[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start
" I have 10x and some change is that enough to get some basic dps on the build or do I need to farm more |
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" More than enough to get started. Most of the money cost comes from gems, the rest is like chaos orbs. Maybe Aegis Aurora will cost you some extra, but you can roll with Surrender instead. Empower 4 is 5-6ex, you can start with lvl 3 for 30c. |
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Последняя редакция: Tembulon#5330. Время: 4 июня 2022 г., 17:32:49
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Thank you for the help. I'm gonna respec tomorrow morning.
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Finally did every single uber boss and its time to make a news post and a summary of how I feel the build performed.
If I had to put it in a few words - I'm very happy, surprised even, how good build performs in its end state. Its just a road to this state I'm not fond of. And I start with.... Self-inflicted restrictions.
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To understand my point of view fully and maybe not take it too seriously I'm gonna just say that I started on a day 1, where every monster had like 5 Archnem modifiers. It was awful. It was awful to level, it was awful to push into maps, it was taking 3 minutes to kill rares in some cases. The second thing that I did was experimenting with evasion gear from get go. And while I did get some really nice evasion+spell suppression pieces, it felt very much underwhelming and didn't do a great job of protecting me from dying. The third problem was that I was too focused on a clear aspect of the build, neglecting the issue that you really need to have big damage to kill fat targets. It was not until very later I decided - its time to use crit version, its time to invest into single target DPS for it to feel good. The final problem I inflicted on myself was shaping my atlas tree around Essenes. Not only it would take a considerable amount of time to kill the empowered monsters, but it also gave me absolutely 0 value, as I found no use in crafting gear with those, because rares from the ground were just enough, but also I was not looking to sell them, because I don't like trading too much. Was a big waste of time, money and effort. But my guess is, even without making these mistakes, even with the nerf to the enemy modifiers, it would still feel pretty bad to play in red maps before you get such detrimental things as empower 3-4 and skin of the loyal-lords. But what was good? The abundance of defensive layers came very clutch
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1) Capping chaos resist early.
Maxing out on chaos resist with very little investment was already a thing for this build, and it became even easier now, when I switched to the Commander of Darkness. And with how game goes - it was very important. All the toxic modifiers, all the chaos degen grounds were mitigated to the state I could ignore them. 2) Capping spell block early. While this build lets you max out on attack and spell block with relative ease, the spell block is important part here. Most of the archnem modifier are counted as 'spells' and thus can be trivialized by blocking them. 3) Ailment and stun immunities. Shock - from Tempest shield, Chill/Freeze - from pantheon + tree, Ignite - from pantheon + tree and stun imunity - from pantheon combined very well in dealing with what other builds struggled with. Immunity to burning ground - coming from panthon we use were almost mandatory. Taste of Hate - one of the nice ways to deal with Physical damage - also helped a bit with cold dot ground. After fixing the issues with single target damage, and tweaking around with crit build the build started to feel very much solid. To the point I could run both atlas passives that empower eldritch altars and use sentinel at the same time and not die. Map bosses, however, were an issue still, as often enough, map boss would have a high damaging ability that combined with empowerment and extra damage from altars would still kill you in one hit if you fail to block it. Changes done to the build.
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1) Going crit as soon as you get brittle on the boots.
