the end of content (mostly boss fight).
I dont have a problem with simulacrum's wave even boss but at the sirus fight its really painful if u didnt stack poison on the boss. Single target dps huge but u cant keep alive long if fight goes to long...
3mpyrium написал:
Lets be honest this build very fragile even one shot very common at the end of content (mostly boss fight).
I dont have a problem with simulacrum's wave even boss but at the sirus fight its really painful if u didnt stack poison on the boss. Single target dps huge but u cant keep alive long if fight goes to long...

I wonder if less damage and more HP would be better in your case. Your clearing DPS is nearly double what mine is. I think you went to far to one side and perhaps should be pulling back some of the damage for more defenses.

If the damage we dealt was instant it wouldn't matter but because of the delay it takes for things to ramp up...it feels like there needs to be more of a balance.
Последняя редакция: kan333#1064. Время: 2 апр. 2020 г., 11:04:09
A tip for people having trouble with Sirus.
He always teleports to the direction he is facing. Makes it easier to keep track of him and not get offscreened by his DIE laser.

I just added Flesh and Stone to my Aura set up (HoA, Male, Despair, Skitter and Flesh) - what stance do people generally use? Or do you often switch based on what's needed?

im getting killed (1-hit) at tier 13. not sure what im missing, im whirling like crazy, all flasks are up, res capped.

yeah i have alot to improve in terms of items but its still very frustrating.

can someone advise me what i can do?

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