" Thanks for pointing me to the crafting guide, already forgot it was included in the original build. I crafted my bow, turned out to be a decent damage upgrade even when compared to Quill Rain: I'm wondering if this is due to my clusters not being complete, but since I switched I have considerably more damage than before. I will augment two Resistances which let's me swap out my Gloves for Gripped with 16 Chaos DoT Multi and another Ring with 30% Chaos Damage and Despair. So in total, the loss of the regular DoT on the Bow should be well compensated. |
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" Personally I'd just buy a hunter-redeemer base with tailwind already and some good mods and craft it from there. (yes im lazy when it comes to crafting) This is only for basic tailwind elusive boots with no elevated mods. Other influenced or non-influenced mods you might want (onslaught on kill, poison immunity, or attack/spell dodge), you'd need a shit ton of aug influence and r/a influence or specific target crafts (aug chaos, etc.) If you want to completely start from scratch, you first get two-toned boots of your choosing (fire/cold, fire/light, etc.) and either buy it with hunter influence already or slam a hunter exalt on it. Assuming there isnt a tailwind mod already, you can either alt spam (never aug inf coz it's too expensive) or you can use any and all your reforge crafts on the boot. It won't matter what other mods it might have as long as you get just tailwind, no other hunter mod should be on it. Once you get it, you need another boot with redeemer influence and any ONE redeemer mod that can be target crafted with remove crafts. Then you woke orb both boots. If you get movement speed at least t2 after woke orbing, then good for you. If you didnt get it or have an ms mod but a shitty tier, i suggest just using reforge keep suffixes crafts until you get movement speed at least t2 (aug speed and r/a speed are too expensive). Once you get ms, you can fix your item from there by removing all unwanted mods including the random redeemer mod. Aug crit next for elusive, aug any element for res if you want, and finally aug life. End result will be hunter-redeemer two-toned boots with life, ms, two res, elusive, and tailwind. Elevating mods is another story so fuck most of the things i said if you wanna do that. :) In terms of the worth of getting tailwind, it's okayish but it def becomes more worth once you get more crit through power charge generation, a crit implicit quiver, or a precision gem (which you'll eventually get for a malev-precision watcher's eye anyways) Последняя редакция: ComfyExo#6713. Время: 10 марта 2021 г., 12:07:05
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" Eventually you will want to get 35% dot multi on your bow. 35 dot multi is A LOT OF DAMAGE. |
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" Thank you for such detailed explanation! I will start to craft slowly from scratch. As I see, you gear is maximized. Are you able to clear del5 maps? I have a big problems with such maps and I don't see the way of upgrade which significantly could improve my damage. Seems this build is not for del5 map farming (I'm not complaining!). |
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" Will do so on my next bow - right now I'm just using this one as a temporary item. Currently, I'm 6-linking this one which hit a decent implicit (since I'm SSF, I don't think I should wait for that attack speed implicit - don't know if I ever see one): Once I'll get it to 6L, I'll craft it with DoT Multi. Последняя редакция: rainmeadow#3553. Время: 10 марта 2021 г., 14:01:34
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Harvest is basically destroyed now, crafting the items for this build is going to be very difficult now. The amulet was very strong but now it will be almost impossible to obtain if not several dozens of exalts to buy or craft. Sad.
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Just wanted to say thanks again for the great guide, it's been a fantastic help and introduction to the game for me. This is my first league, first character - soon to hit 100 having cleared most of the end-game content (except for Maven, will wait until lvl 100 first :D), gotten HH etc. Thanks again!
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" Well you have a headhunter, so you are obviously gonna have a better time at del5 maps than me :) Yes i can clear del5 maps. It's just not at the same speed as builds that're designed to clear really well like self-curse, bv, etc. But I cant really tell you how to do del5 maps coz you can literally just kill a few rares with hh and then you're good to go. And yes, this build can do del5 map farming, even without hh because of how innately fast pathfinder ascendancy is and flask sustain. But hh definitely helps make it so much easier :) If you're wondering how to get more damage tho, maybe consider getting a third cluster set down the path from your watcher's eye. You'll gain a big load of damage but you might lose some health tho. It's only gonna be roughly a 300-400 health loss which you can fix with items. Another way for getting more damage is through your jewels. They could use some love. You're missing out on the 4% chaos dot multi on all your jewels which, if you have 7 jewels socketed like i do, equates to 28% chaos dot multi, and that's a lot of damage. Double attack speed mod is good too and you're missing out on roughly 70% inc. attack speed which is again, a lot of dmg. If you like, i can recommend getting a cinderswallow urn to replace your life flask. Coz honestly, your hybrid flask is enough to sustain your health and you'll be leeching anyways with urn. You'll also get onslaught too which is obviously good. :) Before making the transition, test it out on your pob first to see if you're satisfied with it. The 3rd cluster set can net you two brewed for potency nodes on your two mediums there which can help your hybrid flask sustain more. It might not help in del5 since you're always gaining flasks tho, but it'll help in long fights like sirus, maven, etc. coz instead of gaining 3 flask charges from the pf node, you'll be gaining 5-6 scaling on how many brewed for potency nodes you have. As much as possible even, try to get more chaos res on your gear so you can replace student of decay with brewed for potency or flow of life. Even getting chaos res in your large and medium cluster jewels is a big help. |
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"Yeah the amulet is complete RIP and makes me sad. Every other type of build but chaos can make +2 amulet with awakener's orb but chaos cannot. Aberrant + faceted fossil spam is too expensive to even consider, plus also unreliable. Even if as they say "augment influence" stays, it's at best 1/6 chance or so... It already costs 3ex per attempt, which will go up when alternatives are removed, and will also risk bricking your item forever. Crafting anything more complex like for example inc chaos damage essence rings will be near impossible too. This whole things sucks just because BV boiz were running with 5 influence mods on chest and double elevated helmets and crap like that. Maven orb crafts will also be mostly out of budget unless you settle on 1-mod rest trash item. |
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What gem setup would you run if you had Divergent Mirage Archer? I'm really liking the Mirage Archer on Blast Rain - but is it actually better to swap to Divergent MA and put it on Toxic Rain instead?
Here's what I'm currently running: And I just got this beauty from a Grand Heist: Would appreciate some input here :) |
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