[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

Hi, So I've been having a blast with this build. Killed Exarch, Eater, farming T16 Legions, guardians. Elder will be my next stop.

However. When I look at my PoB, I see that I'm sitting at around 1.2m dps. Sometimes It does feel like I need more DPS (specially in Exarch). What are the things I'm missing (other than awakened gems and empower lv4)?

I fiddle around with different items but can't seem to figure out how I can hit 2m+ dps.

Here is my current build (It's pobb.in link, I'm having issues with pastebin. But It should be ok)
Kiltenth написал:
Hi, So I've been having a blast with this build. Killed Exarch, Eater, farming T16 Legions, guardians. Elder will be my next stop.

However. When I look at my PoB, I see that I'm sitting at around 1.2m dps. Sometimes It does feel like I need more DPS (specially in Exarch). What are the things I'm missing (other than awakened gems and empower lv4)?

I fiddle around with different items but can't seem to figure out how I can hit 2m+ dps.

Here is my current build (It's pobb.in link, I'm having issues with pastebin. But It should be ok)

Hoh, that's a bit of a messed item priority if I ever saw one. Ashes of the stars AND a kingmaker with Fortress covenant already?

Well lets see.
The first two things that instantly catches my eye is pretty meh weapons. You can easily (and cheap) upgrade it with either +1 all skills scepter or Alva mod weapon. If you have some divines to waste for crafting - you can get +1 all skills base and craft multimod on it and slap in minion damage and trigger on top. Just makde sure the item has enouh space for mods. Best use the crafting emulator to make sure.
Second - your static strike is messed up - check FaQ spredsheet on how to max out your dps. Since you already have ashes - you gonna just through some hoops for that.

On a side note - I'd recomend you to try out Vaal Flicker strike as it will activate relics at max speed on single targets while you work on getting proper Static. Its also super fun.

You currently have 2.3 mills DPS in your build - you just can't activate it fast enough.

Awakened gems is a priority after that. Mind that you gonna need corrputed gems AND they don't have to be lvl 5. Since your chest gives +2 levels to gems, you can get them as low as lvl 3 corrupted and save some money by getting them from unfortunate vaal attempts.

Brutality will help you with those physical resistan monsters. Minion damage will give you +1 levels and that a fair bit of damage.

Then - it would be nice to have some boss killing gloves to swap, and a proper set of Specters. Demon Harpy alone is a massive boost to DPS. I recomend using 2 of those this league along with a frenzy monkey.

Second minion damage cluster jewel might help too. You can check in pob, or scout my character to see how to reshape your tree to save up some points for it.

You are not Chaor res capped - cosider using Blood of the Karui instead of Forbidden Taste cuz it will kill you.

Watchers eye with enemies take more damage on consecrated ground also a good addition to the jweles you can use.

I think - work on that and then come again. We'll see if you are missing something else crucial

Fire_Archer написал:
Kiltenth написал:
Hi, So I've been having a blast with this build. Killed Exarch, Eater, farming T16 Legions, guardians. Elder will be my next stop.

However. When I look at my PoB, I see that I'm sitting at around 1.2m dps. Sometimes It does feel like I need more DPS (specially in Exarch). What are the things I'm missing (other than awakened gems and empower lv4)?

I fiddle around with different items but can't seem to figure out how I can hit 2m+ dps.

Here is my current build (It's pobb.in link, I'm having issues with pastebin. But It should be ok)

Hoh, that's a bit of a messed item priority if I ever saw one. Ashes of the stars AND a kingmaker with Fortress covenant already?

Well lets see.
The first two things that instantly catches my eye is pretty meh weapons. You can easily (and cheap) upgrade it with either +1 all skills scepter or Alva mod weapon. If you have some divines to waste for crafting - you can get +1 all skills base and craft multimod on it and slap in minion damage and trigger on top. Just makde sure the item has enouh space for mods. Best use the crafting emulator to make sure.
Second - your static strike is messed up - check FaQ spredsheet on how to max out your dps. Since you already have ashes - you gonna just through some hoops for that.

