[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
the best way to explain the difference is that bows = more boss dps less tankiness. dual sceptres = better explosions for mapping and slightly more durable. then the shield version is more tanky than both but also a lot less dps.
all three are viable setups so just pick whichever you want. there is no best option |
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Hey guys i managed to farm my first headhunter with my PF BV. Is possible to farm 100% delirium maps with this build using dual sceptres + divergent berserk?
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I spied on some of the bow versions, and also cloudy's old bow build. At least from the PoB's I;ve seen (DISCLAIMER: I have not personally tried the bow version). Bow builds that hit 50~80 mil trade mana regen clusters for aura effect clusters. They do hit ALOT harder than my current mana version. But this is usually done by trading mana clusters for aura cluster. Therefore the tankyness and sustain is nowhere close (most of them struggle to generate even 8k mana per 4 seconds).
You can reach the same dps as bow with scptres though. I just redid my pob with double +2's and rebalanced my mana clusters and I was easily able to hit 90 mil. All the while being still tankier and better regen then all the bow pobs I saw on ninja (Disclaimer: I didn't check ALL of them, just the few that were 50+ mil). My opinion? Not worth going for the high dps option. With the drop of survivability and thus the need to actually dodge mechanics means your realistic kill time might not be high, and you'll die more often. If pure dps is your only goal, there are better options for this. Miners and Bl archmages can hit north of 100mil dps easily. However, here is the pob if you want an alternative to the bow build for high dps DPS Pob: https://pastebin.com/x4RQjdQv Последняя редакция: theblindsaint#5931. Время: 21 февр. 2021 г., 11:39:09
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I see. Well I prefer sceptre version myself.
But I can't really tell if I wanna go +2 sceptres or T1 mana and +1 sceptre. ive been crafting +2 sceptres (First one I slammed T1 hatred on first try, second Ive failed 5 times in a row now, rip currency). |
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Say i have around 250 - 300 ex in total, already bought the jewels and basic stuff, what should i focus on investing my currency first to get the best from this build and how much? Already had some experiences were i get completly ruined trying to craft gear, or buying overpriced crap, not again, i want some wise guidanse please. Interested in the dual scepter build
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I've played this build twice, both times with divine flesh + shield but I've been considering trying the bow or dual scepter variant. The main difference on chest is you swap Mana regen rate for aura affect, correct?
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Been looking at all the different versions. Unless you plan on boss carrying multiple people at once I don't see the need to go crit bow or crit sceptre. Full tanky EO with double sceptre melts everything. I'm going to try a double cluster DPS setup like theblindsaint posted and see how it feels against tough bosses.
I see a lot of people using Disorienting Display. Is the ~10% uptime really worth it? Vortex is the only thing that can proc it unless you're using flame dash. I also see a lot of people stacking mana regen for divergent berserk. Can you get decent uptime while DPSing or does rage still fall off really fast? |
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So I just bought a Headhunter because it was always fun to have one.
With this build though, I feel like it is a waste of currency. Obviously for bossing I use my stygian vise. But even on maps the build does not feel stronger or faster using the HH. On deli-maps its a whole other story, sure. Though it is not needed for them as well. Last league the HH was a game changer for my EK Aurastacker, but now... Was saving up for it and happy to finally have it....now I`m kind of disappointed tbh^^ Thinking about selling it and go all in on the rest of the gear. What do you guys think about HH on this build? |
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" I was in the same boat, I ended up just selling the HH. Stygian Vise with mana mods is just too useful. Only use of a HH is for 100% deli maps imo so unless youre planning to farm those all day then I'd rather invest in other pieces of the build first before a HH. |
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" I don't actually take it. It was just the cheaper option at the time for commander+blast freeze+notable, though I might take it when I start going past 1k dpeth in delve. The uptime is actuall going to be about 33%, as the blind aura seems to last for 4 seconds, which you can cast vortex 4 times. Rage regen I am sitting at 11.6 rage a second, while continuously hitting a monster consumes 15 a second. In practice however, very very few things survive long enough for me to deplete my entire rage bar before either dying or goes into a phase. The only exceptions are juiced feared invitations and 100% deli. But as several other ppl above have commented, slap on a HH for 100% deli and everything is a-ok. On the question of HH. As some have commented, the novelty and use of a HH really wears out fast if you are not doing 100% deli maps. And with flask finder, you bascilly feel like you have perma HH speed buff anyways. Последняя редакция: theblindsaint#5931. Время: 21 февр. 2021 г., 17:34:28
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