[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start
" Good question. The smart use of curse mechanics lets me do that. I have on clear setup: Temporal chains on Asenath, Vulnerability on Asenath and Punishment on ring. Since I have curse limit of 1 - I will both Temporal chains and Vlunerability on hit (and on enemy explode). In that case Vulnerability takes priority and overrides Tempo chains. In a mean time - Punishment does noting. It is used in Bossing setup. For bosses I swap to vixen gloves that raises my curse limit to 2, letting my apply both Punishment and Ass mark at the same timy by hand casting Punishment. So all I need to do is quick glove swap to go from Vulnerability on hit, to massive single target dps boost. Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 1 апр. 2024 г., 10:05:09
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Alright fellas. It is time to sum up how build is going. Sorry for low energy and low FPS, cant do anything about that.
THE ROAD SO FAR ![]() First things first – PSA and Bugs. " Personal progress and the feeling of the build.
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All atlas unlocked, most bosses down. Nothing much to say about that, didn’t struggle with any of the bosses, even though usually I do with Uberelder because of degen zones. This time I nearly insta phased them, so it was pretty smooth.
T17 cleared – few words about that – its pretty hard, so my advice just skip everything and rush to the boss. Boss is 10 times easier than omegaboosted rare monsters. Classic GGG. Faming league mechanics feels about as usual. You can find a list of what you can farm with the build and ranking in main page guide. Progressing atlas also felt smooth, but I have to give credit to Expedition on that one. With the changes to loot, rares and Necropolis league mechanic itself being unrewarding – Tujen comes in clutch with bubble gum currency. Vaal orbs, Alch orbs, maps, scours – everything you need for smooth sale and all maps unlocks. And on top of that – chaos and divines to make upgrades. Very good if you just starting, and even to late game. And once you get Asenath going – big boom expedition explode with pops feels really good. Necropolis mechanic and rare monsters rework. LOL LMAO even.
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But on a serious note – despite people struggling with league mechanic adding a lot of difficulty to the maps/monsters – I never felt any of it. At all. Max block with minions, ailment immunity from early AG, crit immunity from mid game AG and indirect damage with minions just made gameplay really smooth.
I also recommend getting Atlas passive tree notable that adds more positive monsters instead of negative ones. That makes things easier too. As for Rare monsters – people also seem to complain about those. For me – only positive changes in terms of difficulty. Soul eater may be tanky, but it still goes down fast and doesn’t melt my AG with 99999 attacks per millisecond. Loot changes on other hand is pure garbage. There is no loot from just mapping. At all. All money I made was made with expedition, delirium rewards and a little bit from Abys belts selling. It feels pointless to kill regular monsters. It feels pointless to kill rares. Alflames monsters are REALLY hard and also drop nothing. So TL;DR – my advice - get necropolis atlas tree node, set your atlas tree for money making league mechanic and just rush it instead of clearing map. Feeling of the current build and current gear.
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So… it’s a bit hard to say – because leech was bugged, but overall – it felt a bit better for sure. 20% trigger rate from gem makes game play a lot smoother.
Nova targeting enemies – doesn’t feel that great though. No details on that one – would take several pages of text. It may be better for ranged playstyle, more about that later. DPS seems… fine, I guess. I honestly expected a lot more (especially with 3x relic), but I’m still not on Uber farmer level so will see when I get there. Clear speed feels amazing with Asenath explosions – but it also feels pointless because of changes listed above. Once I got my 2 void stones I just set up to blast maps. And blasted them for a day just because its fun to blow stuff up. And then I realized I didn’t progress in any way and was very sad. No currency, no map drops to push forward. Nothing. So I just focused on expedition and sure enough over 10 divines farmed for crucial upgrades. Luckily those generally go down in price in case you will want to get them Current build - https://pobb.in/7vCzt0OE_4UL Video showcase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQK49wRS_wQ Future plans
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Waiting till fixed and league buffs. But for the most part – will push to uber gear and see from there. Already tried out several interesting ranged skills to trigger relics.
None of them feel good though. Kinetic blast for wands seems the best option, but matching attack speed with trigger rate is hell on its own. This is why I don’t play cyclone. Bow looks a lot more interesting – with the storm rain tech and rain of vaal arrows creating constant damage zones to trigger relics. Rage vortex can be interesting too if we can get some rage generation going. Hidden blade can be used as ‘ranged’ trigger. So that’s about it. Hope you had a decent start if you tried the build However, I must note that this build is a complex puzzle. It will feel A LOT worse if you are missing simple subtle bits that are not even hard to get or set up. For example – not having attack speed onslaught flask or having slow speed attacking weapon would turn this build from speedy to sluggish. If you are struggling – feel free to ask here on discord. |
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Gonna make a little update in regards of fixed leech
Well first of all - it feels amazing - about as I expected it to feel. Negates most degens and unlocks many interesting options. Also worth noting - the map mod 'can not leech from monsters' is ignored by it since you leech from minions and not from monsters. So that is very nice. And since leech provides up with so much recovery, combined with block and ES recovery from Aegis build not feels very tanky. BUT only against shotgun damage. The big hits can still destroy us since we no longer have Bone Armor for extra 2k life shield. More so - the most fun and profitable mechanics are mostly about big hits - juiced exiles, king harbies, delirium effects, essence map bosses etc. I tried several different setups that boosts your max hit significantly and came to conclusion that current (base one) is still the best but with a little tweak. But first of all - get yourself They of Tul. His totems agro everything and it removes so much pressure from you and your AG. Now what I have tested. Corrupted Soul
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Corrupted soul comes from timeless jewel that you can replace your Elegant Hubris with. Its very cheap. It gives you 15% more max hit pool. It double dips from Skin of the Lords/Loyal.
