[3.??] juju's exBest CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| exGOD TIER BUILD...!!!

Is there pob for build before CI?
Prismaa написал:
Is there pob for build before CI?

No pob but i have made skill tree on leveling section and gear in What do i upgrade next? Includes league start!
what is even the point of getting a ilvl 1 cospris - the attributes requirements are still the same right? or are we spaming orbs to get reduced req's and trash to treasure it afterwards
Ehryzona написал:
what is even the point of getting a ilvl 1 cospris - the attributes requirements are still the same right? or are we spaming orbs to get reduced req's and trash to treasure it afterwards

With Tempering Orbs used on item lvl 1 you have a 1/7 chance to hit the enchant with 40% reduced, if above 20 it becomes a nightmare with so many other mods.

Последняя редакция: HarryPothead#0813. Время: 3 мая 2021 г., 12:50:24
Hello all ! Check me please .Looks like my attack speed is super low for this build, what should i change/swap ? I wanna have more dps
I'm having difficulties with Elemental reflect maps, are these to be avoided or am I missing something in the build that alleviates this?
If it helps, I have CI, 75%+ resists, ~6.8k ES when buffed, and Opportunistic; thanks in advance for any time you can take to look over my build.
Последняя редакция: HeGoose#6390. Время: 3 мая 2021 г., 17:48:17
Hello, is it still possible to get an Explode chest? From what i"ve seen there is no influence suffix or prefix that give the 5% when you kill enemies?

Thank you!
Hey was looking to pick someone's brain on where my upgrades could come from now. im having some stat difficulties and feel like im wasting nodes on the +30's just to equip cospri's. after that i can start looking into clusters
Hey, I´m looking to start my CI Max Block CoC soon and got some gear together already. What part of the gear should I upgrade before I can really get going? Am still LL right now and would actully lose ES on the swap.

Here is the POB with my CI gear so far: https://pastebin.com/EmpfUFDC

Ff you wanna look at my LL char just chech my profile
The build is all Elemental Damage, Stay away from ele reflects.

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