[3.18] 🍄 Sporeguard Incinerate Elementalist 🔥 3-10M Shaper DPS & Tanky 🔥 League Start To Endgame
Have you considered using level 20 divergent frostblink for movement? It gives you 139% incr. cooldown recovery rate for each unique or rare enemy in area, so it's nice when fighting a boss + it allows you to move while channeling incinerate, because it has instant cast speed (stages remain at 8 or 10 while moving). When combined with 'Nigtwind Slippers' you even get 187% cooldown recovery rate.
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" " Hi you two -- thanks for touching base & maintaining an interest. I've been very absent since late season so I'm catching up now and updating the guide tonight. More or less the build (and the skill tree fwict) remains relatively the same based on the patch notes, except our on-hit damage is getting buffed by around 45% (!!!). I won't know the exact DPS until the gems are updated in POB, but even if the ignite mechanic is being downscaled to compensate we're likely still coming out well ahead. Though I will be tweaking the gear setup & POB(s) in the coming days once I've experimented more in-game, I anticipate that most things will remain approximately the same. I'll be taking it from league-start to endgame so stay tuned. " You know I haven't tested that, so you might be on to something. I will look into it, and if it serves you well stick with it. I'm a little bit behind on all the updates/interactions when it comes to skills outside the core build so I appreciate people taking it upon themselves to fiddle around a bit. Последняя редакция: WarPig17#1988. Время: 4 февр. 2022 г., 0:14:54
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Oh, I forgot to mention, you need to support frostblink with Enhance; second wind support doesn't work with it.
I use the following setup in a 4 link: Enhance, divergent frostblink, phantasmal cremation, divergent cast when damage taken. The other combo (enhance, cwdt, phantasmal cremation) is for exploding corpses (88% chance when firing projectiles from cremation), since I use Incandescent heart (incinerste CI build) instead of Sporeguard. Последняя редакция: fgdfshhs#4807. Время: 4 февр. 2022 г., 3:50:42
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Hi, the build looks interesting and fun and I am thinking about doing it this league.
Could you tell me what kind of league content (e.g. Legion, Blight, Delirium, etc.) does this build feel good to use against? And which feel bad to do on it? |
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" Hi there -- glad you're thinking of league-starting this (check my leveling section if you're in need of some advice). As a jack of all trades it does pretty well regardless of your farming strategy. It handles Legion best when you start incorporating Infernal Cry and can wipe out an entire screen with a 2 button sequence. Blight I would suggest you learn to use towers a bit to ensure success, but once you have those rolling in juiced maps you should be fine. The build is not reliable in 100% Delirium maps (or after wave 20 of Simulacrum -- though damage buffs this season might change this), but can handle 20-80% Delirium just fine on any map if you enjoy using delirium orbs. I don't love running delirium mirrors though because historically standing still not only slows down you progress (i.e. less rewards), but is extremely dangerous for stand-and-cast builds like this one. If you're curious about any other content I suggest you check out my video section to get a sense of its capabilities in the endgame. I'm league starting this as well & will be updating the guide once I've worked my way closer to endgame and see if any of this content feels different w/ our higher damage output. Cheers & GLHF Последняя редакция: WarPig17#1988. Время: 4 февр. 2022 г., 22:27:18
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Instituted some major/minor changes to the following sections:
PATH(S) OF BUILDING : Updated for 3.17 Do keep an eye out for future updates, but all-in-all the build will remain mostly the same, except now we run with about 50% more damage (!!!). Enjoy the new league! |
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As promised I'm playing this again from league-start to endgame just to get a sense for how its progressing now w/ the 50% damage buff.
I've essentially followed what I outlined in my leveling section for anyone that is curious (with some adjustments based on the current economy). I only spent a few chaos on the build after the campaign (Searing Touch & 5L Ambu's for 1c each) and that got me to t11-t12 before needing upgrades. I am level 88 presently running the super-budget cluster-free L85 POB & doing t16 deathless. I will provide another update after I've dug deeper into the new endgame boss encounters. Pictured below is my current gear -- the total setup costing only around 1ex (most expensive items were Martyr & 6L Ambu's at 1/4 exalt each): I was reminded of a handful of things on this playthrough that may help some of you playing the build presently: * Running the build at around 200 unreserved mana (that stays topped off) is essential. Your CWDT setup(s) needs to be going off every chance they can, and the total cost (assuming all L1 gems) is about 137, and our Flame Dash and/or Armageddon Brand consume about 30 mana each. * You'll need to get the -3 mana cost for channeled spells on two pieces of jewelry at some point to guarantee your mana never falls below the threshold even when using other abilities, but until then just devote a slot to an enduring mana flask and keep it up at all times. * Immortal Call without a consistent source of endurance charges (whether from inexorable anointment or our medium cluster setup) doesn't feel as good as Steelskin linked to Increased Duration and assigned to your left-click walk key. Since getting inexorable on my amulet I have felt a lot tankier running IC (around a 1/4 exalt investment). That's all that's coming to me presently, so stay safe & GLHF Edit: * I've made some refinement changes to the level 85 POB -- nothing major but shifted some points into mana regen, ash-when-hit, and recovery-on-block masteries. * Presently rethinking some pieces of the late game setup (gloves more than anything) with the addition of new implicits and the changes to conqueror enchanting. Последняя редакция: WarPig17#1988. Время: 8 февр. 2022 г., 14:21:53
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Thx for keeping the guide updated and for sharing your league progress. I maybe sound stupid but what is infernal cry used for? Like when do i hit this button? Everything dies to incinerate so fast.
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Thanks for your continued work on the build and checking it by running league start with it!
I am playing it as well and it's quite smooth ♥ Do you think we could use Flame surge with it on bosses? With the last change it gives the burning ground under ignited targets adding extra damage, I've seen it run on some ignite builds via Arcane Brand. Another thing, when should we transition from Searing Touch to Martyr of Innocence? As soon as we can get it? Or is there some other requirement we should meet first? |
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" No problem. Thanks for taking notice. IC is there mostly for boss fights, to cover them in ash = debuff = ~ 10% more damage (we also link it w/ combust for even more damage on bosses). Its also useful for legion (especially the opening phase), sometimes in blight, and useful in general mapping spots where you see a big pack ahead and can set it up without much risk (easier when linked w/ increase aoe support). |
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