[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer

Didn't think about this one, thanks!
The problem is there are no influence prefixes more desirable than life and only two good suffixes: frenzy and aura effect. The chance of improving this chest via "remove non-influence, add influence" isn't that high, is it?
Question: Where does single target damage come in to play? I feel like major bosses just trickle HP down slowly with this build. I absolutely destroy packs but when I get to bosses (or fights like Sirius) they just drone on and on forever.
Love the build.

I struggle a bit with the idea of crafting, and the guidance on making a explody chest is awesome!

However I havent played POE in 1 year and I am not really familiar with harvest and another league mechanics.

How would you proceed with this?

Also I had "stored" a harvest life craft, but the chest ilvl is to high (crafted it on a ilvl 100 body armour= was this a mistake?

Последняя редакция: patrickvibild#1808. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 6:59:08
chaospunx написал:
forfun142857 написал:
How good is additional physical damage reduction suffix? Rolled it with awakener orb and don't wanna risk harvest-removing physical. Should I finish crafting this chest, or it would be better to try crafting another one and sell this.

yoy can remove with "remove non-influence, add influence" harvest craft (don't forget to remove crafted mod)

Prefixes cannot be changed -> harvest annul physical.
Donc't forget about the base crafting bench crafts, they are the core of making your own items in poe.

patrickvibild написал:
Love the build.

I struggle a bit with the idea of crafting, and the guidance on making a explody chest is awesome!

However I havent played POE in 1 year and I am not really familiar with harvest and another league mechanics.

How would you proceed with this?

Also I had "stored" a harvest life craft, but the chest ilvl is to high (crafted it on a ilvl 100 body armour= was this a mistake?

I would switch lightning res to fire res, and craft attributes to fill suffixes. Then, annul lightning (it'll remove the shitty conversion mod) and augment cold. You may want to remove/add cold to get t1 15% phs taken as cold damage (it's far better than taken as lightning fo this build). The odds of getting this are 50%, trivial craft.

Then, augment life for a life prefix, and work on your suffixes and life roll independantly with harvest add/remove.
Has anyone incorporated power of sigil into the build? Im thinking of replace vigilant strike with this instead
use divergent berserk over sigil of power for more dps
LinPeh написал:
Is it still possible to craft the 5 skillpoint large cluster with the fire aug method? Because from craftofexile, the mods dont seem to have the fire tag.

u can get doryani with aug / remove-add life.
so find a cluster with vengeful commender + sadist (2prefixes).
you can spam keep prefixes rerol suffixes
clear suffixes then aug life x2. if you dont get at 1st 2nd is guarantied.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." -PoE Design Team Member.
"Get your magic finder characters ready!" -Chris Wilson
Is the build still viable as it stands on page 1?
LinPeh написал:
Has anyone incorporated power of sigil into the build? Im thinking of replace vigilant strike with this instead


Look at my build. blood rage isn't needed if you have 3 at all time with the chest but I use it for the extra one (I shouldn't).

Only use divergent berserker if you're not going with immortal flesh.
Just an update on my tangent from this build. I have gone armor and Molten Shell stacking as my on-demand defensive mechanic, rather than dodge. This is together with Divine Flesh and 90% chaos res / 78% ele res.

Given the flat nature of armor from granite, as it currently stands I have 8.3k hp Molten Shell on-demand (or cwdt - whichever you prefer, or both for situational use), with a 9s duration and 2.7s cooldown. That's on top of 5.2k life / 3k mana.

I haven't found a boss attack I can't face tank yet (including Sirus die beam). I'll test it on maven slam tomorrow.

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