(3.16) NERFED DO NOT PLAY THIS Raider Archmage BF/BB [CHEAP, Tanky, HCSSF viable, (100m+ dps)

buttcommander написал:
Any thoughts about getting way of the poacher instead of avatar of chase? You can get 5 frenzy charges pretty easily which is 20% more damage but lose 20% movement speed and some evasion. Worth?

you lose onslaught inc effect, it's not worth
nvskitty написал:
all the dribblers saying this isnt league viable lmao
started this build on league start with lightning traps into BFBB at lvl 70 and was fine since day 1 - clearly half of you dont look at the pob or even read the guide properly

currently into tier 11-13 maps and the builds still very good just wondering what you think would be the next thing to go for in terms of upgrades?

healthy/clear mind mana + big spell damage/lightning damage roll on weapons or a shaper shield with recovery on block and spell block % with a mana roll or life
sinhviencodon написал:
What is the main source of mana regen? I'm at lv 72 with 3k mana and I'm running out of mana most of the time (haven't picked up Agnostic yet), I have to rely on my mana flasks a lot.

can't view your character, needs to be public. Mind Drinker anointment is very important you can also get a blue pearly ammy and slam it with a misery essence for lots of regen. At 3k mana you're lacking lots of mana on gear.
dangb написал:
konean написал:
dangb написал:
I am about to quit this build, at least temporarily.

As my first character, I am having a super hard time following the build, specially trying to get through the campaign on my own. The lightning trap is not cutting it anymore.

I believe I will have to follow a more detailed build for now and then maybe I'll come back to this.

You are asking for a more detailed guide but you are still not following this one. Your faster casting is not linked (important for bladefall), your Arcane Cloake needs to be a four link. On top your flasks are a mess for reaching maps.

That's the thing. Maybe it's just me, but I'm finding it hard to follow. I haven't played this game in years, so consider myself a total noob.

So, at level 35, should I switch to Bladefall already as my primary skill? Should I stop using Lightning Trap?

I am also not sure what type of gear to equip.

if you're brand new and struggling at 35 you may have a tough time. That's not even the build, LT is literally just racing meta for spellcaster ranger. You want crafted wands with flat added damage to spells and drop flesh and stone if you have mana problems.
What numbers roughly do you want in the mana/ mana regen department before going the agnostic? Im currently at 6.3k mana with 288.3 regen in hideout. Also, I happened to get a cloak of defiance, would you use a 5l cloak of defiance over a tabula? Any thoughts on running clear mind in one of the jewel sockets?
Последняя редакция: akatosh100#0287. Время: 19 апр. 2021 г., 16:05:12
redjo написал:
very good build except against ultimatum, i die often
here's my pob : https://pastebin.com/EmS91gC4

your shield is giving you very little benefit, ultimatums have very deadly damage that isn't meant to be tanked, most of it is avoidable. I would swap to a mana weapon in your offhand or get a shield with spell block/mana/life at the minimum
haniii11 написал:
I have serious mana issues on bosses, any idea how to fix that? i have pretty good gear, mana regen on every single item etc

you're probably over spamming too much, we have downtime during bosses. You get Sigil going, burst and regen. You don't continuously spell loop unless you can kill it very quickly by spamming your mana flasks.
lamA1337 написал:
Build gets better and better o.o 6 Linked closk today and crafted a decent conductivity Ring.. can also sustain rf now.. oh boy rf rampes our dmg so much, love it..

I have a question.. you suggested a shield for Ultimatum yesterday.. just dropped a replica mistwall and on paper it looks really nice.. is it? And i wanted to ask if we use awakened spell echo later

I don't like awakened spell echo that much, but it's not bad at all. Rep mistwall is very good, I personally like shaper shield with recovery on block better + % spell block and a heft mana/life roll but mistwall is absurdly strong.
garrett871 написал:
By any chance do you have a mid/end game filter? I really enjoyed the early game one helping pick out what I should grab. Thank you for that!

work in progress
Eykoh написал:
Hi, just one question, how do you proc onslaught ?

it's raider ascendancy

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