[3.??] juju's exBest CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| exGOD TIER BUILD...!!!

Hello quick question. The pob is for 3.13 version. No new update for 3.14?
HeGoose написал:
I'm having difficulties with Elemental reflect maps, are these to be avoided or am I missing something in the build that alleviates this?
If it helps, I have CI, 75%+ resists, ~6.8k ES when buffed, and Opportunistic; thanks in advance for any time you can take to look over my build.

you are probably struggling when your flask are out of charges or you aren't at 100% crit. if you can sustain 100% crit we can run reflect maps because of opportunistic makes our damage from crit strikes cannot be reflected. This is why the build struggles with uber atziri will you can be at 100 crit without flask

HauverOne написал:
Hello, is it still possible to get an Explode chest? From what i"ve seen there is no influence suffix or prefix that give the 5% when you kill enemies?

Thank you!

explode is a crusader influence prefix but has been nerfed and reworked to "Enemies you Kill have a (21–30)% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage"

Keilord1 написал:
Hey was looking to pick someone's brain on where my upgrades could come from now. im having some stat difficulties and feel like im wasting nodes on the +30's just to equip cospri's. after that i can start looking into clusters

high dex items or pick up pratical application on the skill tree gives you +25 dex and strength...you could also craft +24dex and %18 qual on your chest depending how much dex you need

TryndaFBaby написал:
Hey, I´m looking to start my CI Max Block CoC soon and got some gear together already. What part of the gear should I upgrade before I can really get going? Am still LL right now and would actully lose ES on the swap.

Here is the POB with my CI gear so far: https://pastebin.com/EmpfUFDC

Ff you wanna look at my LL char just chech my profile

shield is a must for sustain and survivability imo. recover 5% es on block is huge for recovery. all other upgrades will come in time when you have the currency. The most important thing is sustaining the BPS and having at least 97% crit and 97% accuracy

I'm currently rocking 4.7K es and running all content.

BravoFoxtr0t написал:
The build is all Elemental Damage, Stay away from ele reflects.

This is true however, if you can sustain 100% crit we can run reflect maps because of opportunistic makes our damage from crit strikes cannot be reflected

fayajo написал:
Hello quick question. The pob is for 3.13 version. No new update for 3.14?

assassins' tree didnt change really besides the nerf to harvest and assassins' ascendancies
Последняя редакция: ayerun#2199. Время: 3 мая 2021 г., 23:10:48
HarryPothead написал:
Ehryzona написал:
what is even the point of getting a ilvl 1 cospris - the attributes requirements are still the same right? or are we spaming orbs to get reduced req's and trash to treasure it afterwards

With Tempering Orbs used on item lvl 1 you have a 1/7 chance to hit the enchant with 40% reduced, if above 20 it becomes a nightmare with so many other mods.

Yeah thanks i looked into that yesterday and saw the 1/7.
now I’m thinking about trying to get one or investing my left currency into new chest / boots.
Managed to get a Ilvl 100 6 white socket hunter Vaal regalia via t4 vorici
So I thought I knew the answer to this question but it made me start scratching my head again as I was browsing LL CoC builds on poe ninja. I'm seeing people that are running lvl 5+ woke hextouch with two curses linked such as frostbite and ele weakness. By itself this is fine, you're getting the +1 curse from the woke hextouch. But then I've seen people running this setup while also utilizing Assassin's Mark on hit rings. I realize marks were changed a little while back, but they're still considered curses despite this change... so are these people just running this setup because they don't really have anything else to replace it with or am I missing something and we can utilize 3 curses at a single time with just the lvl 5 woke hextouch? I didn't think you could but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm planning on going to a woke hextouch setup somewhat soonish, and the plan was to run one GG circle of fear and one ass mark ring, and just run frostbite normally. I'm playing LL CoC similar to this one, though I've done a few things differently like running vortex for bonechill & constant arcane surge uptime as well as I'm currently not running clusters due to the fact they aren't needed for awesome boss dps and they're absurdly expensive for the good ones right now(ie 8 passive triple notable with blanketed snow and two other good notables).
Последняя редакция: KFieLdGaming#6475. Время: 4 мая 2021 г., 2:33:07
KFieLdGaming написал:
So I thought I knew the answer to this question but it made me start scratching my head again as I was browsing LL CoC builds on poe ninja. I'm seeing people that are running lvl 5+ woke hextouch with two curses linked such as frostbite and ele weakness. By itself this is fine, you're getting the +1 curse from the woke hextouch. But then I've seen people running this setup while also utilizing Assassin's Mark on hit rings. I realize marks were changed a little while back, but they're still considered curses despite this change... so are these people just running this setup because they don't really have anything else to replace it with or am I missing something and we can utilize 3 curses at a single time with just the lvl 5 woke hextouch? I didn't think you could but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm planning on going to a woke hextouch setup somewhat soonish, and the plan was to run one GG circle of fear and one ass mark ring, and just run frostbite normally. I'm playing LL CoC similar to this one, though I've done a few things differently like running vortex for bonechill & constant arcane surge uptime as well as I'm currently not running clusters due to the fact they aren't needed for awesome boss dps and they're absurdly expensive for the good ones right now(ie 8 passive triple notable with blanketed snow and two other good notables).

