[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Why on gloves and a helmet craft only for intellect or strength. Is it more profitable to make 25 strength and intellect?
@Beskaius: I'm getting my power charges from Stormrider cluster node.

@Podolski1984: Double attribute only count one time for omni. +30 strength gives 5 more compared to +25 str and int. Change your enchant and check your omni under char-tab 'misc'.

Последняя редакция: Prong007#0306. Время: 20 февр. 2023 г., 7:27:34
because 25 str and dex is 25 omni
30 str is 30 omni

cross verify in pob.
please see my character. Can't figure out how much damage. It seems that it is not enough, looking in POB. Maybe I missed some settings. I know about the stone in the weapon. I collect currency. Well, how to increase damage with minimal investment.
Can anyone check me and tell whats wrong please?
My loop just dont want to continue, but if i start it with normal CWDT then change the gem in weapon to the Divergent CWDT - loop works how it must works. idk what ineed to fix, change life, cdr, chaos res, im doing smth wrong. Thank u in advanced!
If everything works without the CWDT stone in the weapon, then there is not enough mana. Need a labyrinth enchantment for boots 18% reduced Mana Cost of Skills if you've been Hit Recently. I got it the first time. Probably lucky. Everything works with him. But I noticed a couple of times that the cycle stops. But very very rarely.
Indeed the problem is that i haven't got enough mana, thank you very much!
Another question about fire and lightning damage on the ring. What is it for?
lightning damage for elementalist ascendancy
Where do i go from here?


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