[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

Fire_Archer написал:

You DONT want Static Strike to be level 20 with regular relic. You lose like 50% DPS that way. You need it to be lvl 1.

Divergent relic is a whole other story. But still you want Static to be lvl 19 at max. Also worth mentioning that lvl 20 Divergent Heoly Relic is more DPS than lvl 21 Holy Relic.

Well, I am running with lvl 20 divergent since quite a while, now only vaaling them on site to get it to 21. My question at the moment is why I don't want static strike at lvl 20? I seem not to see something.

Speaking of flasks, I actually pretty much like my set up. I don't need neither bleed nor freeze immunity since I have them in pantheon/jewels and I'm trying to get my hands on Olroth's Resolve Iron Flask to replace the mana one soon. Wanted to try the Sapphire Flask you have in your current gear but I don't see much of a point in it for me either since I think it won't work due to Brutality Support (I may be super wrong tho).
Последняя редакция: Zaika#4237. Время: 8 февр. 2022 г., 16:51:57
generalfc написал:
Fire_Archer написал:

You DONT want Static Strike to be level 20 with regular relic. You lose like 50% DPS that way. You need it to be lvl 1.

Divergent relic is a whole other story. But still you want Static to be lvl 19 at max. Also worth mentioning that lvl 20 Divergent Heoly Relic is more DPS than lvl 21 Holy Relic.

Well, I am running with lvl 20 divergent since quite a while, now only vaaling them on site to get it to 21. My question at the moment is why I don't want static strike at lvl 20? I seem not to see something.

Speaking of flasks, I actually pretty much like my set up. I don't need neither bleed nor freeze immunity since I have them in pantheon/jewels and I'm trying to get my hands on Olroth's Resolve Iron Flask to replace the mana one soon. Wanted to try the Sapphire Flask you have in your current gear but I don't see much of a point in it for me either since I think it won't work due to Brutality Support (I may be super wrong tho).

You don't want it level 20 because read what gem says. It says 'Beam hits every 0.32 seconds. And your relics have 0.33 cooldown. That means beams hit faster than relics can activate. So every time you hit with a beam you miss out on a relic proc.

You can open PoB of your character and see Holy Nova cooldown. You need to match it with Statc beam acivation for it to properly work.

As for Taste of Hate, its not for damage. Its for Damage taken as cold. Its super powerful since you also have +max cold resist from shield AND flask itself reduces cold damage. Effetively reducing phys damage you take by 15% for free. As well as it help with cold degen zones a little bit. Iron flask it an upgrade for mapping that's for sure, but Taste of Hate is good all around for mapping and bossing.

As for your ignite flask, with Abberath pantheon combined with resist passives for reduced ailment duration you should never be ignited anyway. Not sure why you run ignite flask.

Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 8 февр. 2022 г., 22:03:42

Build up and running, invested quite some currency as planned, namely the sceptre, empower 4, ascenats and the shield ofc. It´s incredibly strong, the sceptre and gem-level 31 in addition to the shock from ring boosted the dmg to a very respecteable level.

Next upgrades will be corrupted + enchanted helmet and the divergent gems.

One question I have though: Why aren´t we using more ghastly eye jewels with "minions deal x% incr. damage if you´ve used a minion skill recently?" - With bone offering in the trigger-setup we use a minion spell regularly. Does that not work for Holy Relic?
Vennto написал:

Build up and running, invested quite some currency as planned, namely the sceptre, empower 4, ascenats and the shield ofc. It´s incredibly strong, the sceptre and gem-level 31 in addition to the shock from ring boosted the dmg to a very respecteable level.

Next upgrades will be corrupted + enchanted helmet and the divergent gems.

One question I have though: Why aren´t we using more ghastly eye jewels with "minions deal x% incr. damage if you´ve used a minion skill recently?" - With bone offering in the trigger-setup we use a minion spell regularly. Does that not work for Holy Relic?

Okay you know what, screw all of you, I regret making this guide, y'all have items so much better than mine!

But for real tho.

Damage on minion skill does indeed work, some time ago I tested specifically to see if trigger skills counts. They do. However, 'recenty' refers for the last 4 seconds. Your scepter is unethical only triggers every 8 seconds.

You should totaly brick it use respectable crafting method of locking in preffixes and using veiled chaos orb on it to unveil 4 seconds trigger craft and then craft something on top of it. And if you fail to unveil the right mod, you can craft 'preffixes can't be changed' and try again! What can go wrong??? exept everything

But... 20% increase is not that much and on top of that there are no jewel slots worth traveling for nearby. You can try to fit it in at cost of some life nodes but eeeeh.