On a side note - I'd recomend you to try out Vaal Flicker strike as it will activate relics at max speed on single targets while you work on getting proper Static. Its also super fun.

You currently have 2.3 mills DPS in your build - you just can't activate it fast enough.

Awakened gems is a priority after that. Mind that you gonna need corrputed gems AND they don't have to be lvl 5. Since your chest gives +2 levels to gems, you can get them as low as lvl 3 corrupted and save some money by getting them from unfortunate vaal attempts.

Brutality will help you with those physical resistan monsters. Minion damage will give you +1 levels and that a fair bit of damage.

Then - it would be nice to have some boss killing gloves to swap, and a proper set of Specters. Demon Harpy alone is a massive boost to DPS. I recomend using 2 of those this league along with a frenzy monkey.

Second minion damage cluster jewel might help too. You can check in pob, or scout my character to see how to reshape your tree to save up some points for it.

You are not Chaor res capped - cosider using Blood of the Karui instead of Forbidden Taste cuz it will kill you.

Watchers eye with enemies take more damage on consecrated ground also a good addition to the jweles you can use.

I think - work on that and then come again. We'll see if you are missing something else crucial

Ah thank you so much! I actually got ashes as a drop so I just put it in there is that. Other than that I'm an idiot when It comes to crafting, so I always look for trades for weapons. Currently there are few good weapons for 6-9 divs, but all of them have 1.5- attack speeds :/ Gotta figure that out somehow later on.
Kiltenth написал:
Fire_Archer написал:
Kiltenth написал:
Hi, So I've been having a blast with this build. Killed Exarch, Eater, farming T16 Legions, guardians. Elder will be my next stop.

However. When I look at my PoB, I see that I'm sitting at around 1.2m dps. Sometimes It does feel like I need more DPS (specially in Exarch). What are the things I'm missing (other than awakened gems and empower lv4)?

I fiddle around with different items but can't seem to figure out how I can hit 2m+ dps.

Here is my current build (It's pobb.in link, I'm having issues with pastebin. But It should be ok)

Hoh, that's a bit of a messed item priority if I ever saw one. Ashes of the stars AND a kingmaker with Fortress covenant already?

Well lets see.
The first two things that instantly catches my eye is pretty meh weapons. You can easily (and cheap) upgrade it with either +1 all skills scepter or Alva mod weapon. If you have some divines to waste for crafting - you can get +1 all skills base and craft multimod on it and slap in minion damage and trigger on top. Just makde sure the item has enouh space for mods. Best use the crafting emulator to make sure.
Second - your static strike is messed up - check FaQ spredsheet on how to max out your dps. Since you already have ashes - you gonna just through some hoops for that.

On a side note - I'd recomend you to try out Vaal Flicker strike as it will activate relics at max speed on single targets while you work on getting proper Static. Its also super fun.

You currently have 2.3 mills DPS in your build - you just can't activate it fast enough.

Awakened gems is a priority after that. Mind that you gonna need corrputed gems AND they don't have to be lvl 5. Since your chest gives +2 levels to gems, you can get them as low as lvl 3 corrupted and save some money by getting them from unfortunate vaal attempts.

Brutality will help you with those physical resistan monsters. Minion damage will give you +1 levels and that a fair bit of damage.

Then - it would be nice to have some boss killing gloves to swap, and a proper set of Specters. Demon Harpy alone is a massive boost to DPS. I recomend using 2 of those this league along with a frenzy monkey.

Second minion damage cluster jewel might help too. You can check in pob, or scout my character to see how to reshape your tree to save up some points for it.

You are not Chaor res capped - cosider using Blood of the Karui instead of Forbidden Taste cuz it will kill you.

Watchers eye with enemies take more damage on consecrated ground also a good addition to the jweles you can use.

I think - work on that and then come again. We'll see if you are missing something else crucial

Ah thank you so much! I actually got ashes as a drop so I just put it in there is that. Other than that I'm an idiot when It comes to crafting, so I always look for trades for weapons. Currently there are few good weapons for 6-9 divs, but all of them have 1.5- attack speeds :/ Gotta figure that out somehow later on.