More so, the damage split is somewhat beneficial too - since that means your life recovery (from leech) and shield recovery (from Aegis) both take effect at the same time. However its a bit unbalanced, since you have a lot more ES recovery than life. You can shift balance a bit by using life flask, but its a bit hard to tell that you are dying when your ES is full and blocks your life bar. You also lose a big chunk of minion damage that comes with Hubris. But this is for sure a nice solid balanced option. You can also get some very nice passives from it - like chaos resist, minion damage, max life, max res. TL;DR - you can try it out, great boost to survivability at cost of DPS. I prefer my DPS to be high tho. Petrified blood.
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Its bad. There is no big reason to use it. It literally reduces your max life and makes you vulnerable to DoTs.
In return you get overleech. I guess its nice, but again, not for preventing oneshots. To make it worthwhile you would need to constantly fill up your HP bar to full with potions or it would not be worth it. It also costs mana reservation so you'd need to either drop determination or mess around with gear and slot and we don't have many of those. There is some cool interaction with Corrupted Soul, making you split damage 50/50 and then split it again 60/40 while activating flasks on savage hit. TL;DR - You can try it out - but I do not recomend it at all. And now lets talk about our lord and saviour - Forbidden Taste. So this flask is... insanely good right now because of leech and Elegant Hubris. There are three mechanics that need to be pointed out 1) While this flask is in effect you will be taking damage - and thus will not be full life. That means by using it - it will grant you pseudo-overleech 2) It provides instant recovery. That means modifiers to recovery do not apply to it. It will recover your life no matter the mods. I think only maven punishmen disables it. But what matters more - with Elegant Hubris Cadiro keystone - it will also fully restore energy shield when used. 3) It a utility flask. Meaning it can be automated. With all these combined we are getting the following scenario. You are block capped. Every times you block you recover ~650 ES. So small hits pretty much heal your ES. Its hard to break and its almost always full. If you take a big hit that not only breaks your ES, but also damages your life by more than 15% - Forbidden taste will automatically use. Both your ES and HP will be restored to full, and you start losing life. That in turn turns your leech on. Not only your leech will counter the degen, but if somehow block fails again, and you take another big hit - your leech will be at full power to recover from that. Its insane how comfy it feels to use that tech cobined with leech and big ES from Aegis. TL;DR - get your Chaos Resist up (I currently have around 60) and start using automated Forbidden Taste. Things I'm working on.
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Experimenting with melding. 90 all rest combined with mechanics above should be fun.
Hidden blade - ranged automated attack for 0 brain setups. Rain of arrows - feels really good with relics right now, but I don't yet have bow build. Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 4 апр. 2024 г., 14:02:54
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Have tried Melding of the Flesh, did only 89% resistances cause of low divines in stash. It's pretty easy with Melding -5 max and -70 all, just purity of ice 21 level in unset ring with at least +2, Impossible escape to Unwavering Stance (much cheaper than to Imbalanced Guard in cost of some armor) and Taste of Hate. For my char I have now 41k ele max hit without proper configuration in POB and its really tanky, I had 3 harbinger bosses with 100% of delirium, my spectres and relics died, but not me, I just stayed without damage:)
POB link without config But i still have some questions about surviving my AG. He dont live at all in T17 and under more than 1 harbinger boss. Tried to make full ele and chaos capped AG with immunity to corrupted blood, with Kingmaker and Garb of the Ephemeral with most ES, but harbs melt him down in 3-4 seconds. What can I do wrong? Or its intended and just dont play with him? |
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" I am about to make an update on that, but yeah. I don't think there is anything to do that can save AG in t17. For the most part - because almost every enemy have some sort of DD that oneshots him, but there are other mods. There are just too much damage there that even if you cap his block, max his res, give him damage reduction something will one shot him regardless. |
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hello , i have a question whats is the best spectre i can get this league ?
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" Realistically? Same that is in PoB Unrealistically - same by with minion damage from essence instead - https://pobb.in/DItLQ1_Fb5OP |
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ok tyvm for your answer :) i have a lot of fun with your build atm ^^
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" still dont know the name of spectre for defense first time play minion build :( |
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" Its they of thul. big rare guy from thul-related breach content |
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