[3.10] neoCrown's Assassin Bow CoC VD [All content cleared][Deathless Simulacrums/U-Elder/Sirus]

itsbuzz95 написал:
Just thought I'd make a contribution to this thread as I've recently crafted an end-game quiver. This is an insane currency dump but I think it was worth it:

All mods on this quiver are useful for our build and there is a way to target all of these mods reliably:

1. Choose a quiver base that is UNINFLUENCED and make sure it is correct ilvl to get the mods you want. Check it on https://www.craftofexile.com/.


2. Alt+Aug+Regal+Annul spam for TWO suffixes that you want on the quiver. I have decided to target both T1 Attack Speed and T1 Critical Strike Multiplier.

3. Block attack and exalt + suffix cannot be changed + scour spam for T1 or T2 life. Every exalt slam will be a guaranteed life roll.

If you DON'T hit the life roll you want, you need to omit the Cannot roll Attack Modifiers and put back Suffixes Cannot Be Changed, scour, and try again...

This step is the BIGGEST cost of this craft.

4. At this point you should have a quiver with 4 mods:
- +# to maximum life
- targeted suffix 1
- targeted suffix 2
- Cannot roll Attack modifiers

The next step is to use both a Hunter's Exalted Orb and a regular Exalted Orb on the quiver for the last two prefixes. You will be guaranteed to have two of these following mods:
- +# to maximum Chaos resistance
- #% increased movement speeed
- Projectiles pierce an additional target

It turns out ALL of these mods are useful for neoCrown's Volatile Dead build.
The best combination for mapping is probably pierce (saves mod slot on other gear piece) + movement speed.

5. Finally, many exalts later, you should have a quiver with 5 mods (3 prefixes, 2 suffixes) and now you have an open suffix to craft the Frenzy Charge on Crit veiled mod.

I have crafted 4 so far and it's taken me around 40ex per quiver*** because I wanted at least a T2 life roll on my quivers. Unfortunately, none of them slammed with Pierces an Additional Target, but there is a way to get that mod on boots which I have done by using Hunter's Exalted Orb on an uninfluenced boot.

Expected cost for the craft is between 15-80ex, depending on how lucky you are...

Thank you for this, this is gold. I will be maining this build in next league and try to completely min/max it and quiver exactly like this one is on my list.

League is kind of over for me as my main hit level 100 and I literally cannot upgrade anything at this point so I've been testing some ideas.

I have tried these boots:

and I really enjoy chance to gain an endurance charge on kill for mapping. with the mentioned before defensive upgrades this makes mapping really comfortable.

Paulst1ck написал:
Thank you for this, this is gold. I will be maining this build in next league and try to completely min/max it and quiver exactly like this one is on my list.

League is kind of over for me as my main hit level 100 and I literally cannot upgrade anything at this point so I've been testing some ideas.

I have tried these boots:

and I really enjoy chance to gain an endurance charge on kill for mapping. with the mentioned before defensive upgrades this makes mapping really comfortable.

You've given me an idea now lol.

First we get two boot bases and isolate one of these mods on either:
- Projectiles Pierce 2 additional targets (of the Hunt) PREFIX
- #% Chance to gain Endurance Charge on Kill (of the Elder/Eldritch) PREFIX

Then we use an Awakener's orb with one boot being the donor and one boot the receiver.

Result is a boot with both of these mods and some other random prefixes/suffixes.

If we get lucky and theres an open suffix + open prefix/life roll/any other good 3rd prefix, we can then craft Prefixes Cannot Be Changed, then scour, then multimod/metacraft for some extra mods that we want which is missing in our build.

This saves us a mod slot for pierce (no wasted mod slot) and opens up other options.

Again, this is a ridiculous currency dump if you are targeting specific mods with metacraft, but it's perfectly viable.


Последняя редакция: itsbuzz95#0892. Время: 10 мая 2020 г., 2:38:24

in next league I will be aiming for tailwind on my boots as well.
@itsbuzz It's a nice but this basically means no life mod, so I think I will pass on this.
Just thought I'd post a nice +2 VD amulet i crafted today.

Was very lucky to hit a middleish life roll on the 2nd awakener orb. Spent about 20 ex meta crafting the suffixes. Would have preferred multi but when i hit the anger mod I felt i'd tested my luck enough. Running flesh and stone now for later sim waves (aspect of the spider lags me a bit too much).
that's awesome
Cronggz написал:
Hey just recently started playing your build after my freezing pulse totems and i am enjoying the build so far, its fast and fun. Which gear so i upgrade next?

Have about 2.5ex to spend currently.

Can anyone help me ? Not killing bosses fast enough and cant seem to do 60% delirious without dying at least once
Cronggz написал:
Cronggz написал:
Hey just recently started playing your build after my freezing pulse totems and i am enjoying the build so far, its fast and fun. Which gear so i upgrade next?

Have about 2.5ex to spend currently.

Can anyone help me ? Not killing bosses fast enough and cant seem to do 60% delirious without dying at least once

Your VD is only level 17. Buy a level 21 one for like 15c. You'll gain so much damage. Same for your support gems, they should be 20/20 at least.
Hi !

After spending a lot of alteration, after your feedback thank you Neocrown, I'm back with a new bow but I don't know if crit multi is relevant enough to keep it. Should I copy this bow and work on ? Or would be better to get attack speed/double damage/damage penetrate/+1 all socketed gems with CoC ?

Thanks for your help !

I got stupid lucky twice now what? I guess multi but not sure what

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