
so ~ 150 alt 5 regals

i think it's a perfect one
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arciinus написал:
RSCCCC написал:
Hello Exilers,

I'm in desperate need of your guidance. I just can't seem to get this build to work for me and being a fairly new player I'm just not sure what I'm missing. Essentially I'm running around T11 maps and struggle with any additional encounters within the map. I've went through 2 Mastermind encounters and ran out of portals on both through dying (this might just be a mechanic thing for me). I just seem so squishy and I'm at a loss as to how to proceed without the ability to really generate any currency and get next level gear. I play on the PS4 which makes targeting a bit more tricky, but not sure that is it. Anyways any help from the pros would be helpful!



arciinus написал:

Your build looks mostly fine, but could use a lot more damage and less elemental resistances. A bit of chaos resistance would probably help too for survivability.

The biggest upgrade is the cluster jewels that are recommended. The second biggest is getting an amulet with +1 to Dexterity skills and +1 to Chaos skills. For a more expensive endgame upgrade, you can look into getting a bow with +1 to socketed skills/+2 to socketed bow skills/DOT/chaos DOT/attack speed.

For generating currency, search Harbinger farming or Legion farming - those are the easiest methods. You can also run Heist contracts, but it's harder to sustain those without a great trade ecosystem.

Hey Arc

Thanks for the reply. I have a hard time with harbinger and legions as I'm quickly surrounded and generally die. I'd love to get an the amy you talked about but in the PS4 trade it runs at 8EX and I'm no where close to that currency level with where I'm struggling at in maps. Same with the cluster jewels. I'll see what I can do to increase my damage - I thought my issue was defense so my passives have been focused there. I guess a good defense is a good offense :)


imf1989 написал:

so ~ 150 alt 5 regals

i think it's a perfect one

it's not, significantly weaker

this bow is very easy to roll with fossils too
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Последняя редакция: Remicaster1#7723. Время: 9 марта 2021 г., 20:58:33
What should be my next upgrade? :)

Currently leveling up a Phant TR in offhand to try for 21/23 there :)

I don't need any of the res on cogwork, just what I'm using until I figure out what to replace it with. Would be nice to keep the chaos res though!
Последняя редакция: Detrites#1189. Время: 9 марта 2021 г., 21:54:22
Remicaster1 написал:
imf1989 написал:

so ~ 150 alt 5 regals

i think it's a perfect one

it's not, significantly weaker

this bow is very easy to roll with fossils too

How do you actually craft a good +3 bow? I'm on SSF and currently working on two bows in parallel:

How bad is an Imperial Bow vs. the Thicket Bow? I've got the 6L and +1 and removable prefixes already for the Imperial Bow, whereas the Thicket Bow is only early stages (decent implicit and 27 quality, but otherwise not that far). And how do you go about once you have multimodded? Do you reroll suffixes (keeping prefixes) until you get the other DoT or how do you proceed?

@Remi: you said you can roll it with fossils: which ones would you suggest?

Thanks in advance guys!
Последняя редакция: rainmeadow#3553. Время: 10 марта 2021 г., 1:46:18
RSCCCC написал:
I have a hard time with harbinger and legions as I'm quickly surrounded and generally die.
This sounds as playstyle problem more than a build problem. You shouldn't really let yourself be surrounded on a ranged build. Valdo's harbs are usually in 1 clump, so you just start clearing them moving around the outskirts, if you don't have open map, you can just dip into the room, throw some pods, walk out, some mobs will follow, kill these, tip toe in a bit, jumping in a middle of them is suicide, this build isn't tanky without a lot of investment (hardened scars, divine flesh, etc.) so you can't really facetank, also idk how it's on console cuz I'm on pc and harbs already drop my fps, I heard it's worse on console?

Legions same story, click monolith, dash to one side, start clearing, and when the timer is about to end be sure you're all the way to the other side so they don't pop out all around you. Then start clearing from one side to the other and if you see spear boiz or the shield bang guys try to stutter step around them (cast - move - cast - move) because they can one shot you with specific buffs (legion mobs buff each other) but they will often throw at your direction and if you change direction it will miss.

Yep it takes longer to clear like this, but it's safer.

Also imported your char to check. How come you don't have uber lab at lvl 90? Do ppl on console not trade lab trials? Cuz on pc there's /global 820 people give away missing lab trials for free or small tip. Idk on console.

Ailment immunity is big, otherwise you can die from stuff like getting shocked and 1-shot.

And yes, try to get some chaos res, I was at -20% and got 1-shot twice on a hunter map, I bumped it to +20% and it's already big difference.