You could potentially get into the +1 curse on the passive tree ( whispers of doom ) I think or craft +1 curse on your chest which is actually forceable via harvest. This would allow you to tripple curse
Последняя редакция: Ehryzona#5612. Время: 4 мая 2021 г., 2:43:40
KFieLdGaming написал:
So I thought I knew the answer to this question but it made me start scratching my head again as I was browsing LL CoC builds on poe ninja. I'm seeing people that are running lvl 5+ woke hextouch with two curses linked such as frostbite and ele weakness. By itself this is fine, you're getting the +1 curse from the woke hextouch. But then I've seen people running this setup while also utilizing Assassin's Mark on hit rings. I realize marks were changed a little while back, but they're still considered curses despite this change... so are these people just running this setup because they don't really have anything else to replace it with or am I missing something and we can utilize 3 curses at a single time with just the lvl 5 woke hextouch? I didn't think you could but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm planning on going to a woke hextouch setup somewhat soonish, and the plan was to run one GG circle of fear and one ass mark ring, and just run frostbite normally. I'm playing LL CoC similar to this one, though I've done a few things differently like running vortex for bonechill & constant arcane surge uptime as well as I'm currently not running clusters due to the fact they aren't needed for awesome boss dps and they're absurdly expensive for the good ones right now(ie 8 passive triple notable with blanketed snow and two other good notables).

There are pros and cons to running the frostbite+ assassian mark setup vs frostbite + ele weakness

Assassian mark is usually just used in bossing setups because a mark can only curse one enemy at a time vs ele weakness which can curse a group of enemies

While they are marked with assassian mark we have increased critical strike chance which helps boost our dps.

However, if you are crit capped I would see how ele weakness + frostbite would be more beneficial seeing we can group their could res even further. So it all depends on your setup and which way you go. As long as you are Crit capped. I
Think the better choice would frostbite + ele weakness. But you would have to test it to see which works out best for you. But you could always run a three curse setup. Ethier allocating whispers of doom on your passive tree or getting a chest with you can apply an additional curse.

LL is able to scale its dps far more superior than CI is able to just because you are able to fit in more utility and offense auras. So CI vs LL has its pros and cons depending on how you want to play the build.
Последняя редакция: ayerun#2199. Время: 4 мая 2021 г., 2:47:00
ayerun написал:
KFieLdGaming написал:
So I thought I knew the answer to this question but it made me start scratching my head again as I was browsing LL CoC builds on poe ninja. I'm seeing people that are running lvl 5+ woke hextouch with two curses linked such as frostbite and ele weakness. By itself this is fine, you're getting the +1 curse from the woke hextouch. But then I've seen people running this setup while also utilizing Assassin's Mark on hit rings. I realize marks were changed a little while back, but they're still considered curses despite this change... so are these people just running this setup because they don't really have anything else to replace it with or am I missing something and we can utilize 3 curses at a single time with just the lvl 5 woke hextouch? I didn't think you could but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm planning on going to a woke hextouch setup somewhat soonish, and the plan was to run one GG circle of fear and one ass mark ring, and just run frostbite normally. I'm playing LL CoC similar to this one, though I've done a few things differently like running vortex for bonechill & constant arcane surge uptime as well as I'm currently not running clusters due to the fact they aren't needed for awesome boss dps and they're absurdly expensive for the good ones right now(ie 8 passive triple notable with blanketed snow and two other good notables).

There are pros and cons to running the frostbite+ assassian mark setup vs frostbite + ele weakness

Assassian mark is usually just used in bossing setups because a mark can only curse one enemy at a time vs ele weakness which can curse a group of enemies

While they are marked with assassian mark we have increased critical strike chance which helps boost our dps.

However, if you are crit capped I would see how ele weakness + frostbite would be more beneficial seeing we can group their could res even further. So it all depends on your setup and which way you go. As long as you are Crit capped. I
Think the better choice would frostbite + ele weakness. But you would have to test it to see which works out best for you. But you could always run a three curse setup. Ethier allocating whispers of doom on your passive tree or getting a chest with you can apply an additional curse.

LL is able to scale its dps far more superior than CI is able to just because you are able to fit in more utility and offense auras. So CI vs LL has its pros and cons depending on how you want to play the build.

Yeah, I agree with everything you said there for sure, but I was asking a different question. It's possible I didn't make that clear enough with my original post.

My question was: I've seen people running both frostbite and elemental weakness linked with their level 5+ awakened hextouch. This is all well and good as it gives us +1 curse. But then they're also using an Assassin's Mark on hit ring on top of it. They didn't have any other source of +1 curse, so the maximum amount of active curses you can have, even on bosses where ass mark can proc, is 2. So why run an assassin's mark ring in place of a 2nd Circle of Fear for example, since we can't have 3 active curses on a boss? The only thing I can think of is that they're just letting assassin's mark override one of the hextouch linked curses on bosses, and then still getting the benefit of ele weakness + frostbite while clearing maps. Or maybe I'm just over thinking this entire thing lol.