Here this should help
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 27 дек. 2022 г., 9:14:16
Fire_Archer написал:

Wait, do I combine them or something? If so, I don't know how. If It's with a recombinator, there are none on the market currently. (Sorry, I have never fiddled around crafting before despite having like 3k hours)

Edit: I also bought phantasmal desecrate to get demon harpies. It always spawns flickershades. /global 6666 seemed pretty dead when It comes to sharing corpses. I'm not sure how else I can get them.
Последняя редакция: Kiltenth#7883. Время: 27 дек. 2022 г., 11:13:25
Kiltenth написал:
Fire_Archer написал:

Wait, do I combine them or something? If so, I don't know how. If It's with a recombinator, there are none on the market currently. (Sorry, I have never fiddled around crafting before despite having like 3k hours)

Lol, no. You just pick one of those and bench craft trigger spells on top. Or multimod, then minion damage and trigger.
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 27 дек. 2022 г., 11:12:35
Alright fellas, buckle up because I feel like typing walls of text again.

The word is - Crit relics are back baby!
Pulling out the good old image from the past. Vennto log in!

So… what I was working on? Well, frankly I feel like I made a whole circle on the build development. Two circles actually. But first lest me remind you a brief history of a build. Feel free to skip.

Build history
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The build started as the current version you can see in a PoB on the main page now, except with much less passive points – and thus much more tanky. 6-7k life on top of massive life on block etc.

The second version of it was a crit version. During (I think) expedition, when Brittle Ground was part of every build, the crit version was peak performance. Reaching up for as high as 50 mill damage with some silly techs like 5-6 Slum lords.
You could easily reach 100% crit chance with just Brittle Ground and old Power Charges.

As we all know both of those things were nuked by GGG. Fair enough.

The third version – is what you see in the main page now. A fraction of its former glory. Reaching 13 mill DPS as its high ceiling.

What I was working on – is to bring the crit version back. Perhaps sacrifice even more tankiness to really get big on crits and this is what I’ve discovered.

Recent discoveries.
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Crit is still slapping real hard. But at a price.

About 7 extra passive points (subtracted from life and spell block) and a Shield slot has been sacrificed to reach the crit chance of 50%

However, with some extra crit multi and with super fast activation speed, the total DPS is actually reaching up back to 30 mills!

It does make you rather squishy, but not TOO squishy. The main problem that loss of Dawnbreaker makes physical damage very dangerous. No more Shaper slam tanking, I guess... (unless…) In addition to that – Dawnbreaker was providing a metric ton of block – this is also lost now. ON TOP OF THAT Dawnbreaker were giving a fair bit of armor – this is also lost.

To compensate the loss of block and armor, I included Rumi into the build. And I honestly hate that flask because its deceptive. Its not gonna be active all the time, but it gives you a false comfort feeling that your block is maxed out in PoB.

Therefore – extra additions were made in a form of alternate quality Bone Offering and Tempest Shield – putting my block to 71/71 without Rumi. This is only possible because of Ashes of the Stars providing Extra Quality to those gems giving extra block.

Inspired Learning was also sacrificed, but I don’t count it as a great loss. The Archnemesis mods were nerfed over and over (god bless) to the point they are not really impactful to have on this build.

Current build and results of upgrades
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The PoB numbers are good, but field tests are more important. Can I say the build feels better while clearing maps?

Yes. It feels like its doing a lot more damage even in a clear setup, compared to non-crit version. Even if I unequip Ashes of the Stars.

Does it feel squishier?

Yes. It does, especially against altars that reduce resists and/or reduce physical damage mitigation. Its not too noticeable, but sometimes my clenching butt catches it.

Does 30 mill damage feels better on bosses? I don’t know, I haven’t tested it just yet, making sure I min max the shit out of it before I go for Ubers again.