This tree pathing is fairly unoptimal, you should try to fill the point between finesse and avatar of the hunt (10 str node next to crystal skin) and skip reflexes, you gain like 5 points back. That will allow you to pick wind dancer and life nodes next to it which should be of more use than accuracy / evasion node.

You could defo use a better quiver and probably gloves. Like getting chaos multi on each (hunter or elder mod). You aren't missing resists really so can probably make the swap.
Последняя редакция: Viktranka#3883. Время: 10 марта 2021 г., 1:20:03
rainmeadow написал:
How do you actually craft a good +3 bow? I'm on SSF and currently working on two bows in parallel:

How bad is an Imperial Bow vs. the Thicket Bow? I've got the 6L and +1 and removable prefixes already for the Imperial Bow, whereas the Thicket Bow is only early stages (decent implicit and 27 quality, but otherwise not that far). And how do you go about once you have multimodded? Do you reroll suffixes (keeping prefixes) until you get the other DoT or how do you proceed?

@Remi: you said you can roll it with fossils: which ones would you suggest?

Thanks in advance guys!

Remi has a part of his original post that tells you how to craft it. Do a Ctrl + F on the first page for "Gear crafting guide". I think the alteration spam method is the most reliable for SSF. Just don't worry about trying to get +Attack Speed for now, and try to augment it if you happen to ever find the Harvest craft.

I don't think there's a great way to fossil craft this bow. The main modifier you're looking to hit (#% to Damage over time multiplier) doesn't have a fossil-boostable tag, which makes it really hard, but maybe Remi has another idea.

The +1 to socketed gems mod is really easy to hit - just craft "Cannot roll attack modifiers" and ensure your suffixes are filled. Then, use an exalt slam and it's guaranteed to get that modifier.

A thicket bow is not that much better than an Imperial Bow (only 3% attack speed), so you can start with that if you'd like! But the metamod/socketed support gems crafts are expensive enough that I'd probably just try to do it on the bow I'd use for the rest of my build.
Последняя редакция: arciinus#5883. Время: 10 марта 2021 г., 3:33:14
rainmeadow написал:
ws in parallel:

How bad is an Imperial Bow vs. the Thicket Bow? I've got the 6L and +1 and removable prefixes already for the Imperial Bow, whereas the Thicket Bow is only early stages (decent implicit and 27 quality, but otherwise not that far). And how do you go about once you have multimodded? Do you reroll suffixes (keeping prefixes) until you get the other DoT or how do you proceed?

@Remi: you said you can roll it with fossils: which ones would you suggest?

That particular bow you linked can be easily crafted with fossils, but the ideal +3 bow is not. You do not want to use a +1 socket and +2 bow, because it's not able to compete well with quill rain. Besides that, using corroded + metallic + jagged can easily hit the bow you've linked just now, which is bad tldr because quill rain is just much better.

As arciinus mentioned, the crafting guide is listed on the guide already.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
katonsew написал:
ComfyExo написал:

Your jewels can also get some lovin. get double attack speed mods with your chaos multi and max health (inc aspeed with bows, inc aspeed, and attack and cast speed) With 3 cluster setups, that's a potential 7 jewels with all 4 mods i just said (28 chaos multi, 49& max health, 56% aspeed with bows, 35% inc aspeed all in all). That's 91% attack speed you're missing out on.

The top tr guys have even more dmg than me and even I'm confused as to how to reach their level. But we're all on our own poe journey, am i right? :)

BTW, how did you get two medium cluster jewels Flow of Life + Wicked Pall? They seem to be overpriced. I've tried to calculate how to craft them but failed, poecraft showed to me, that fossil crafting is way too expensive and there is something I do not udnerstand with harvest crafting

Afaik, i only have one wicked pall + flow of life setup :)

But on that matter, no i didnt craft it. i bought it outright for a fairly cheaper price. (managed to snipe it at 7.8 ex when normal prices are around 10+ ex). But if i were to guess, you mostly harvest craft the cluster jewel. reforge chaos or reforge life maybe are your go to. But i can assume that's a long shot and hard to get with those crafts. So maybe doing non-life or non-chaos crafts or if you've got the money for it, aug life or aug chaos and hoping for either wicked pall or flow of life.

Or better yet, just buy the damn jewel. :)
You can tell how lazy i am at crafting in this game. :)
Последняя редакция: ComfyExo#6713. Время: 10 марта 2021 г., 7:01:13
Can someone share a brief craft guide for end-game boots? As I understood, tailwind is mandatory, but what is the easiest way to obtain it? Seems both alt-spam and aug influence could be too expensive. Is it really worth it?

Thank you!

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