As far as me probably choosing to run ass mark as the 2nd curse, even if it can only proc on rares & uniques, is to ensure 100% effective crit chance when flasks are down/empty. I'd probably stop using it if/when I ever acquire a GG Watcher's Eye with base crit and cold pen or base crit + es on hit from discipline. That would get my crit chance close enough to 100% without flasks and without an increased crit gem in CoC's main link(awakened added cold in it's place). And even if the additional base crit chance isn't doing anything for me, don't forget you're still getting an extra 50% crit multi on bosses which is huge.

Последняя редакция: KFieLdGaming#6475. Время: 4 мая 2021 г., 4:56:03
OK so just want to mention this about curses. For endgame you always want vortex + awk5 hextouch + frostbite + bonechill combo WITH assasins mark ring. I have previously played with having arcane surge on vortex but its seriously not worth it. It may seem to be nice to have arcane surge always on but you lose a lot of damage.

Having ass mark instead ele weak as second curse is pretty much always better. Ass mark is seriously a game changer on bosses. Yeah ele weak would effect everything but we already 1 shot whit monsters so no point having it.

Also a reminder. If you use 2 curses you need to have +1 curse from anywhere!
juju666 написал:
OK so just want to mention this about curses. For endgame you always want vortex + awk5 hextouch + frostbite + bonechill combo WITH assasins mark ring. I have previously played with having arcane surge on vortex but its seriously not worth it. It may seem to be nice to have arcane surge always on but you lose a lot of damage.

Having ass mark instead ele weak as second curse is pretty much always better. Ass mark is seriously a game changer on bosses. Yeah ele weak would effect everything but we already 1 shot whit monsters so no point having it.

Also a reminder. If you use 2 curses you need to have +1 curse from anywhere!

In all likelihood, I was going to take arcane surge out of the vortex link as soon as I could pick up a level 5 woke hextouch, so I agree. You wouldn't totally get rid of arcane surge right? Just have a lower level one linked with flame dash or whatever movement skill you use, probably level 6 I think.

Unfortunately I'm sort of in a transitional period with the way I have my version of the build setup that if I take arcane surge out of the vortex link, I don't really have anyway of linking it up with flame dash unless I get an unset ring as my ass mark ring, and then dump vaal RF into it which would free up another socket so I could link arcane surge and flame dash together. The only other potential socket that I can free up is Ice Golem, which is really just a temporary solution to an accuracy problem since I don't have any pieces with enough flat accuracy to maintain 100% hit without the golem. I wish I did since the golem is more of an annoyance as it dies constantly, since it's just a buff bot that isn't supported by anything.

I could also just dump vaal RF entirely as after the nerf, using it on certain bosses is pretty sketchy, unless you immediately follow it up with vaal discipline for the instant es recovery. Frankly, the build does so much damage that half the time I forget to even pop it anyway because it doesn't feel necessary.
KFieLdGaming написал:
juju666 написал:
OK so just want to mention this about curses. For endgame you always want vortex + awk5 hextouch + frostbite + bonechill combo WITH assasins mark ring. I have previously played with having arcane surge on vortex but its seriously not worth it. It may seem to be nice to have arcane surge always on but you lose a lot of damage.

Having ass mark instead ele weak as second curse is pretty much always better. Ass mark is seriously a game changer on bosses. Yeah ele weak would effect everything but we already 1 shot whit monsters so no point having it.

Also a reminder. If you use 2 curses you need to have +1 curse from anywhere!

In all likelihood, I was going to take arcane surge out of the vortex link as soon as I could pick up a level 5 woke hextouch, so I agree. You wouldn't totally get rid of arcane surge right? Just have a lower level one linked with flame dash or whatever movement skill you use, probably level 6 I think.

Unfortunately I'm sort of in a transitional period with the way I have my version of the build setup that if I take arcane surge out of the vortex link, I don't really have anyway of linking it up with flame dash unless I get an unset ring as my ass mark ring, and then dump vaal RF into it which would free up another socket so I could link arcane surge and flame dash together. The only other potential socket that I can free up is Ice Golem, which is really just a temporary solution to an accuracy problem since I don't have any pieces with enough flat accuracy to maintain 100% hit without the golem. I wish I did since the golem is more of an annoyance as it dies constantly, since it's just a buff bot that isn't supported by anything.

I could also just dump vaal RF entirely as after the nerf, using it on certain bosses is pretty sketchy, unless you immediately follow it up with vaal discipline for the instant es recovery. Frankly, the build does so much damage that half the time I forget to even pop it anyway because it doesn't feel necessary.

Just drop Vaal RF as it’s not needed for map bosses/conqs and you don’t even get it up for actually boss fights Sirus/invitations.

If you put your ice golem lvl 4with your cwdt you don’t have to
Worry about casting it.

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