[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

DarkSoul_00 написал:
Of all the things that could have been addressed, Wardloopers needed to be nerfed/destroyed? Was there some other broken use for Olroth that forced this?

you vill press ze buttons and you vill like it
they want to condition players for poe2 generator/spender keyboard piano gameplay with skill rotations, that's why passive playstyles like this one are either getting nerfed or outright removed from the game. and yes, mark lied when he said that wardloop is still possible, and ggg doesnt care unless a big streamer will whine about it.
I don't think Mark would just lie on purpose, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Maybe he miscalculated or missed something, or there is some mechanic we're missing.

It will be possible to get some feedback on this from GGG, I'm sure.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
whatever29173919 написал:
DarkSoul_00 написал:
Of all the things that could have been addressed, Wardloopers needed to be nerfed/destroyed? Was there some other broken use for Olroth that forced this?

you vill press ze buttons and you vill like it
they want to condition players for poe2 generator/spender keyboard piano gameplay with skill rotations, that's why passive playstyles like this one are either getting nerfed or outright removed from the game. and yes, mark lied when he said that wardloop is still possible, and ggg doesnt care unless a big streamer will whine about it.

tbh, he did not lie, wardloop is still possible, just not "viable" for endgame.
3.25 pob idea for starters


still need to evaluate and try more, for now this is it
Последняя редакция: Akshay#5418. Время: 26 июля 2024 г., 15:19:12
Jadran написал:
I don't think Mark would just lie on purpose, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Maybe he miscalculated or missed something, or there is some mechanic we're missing.

It will be possible to get some feedback on this from GGG, I'm sure.

Regardless, they have gutted builds like rf, and destroyed passive summoner builds without providing any alternatives, i don't think they want those playstyles to exist at all.
Hi, thanks for the guide, so for the body implict, we need ex searing or above right sir?
They really obliterated a lot of regular builds. i was playing minions and it feels bad. played bow, it feels bad, only mele feels kinda good now.
Damn, wanted to try out wardloop this league and after reading this, it looks like its dead, has anyone tried/calculated if its still viable now that were in the league?
Последняя редакция: _EmKo_#6528. Время: 31 июля 2024 г., 12:05:21
_EmKo_ написал:
Damn, wanted to try out wardloop this league and after reading this, it looks like its dead, has anyone tried/calculated if its still viable now that were in the league?

It isn't a first build anyway, so farm some currency while the Wardloop geniuses concoct something.
It was my favorite build, so if they can get it working I'd recommend trying it.

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