There are far greater jewels. Like Fortress covenant - 40% dmg all the time
Watchers eyes with Zeal - 10% MORE dmg against enemies on concecrated ground.
And even curse cluster with Victim maker - grants you malediction - 10% more dmg, take 10% reduced dmg.

Also on a side note, with the damage output you have, you can remove frost bomb and put Unearth instead for 100% uptime of 'corpses nearby'
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 8 февр. 2022 г., 23:33:56
Fire_Archer написал:

Okay you know what, screw all of you, I regret making this guide, y'all have items so much better than mine!

But for real tho.

Damage on minion skill does indeed work, some time ago I tested specifically to see if trigger skills counts. They do. However, 'recenty' refers for the last 4 seconds. Your scepter is unethical only triggers every 8 seconds.

You should totaly brick it use respectable crafting method of locking in preffixes and using veiled chaos orb on it to unveil 4 seconds trigger craft and then craft something on top of it. And if you fail to unveil the right mod, you can craft 'preffixes can't be changed' and try again! What can go wrong??? exept everything

But... 20% increase is not that much and on top of that there are no jewel slots worth traveling for nearby. You can try to fit it in at cost of some life nodes but eeeeh.

There are far greater jewels. Like Fortress covenant - 40% dmg all the time
Watchers eyes with Zeal - 10% MORE dmg against enemies on concecrated ground.
And even curse cluster with Victim maker - grants you malediction - 10% more dmg, take 10% reduced dmg.

Also on a side note, with the damage output you have, you can remove frost bomb and put Unearth instead for 100% uptime of 'corpses nearby'

Thanks for the detailled response, really appreciated. And in retards to the "screw you all": take it as a compliment that people love your build so much they go way above and beyond in spending 😂

The sceptre is indeed not done yet. I personally was thinking multimod with trigger and attackspeed but I like your idea with the veiled chaos orb a lot, though I have to check they still respect metamods. I think there was a change, and I definitely won't test it on this weapon :D reason its not done yet: out of money, cost me everything I had to buy it 😅

My setup right now is quite more offensive, I am running I think 4 of those jewels, that means we're talking round about 75% inc. minion damage, so having this on 100% uptime seems very interesting. And sure, all the things you mentioned on top of awakened gems will follow, just can't afford them right now.
I am also playing with some other ideas, like getting vuln. on hit ascenats and anointing triple curse for even more damage. I rarely ever die and when I do it's mostly due to a mistake of mine. Whill test out the limits how much defense can be sacrificed with the build still feeling good. But man, so far: crazy strong build, really love it.
Последняя редакция: Vennto#1610. Время: 9 февр. 2022 г., 7:28:50
Vennto написал:
Fire_Archer написал:

Okay you know what, screw all of you, I regret making this guide, y'all have items so much better than mine!

But for real tho.

Damage on minion skill does indeed work, some time ago I tested specifically to see if trigger skills counts. They do. However, 'recenty' refers for the last 4 seconds. Your scepter is unethical only triggers every 8 seconds.

You should totaly brick it use respectable crafting method of locking in preffixes and using veiled chaos orb on it to unveil 4 seconds trigger craft and then craft something on top of it. And if you fail to unveil the right mod, you can craft 'preffixes can't be changed' and try again! What can go wrong??? exept everything

But... 20% increase is not that much and on top of that there are no jewel slots worth traveling for nearby. You can try to fit it in at cost of some life nodes but eeeeh.

There are far greater jewels. Like Fortress covenant - 40% dmg all the time
Watchers eyes with Zeal - 10% MORE dmg against enemies on concecrated ground.
And even curse cluster with Victim maker - grants you malediction - 10% more dmg, take 10% reduced dmg.

Also on a side note, with the damage output you have, you can remove frost bomb and put Unearth instead for 100% uptime of 'corpses nearby'

Thanks for the detailled response, really appreciated. And in retards to the "screw you all": take it as a compliment that people love your build so much they go way above and beyond in spending 😂

The sceptre is indeed not done yet. I personally was thinking multimod with trigger and attackspeed but I like your idea with the veiled chaos orb a lot, though I have to check they still respect metamods. I think there was a change, and I definitely won't test it on this weapon :D reason its not done yet: out of money, cost me everything I had to buy it 😅

My setup right now is quite more offensive, I am running I think 4 of those jewels, that means we're talking round about 75% inc. minion damage, so having this on 100% uptime seems very interesting. And sure, all the things you mentioned on top of awakened gems will follow, just can't afford them right now.
I am also playing with some other ideas, like getting vuln. on hit ascenats and anointing triple curse for even more damage. I rarely ever die and when I do it's mostly due to a mistake of mine. Whill test out the limits how much defense can be sacrificed with the build still feeling good. But man, so far: crazy strong build, really love it.