The two ways you can push the crit version.
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So, you can go full glass canon – reach 30 mills and be happy about it. The other option – the one I’m more leaning into – is to add a bit of tankiness back. Sure Dawnbreaker is gone for good, but there is one last thing. One last respite that I haven’t yet fully experimented with. Tapping into the forbidden power of the Wardloop and stealing some of their techs… I present you…

Anomalous Vaal Discipline and its best friend ES on hit Watcher’s Eye.

This two things combined give you:

1) Add 745 ES to your life pool.

2) Add a panic button that instantly restores you 2500~ ish energy shield.
This can be a downside, however, as its an extra button to press.

3) Makes you ES pretty much infinite in maps and add a fair bit of regen on bosses with ES on hit. (Every hit of static strike beam will restore ES. Every hit of Vaal flicker will restore ES)
This, however, leads to the situations where you would run out of life faster than you would run out of ES

What does it cost? It costs Warbanner and a gem slot. Gem slot is fixed with second Unset ring. Warbanner is lost for good, leaving you with pathetic 27 mill DPS instead of 30.

In addition – because this tech provides so much ES regen, there is a room to experiment with different Timeless jewel. To stop Life from being damaged while ES is not fully gone. The Traitor Keystone might be tempting to sustain those unique flasks up, but I haven’t go that far yet. Still min maxing it. Adding some form or life recoup would help a whole lot too.

What items do you need to switch to crit.
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1) Bone shield with a 100%+ minion crit roll. Ideally with extra block. Ideally with increased minion damage. They don’t seem costly at all, but prolly because they are not in demand.

2) Cluster jewels with Vicious bite. You gonna need at least one with Vicious Bite, Renewal and Feasting fiends at once. Ideally 2 of those, but one is enough. Second one can be Vicious bite + Renewal.
3) You need to roll Brittle ground on boots. Ideally – drop for 3+ seconds every time. 2 seconds is too low. ‘While in unique presence’ works too, but not ideal. You wanna drop it on rare monsters as well

4) Assassins Mark. Ideally – Divergent. For a boss killing setup.
5) Vixens with Vuln on hit to activate Assassins mark.

6) 2 Host Chieftains as your specters. For power charges. Third specter is still a Harpy.
7) Ashes of the Stars is not required, but ideally you’d want it to help with lost block values. Its not too bad to run around with 50-60 block, but best be safe, aye?

Current Build
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Making crit relics work again. They work. Damage good. Makes you squishy. Fixing squishy with Discipline. Looks good. Damage loss is not too big for including it. Might be the way. Still experimenting.
Its a bit difficult to transition, and needs to be tested when is best to do it. But I sure will test it and make a guide on it. For now - use the 13 mills one. Unless you feel like you can make sense of this post and follow the items I'm using now.

Here is you PoBs
https://pastebin.com/TyQwyfaY - 30 mill DPS
https://pastebin.com/NLB3ekjH - 27 mills but with Discipline on.

Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 28 дек. 2022 г., 1:53:40
Small update - UberSirus and Uber Cortex is down.
That makes it
Uber Shaper
Uber Eater
Uber Cortex
Uber Sirus

However, I'm still not happy with the results. The damage is still too low for comfort uberbossing.

UberMaven is not done - another weird thing. She used to be one of the easy ones before. Now - I cant even face tank cascade of pain or her beams. Might be lack of They of Tul. Have to experiment more with different specter sets.

Either way - I struggle to find extra way to add more damage. There are some ways but eh... Honestly - I'm ready to give up on uber content with this build at least till some buffs to minions.

Still. Crit version adds up a fair bit of damage and smoothness if not for uber bosses, then for mapping itself. For now my verdict is - needs more testing.

And you can have another a map clear video. Warning - high amount of flickering and rules of nature.
Give a try to your build, and for the moment it s just a wonderful experience !
Thank you !!
nickn06 написал:
Give a try to your build, and for the moment it s just a wonderful experience !
Thank you !!

Glad to hear! Be sure to ckeck out FaQ before you mess up your static strike by leveling it up.

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