This seems to be mandatory now. I'd say there is no reason not to do it. The clear will suffer a bit, as you won't be able to maintain Brittle ground/Assassins mark/Power charges on trash mobs, but the benefit of melting bosses and rares outvalue slower clear. And I really don't know what will we do it GGG nerf or removes it. Although I have some ideas 2) Imbalanced Guard on Skin of the Lords. It just feels very noticeable. Going to 50% phys reduction with very little armor investment seems really nice and I don't think there is a better keystone you can get by a long shot. 3) Bastion of Elements. A great addition from last league, it now feels almost mandatory to have. Almost - because most of the benefits it provides can be manually acheivied by simply 'playing better'. It is great for opening strong boxes for the most part. Ice nova, Detonate Dead, Explosion - all gets fully absorbed by the shield. Its just REALLY nice to turn your mind away, click on every box and blow enemies up with no care in a world. Additionally - it has a nice synergy with Taste of Hate - as all the hpy damage that you take as elemental - will be absorbed by shield. It has a very short cooldown of 5 second - then it will fully restore itself - great synergy with max block. Simply amazing to have it for extra 2500 life. 4) Inspired Learning. A surprising discovery I made recently. Turns out - when 90% of enemies have some sort of a speed buffer ability, its nice to steal those. This little jewel slotted next to the Agnostic jewel slot really makes game more fun. Is it mandatory? No. Is it good for bossing? Hell no. Is it fun? Absolutely. It boosts up your clear speed by a lot, makes your run and loot faster and makes you A LOT tankier during clearing. I have yet to see how it perform in simulacrum and 5 way, but I'm sure its gonna be massive upgrade if you are focused on giga juice map clear. The current state. As for now, the build took down on all content, excluding blight ravaged maps and uber 5 way. Simply because I haven't gotten to try it yet. It surprisingly - took down every single uber boss solo, although I can't say it was deathless.
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Uber Cortex - was super easy. No deaths, just blow 2 enemies up as they spawn. Honestly - its even easier than Maven Forgotten invitation - because of the add phase that lets you refill flasks and steal buffs with Inspired Learning. Uber Shaper - was not hard either. Extra projectiles absorbed by the block, so as bullet hell. For the most part - a DPS check fight. Uber Maven - was a bit annoying as all her attacks turn off the life regen. Died once because of that. Other than that - nothing special. DPS check fight. Uber Uber Elder - would not say its too hard, but there is a lot of going on on the screen (for the most part everything is blockable) and shaper/elder have very low cooldown on teleporting away from you. I think I died once, stepping on the degen zone that was invisible under all other ground effect. Uber Eater of Worlds - he hits hard. A lot of damaging abilities that can one-shot you if you fail to block. Died once to his 'die beam' attack. Again - a mostly DPS check fight. Uber Sirus - absolute cancer. Constant teleports out of my range and inside of the chaos storm, big damage die beams, absolutely toxic chaos dot ground inside the maze and in general. Took me 3 portals to kill him, and only because my damage was high. No way this build can consistently farm the uber version. Uber Exarch - yeah screw that guy. Took me 4 portals - one for every ball phase. Maybe I'm missing something, but idk how to deal with it. Took down on the most juiced up invitations flawlessly. Sure there are mods that should be avoided, but because of how tanky it is, its fairly possible to farm entire maven writs (or more) in one go! When it comes to map clear - build perform very well, even in 100% delirium - as it was one of the challenges. With the inclusion of Inspired Learning - even more so. Over all I rate this build 10 dead skele mages/ 10 ![]() |
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Hi, first of all great build! It's a lot of fun when it works and you can just zip through maps.
After some upgrades over the past few days I can somewhat comfortably run t16 maps, haven't done any bossing so far though. I currently have around 3-4 ex lying around. Would that be enough to convert my current setup to the crit setup? How important is the "Hits can't be Evaded" craft on the weapon, do we get enough accuracy without it? https://pastebin.com/RcDHWYJ9 |
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Just read through your update, love that you do that for this build. Switched from hexblast to this build because it looks so fun, just got to maps and starting to convert my build. Thanks for the effort!
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Congratulations to your updates on the build and the killing of all uber bosses. I am fairly convinced not every build is supposed to to that, this is not endgame, it's pinnacle aspirational content so cudos to that.
Also, I was watching your hidden fight and was like "well that's not too much dps..." until I realized you used a stalker sentinel u crazy madman 😂 well done. |
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Congrats on the bosses. Any chance of you sharing your crit pob
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" Switching to crit doesn't cost currency (other than red orbs you need to roll Brittle ground on boots), but it does cost convinience. You gonna lose both of your specters and thats a bit hit on survivability. So I highly recommend to get weapon with +1 level of all gems so you could have 3 specters and fit in They of Tul. Recently I was runnig without and I must say he is VERY VERY noticable in terms of reducing damage you take. "Hits can't be Evaded" is not relevant to crit, its needed for double cluster setup. You can have Resolute Technique ketstone on the tree, it doesn't affect your minions. Just the player. |
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