(3.16) NERFED DO NOT PLAY THIS Raider Archmage BF/BB [CHEAP, Tanky, HCSSF viable, (100m+ dps)

To everyone having a tough time, you NEED minimum 4000-5000 mana pool for archmage damage to be worth it. Start searching trade for items with mana, life, and resists. Get decent mana on every item slot + some mana regen. All this gear can be bought for 20-30c total on top of the 6l. Probably like 40c total to get going for respec.

I am at ~6.5k mana pool still in fairly trash gear but damage and survivability is good even without enduring cry or vig strike. Can usually easily clear most Ultimatums and currently running reds(~t12).

Also, I am running arcane cloak on LMB, haven't had a problem with that. Drop sigil against tough rares and bosses, adds a lot of damage.

Mentosman42 написал:
To everyone having a tough time, you NEED minimum 4000-5000 mana pool for archmage damage to be worth it. Start searching trade for items with mana, life, and resists. Get decent mana on every item slot + some mana regen. All this gear can be bought for 20-30c total on top of the 6l. Probably like 40c total to get going for respec.

I am at ~6.5k mana pool still in fairly trash gear but damage and survivability is good even without enduring cry or vig strike. Can usually easily clear most Ultimatums and currently running reds(~t12).

Also, I am running arcane cloak on LMB, haven't had a problem with that. Drop sigil against tough rares and bosses, adds a lot of damage.


No difficulty against ultimatum?
can you plz share the item filter you use for the build OP?
Cause i dont know if a semi strict or sovereign general will be enough for this as we probably want all the sceptres especially in ssf:)

Thx a lot in advance

I'm still undecided between a second sceptre for more dps or grab a shield in softcore..
Am i missing something? Where is the 40 strength in radius of the vigil?
By any chance do you have a mid/end game filter? I really enjoyed the early game one helping pick out what I should grab. Thank you for that!
redjo написал:
Mentosman42 написал:
To everyone having a tough time, you NEED minimum 4000-5000 mana pool for archmage damage to be worth it. Start searching trade for items with mana, life, and resists. Get decent mana on every item slot + some mana regen. All this gear can be bought for 20-30c total on top of the 6l. Probably like 40c total to get going for respec.

I am at ~6.5k mana pool still in fairly trash gear but damage and survivability is good even without enduring cry or vig strike. Can usually easily clear most Ultimatums and currently running reds(~t12).

Also, I am running arcane cloak on LMB, haven't had a problem with that. Drop sigil against tough rares and bosses, adds a lot of damage.


No difficulty against ultimatum?

i ve no issues doin t15 ultimatum... as everyone mentioned , mind drinker helps alot .. so get it asap.. we have unlimited phasin also... its super easy to kite mobs with that... cloak skyrocketed my defenses .. be sure u have all the recommended utility + mana flasks
Hi, just one question, how do you proc onslaught ?
You always have onslaught because of your ascendacy node.
Eykoh написал:
Hi, just one question, how do you proc onslaught ?

You don’t, the Raider ascendancy gives you permanent onslaught, so make sure you do your lab trials and all labs.

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