[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

Последняя редакция: Deminii#0259. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 6:00:36
zzang, can it be, that Stalwart Command and Precise Commander are not possible together on medium clusters?

affenflail написал:
zzang, can it be, that Stalwart Command and Precise Commander are not possible together on medium clusters?

You mean since 3.11?

According to PoB those roll on Aura Cluster jewels it still should be possible. But the weightening seems odd. GGG already announced to fix the Cluster Jewel mess:

AceN1 написал:
will this cluster work until I get the right one?

can someone help?
I can't find the post. What are the minimum things I need to go to this assembly? Thank you
AceN1 написал:
AceN1 написал:
will this cluster work until I get the right one?

can someone help?

Personally i recommend Thaumophage as first priority due to the leech source. But its better than nothing of course.

YukitoEiri написал:
I can't find the post. What are the minimum things I need to go to this assembly? Thank you

Shavronnes, Chayula, Prismguard, decent Wand with Trigger socketed Gems enchant are the bare bones minimum.
Edit: Large CLuster Jewel with 2 sockets + Thaumophage

I recommend to also check the FAQ section of this guide before thinking about starting this high-end build.
Последняя редакция: zzang#1847. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 7:08:17

Shavronnes, Chayula, Prismguard, decent Wand with Trigger socketed Gems enchant are the bare bones minimum.

I recommend to also check the FAQ section of this guide before thinking about starting this high-end build.

Thanks for the quick reply. Now I'm playing through life, I'm thinking of digging up some more currency and trying to switch. I hope I will not be disappointed =)
Последняя редакция: YukitoEiri#4459. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 6:56:47
YukitoEiri написал:
I hope I will not be disappointed =)

Some people will because it takes some investment before it feels really good. Also dont switch too early aim for level 85+ not lower.
The whole low life ES topic requires quite some planning if its your first character in the league plus first time spellslinger on low life.
zzang написал:
YukitoEiri написал:
I hope I will not be disappointed =)

Some people will because it takes some investment before it feels really good. Also dont switch too early aim for level 85+ not lower.
The whole low life ES topic requires quite some planning if its your first character in the league plus first time spellslinger on low life.

Tell me more please, how can I calculate my DPS?
YukitoEiri написал:

Tell me more please, how can I calculate my DPS?

With Path of Building.

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