[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer

Roughly how much investment needed to do all end game content? eg.the feared maven invitation (cortex, chayula, Uber elder,Uber atziri)

now that's clean.

REALLY appreciate the indepth build.
I'm trying to figure out which gears to upgrade next:

The mapping feels great thanks to the body armour, but single target still feels lacking quite a bit.

Any suggestions would be great!
Considering this is a tanky build in general, what does 'squishy' mean when not using shield/staff?
Is it still possible to craft the 5 skillpoint large cluster with the fire aug method? Because from craftofexile, the mods dont seem to have the fire tag.

So this one is a clean outcome, Im really happy.
Question I have now is:

Should I craft "Prefixes cannot be changed" and Scour to get an Amu with only the 2 +gems


Should I "Augment Life" to get a life roll?

A bit stuck on that one.
I did the build back in 3.11 and fucking LOVED it. IT was soooo strong both single target and clear was amazing while just being able to facetank everything.

I just made a new guy to roll this and it feels so weak somehow. DPS just sucks and if I have RF on, little bit of degen will give me net negative or close to 0 so it's hard to keep that on.

Hmm wonder what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I should go for double scepter dodge build to push more dmg since I'm on SC?
Worst_Trundle_NA написал:
Does chainbreaker / divergent berkserk work on blade vortex builds? I haven't tested it, but wouldn't chainbreaker make your rage go down too fast since it says, "Lose 5 Rage when you Hit an Enemy, no more than once every 0.3 seconds." BV has a high hit rate so I can't see how it sustains rage enough to run divergent berkserk

I'm using it and it's worth it in my opinion, I like it.
In general mapping it doesn't net you much besides the extra movement speed and you don't really need berserk against map bosses either, because you maw them down so fast anyway.
So for me,it's for special occasion like popping a Legion, or doing extra hard map boss with brutal map mods where you benefit from both the offense and the less damage taken buff.
Also great against big, multiphase endgame bosses like Sirus, Über Elder, etc...

Oh yeah and in the special maven boss encounters,in a little closed area with few enemies clumped up, the 44% more spell damage is really noticeable, it shines there.
Последняя редакция: sirdond#1468. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 1:07:14
How good is additional physical damage reduction suffix? Rolled it with awakener orb and don't wanna risk harvest-removing physical. Should I finish crafting this chest, or it would be better to try crafting another one and sell this.
Последняя редакция: forfun142857#1431. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 1:38:57
forfun142857 написал:
How good is additional physical damage reduction suffix? Rolled it with awakener orb and don't wanna risk harvest-removing physical. Should I finish crafting this chest, or it would be better to try crafting another one and sell this.

yoy can remove with "remove non-influence, add influence" harvest craft (don't forget to remove crafted mod)

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