[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Thanks for the Guide, works like a charm.
What is a good supplement(in terms of income/time ratio) mechanics to run along regular boss-rushing strat for this build? Breaches? Heist? Deli? Or maybe something like Beast hunting?
Последняя редакция: Prof549#3579. Время: 2 нояб. 2023 г., 12:24:52

"12% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently"

does this work for this build?
From my understanding probably not, since we hit ourself permanently.

is your belt for omni version available for mirror service?
Mirror belt,
somebody on TFT has it, you can check trade as well

look for this guy called paulovap in discord, he knows who to talk to.
Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 6 нояб. 2023 г., 12:30:05
Can I use different spells for damage?

Kind regards
CrystallineDIVA написал:
Can I use different spells for damage?

Kind regards

yes, use any, change tree, jewels as required.
nvm cooldown on atziri staff bricks it
Последняя редакция: rozakk#4688. Время: 17 нояб. 2023 г., 17:24:23
Can you explain please how can I don't die from ring damage? Is that because of Olroth's flask or what?
Swerlow написал:
Can you explain please how can I don't die from ring damage? Is that because of Olroth's flask or what?

yes its the olroth's flask and the ward.

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