[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Cahir_aep_Ceallach hi help me pls ty
@maik42: Did you entered your flask data (char tab 'misc') into the flask calculator https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ ? Here you can see and play around with stats to fix your issue.
hi Prong007 ty but can you check my build?
@maik42: As PoB is not showing the flask stats, it is very hard to do the calculation. But lookings at your medium clusters, it seems like you are still running with a 3 flask setup.
hi Prong007 i fix it now i can run 4 flasks ty vm
Xerpal написал:
hey guys,

so I got the issue with my build that I randomly kill myselft and I can't figure out why.
This happens rly rarely, had it a few times in in lab and once in sanctum.
I validated the build with https://returnx.github.io/cwdt/ and I can stand in my hideout or a map and can let the build run forever without any issues. Am I missing something that is causing these random suicides?

my PoB: https://pastebin.com/WSweDrB4

Some rooms in Lab + Sanctums don't give you full flask charges when entering!

2 possible outcomes therefore:
1.) You enter a room with reduced charges on your Olroth's - Flask does not activate without you noticing - you do the weapon swap = insta death.
2.) You enter a room with just enough chrges on your Olroth's to activate - Flask activates, but won't have enough charges after end of duration - you die after olroth's duration runs out.

just wait before activating anything + weapon swapping till flask charges are up.
Hey there:)

Thanks for the awesome guide, it's been a blast playing this build and taking it from start to where im currently at.

I've recently made the transition to a rare ring setup with 27% cdr.

The problem im facing atm is mana issues. When i start the loop i have to weapon swap 3 times, for the recoup to kick in.

Got any suggestions on how to fix the issue? I've looked at your mana problem section, still hasn't fixed it tho. Tried a skin of the lords which had skill gems sockets last, also didn't do much.

How are you guys dealing with this?

my pob: https://pastebin.com/Ujs0VQN5

Thanks alot.
Последняя редакция: slipnslide#3903. Время: 12 февр. 2023 г., 8:57:35
@slipnslide Your stats looks pretty balanced, calculator shows all green.
But I had similiar issues unitl I had the mana enchant on boots.
You think the boot enchant will be enough to fix it?
This is what I did, and it worked out. whisper me ingame and I can borrow you a pair to test quickly in HO.

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