Oh yes, crafting absolutely respects the metamod. Thats how I made this monster last league

The issue is, if you veil-chaos slam it, there is a chance it will roll 3 suffixes. Would that be the case you will no longer be able to craft anyhing on an item.

And if you miss the desired unveil, you are stuck with bricked item.
In my case it was not a big deal, fractured mod let me risk it, and if fail just roll again till I get +1 all gems.

And if you are thinking about tripple curse, can I interest you in those little things?
Its something I was thinking about including with Assasin mark/Poacher Mark.
Both have lots of benefits. Try out the damage. Remove Controled destruction, put Crit Multy/Chrit chance gem and checkbox minion have power charges. You be amazed.
Or just have frenzy charges from Poacher.

I didn't dive to deep into it, so its up for you to discover.

As for 75 increase, its still just increase. 'More' is betterrerer. But you do you. You got a firm grip on a build, now the fun starts.

Alternatively, you can just use regular jewels. 7% life 16% minion dmg ones. Always active, no triggerr needed
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 9 февр. 2022 г., 8:06:28
hey @Fire_Archer im doing very well with the build now... just droped a iten and sold for 5,5ex, and now i dont know what should i upgrade first haha...

what should be me order of preference to buy? Aenath? Skin of lords? Aegis? Empower (lvl 3 or 4) or Divergent Relic gem?

thx alot
andrelb1 написал:
hey @Fire_Archer im doing very well with the build now... just droped a iten and sold for 5,5ex, and now i dont know what should i upgrade first haha...

what should be me order of preference to buy? Aenath? Skin of lords? Aegis? Empower (lvl 3 or 4) or Divergent Relic gem?

thx alot

Well earlier I posted list of priorites - step by step build upgrade pathing. You can look it up.

But I would say Aegis is most important, followed up by Skin of the Loards and after that its a tie between Empower 4 (if you want single target damage) and Asenath (If you wans super giga clear). In my opinion Asenath is not that important as Rampage just does the work fine.

that being said you don't even have rampage gloves. Big loss from your side.
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 9 февр. 2022 г., 8:28:05
Oh yes, crafting absolutely respects the metamod. Thats how I made this monster last league

Perfect, very good. Thanks, and sick item u produced there!

The issue is, if you veil-chaos slam it, there is a chance it will roll 3 suffixes. Would that be the case you will no longer be able to craft anyhing on an item. And if you miss the desired unveil, you are stuck with bricked item.
In my case it was not a big deal, fractured mod let me risk it, and if fail just roll again till I get +1 all gems.

If I am not mistaken you can always use harvest with "reforge keep prefixes" to reroll the suffixes, eventually hitting only 1 and 2 suffixes and start again. So im pretty sure it's always possible to safe the item.

Its something I was thinking about i°ncluding with Assasin mark/Poacher Mark.
Both have lots of benefits. Try out the damage. Remove Controled destruction, put Crit Multy/Chrit chance gem and checkbox minion have power charges. You be amazed.
Or just have frenzy charges from Poacher

I'll check all of those options, and I have a few more things on my mind as well. But first I need to get more currency, that build certainly is in a very strong position to farm it for me now. Thanks again for the great build, most fun i've ever had in PoE! :)
Vennto написал:
Oh yes, crafting absolutely respects the metamod. Thats how I made this monster last league

Perfect, very good. Thanks, and sick item u produced there!

The issue is, if you veil-chaos slam it, there is a chance it will roll 3 suffixes. Would that be the case you will no longer be able to craft anyhing on an item. And if you miss the desired unveil, you are stuck with bricked item.
In my case it was not a big deal, fractured mod let me risk it, and if fail just roll again till I get +1 all gems.

If I am not mistaken you can always use harvest with "reforge keep prefixes" to reroll the suffixes, eventually hitting only 1 and 2 suffixes and start again. So im pretty sure it's always possible to safe the item.

Its something I was thinking about i°ncluding with Assasin mark/Poacher Mark.
Both have lots of benefits. Try out the damage. Remove Controled destruction, put Crit Multy/Chrit chance gem and checkbox minion have power charges. You be amazed.
Or just have frenzy charges from Poacher

I'll check all of those options, and I have a few more things on my mind as well. But first I need to get more currency, that build certainly is in a very strong position to farm it for me now. Thanks again for the great build, most fun i've ever had in PoE! :)

It warms my heart to know someone else is having fun with it. Just a little tip. If you ever gonna go for simulacrum 30 (and you totally should try it) make sure your AG has garb of the ephemeral. The critical hits are brutal there.

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