[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-Tail|660m|Herald of Agony|CI Cyclone-Necro|The Arachnophobia Allstars

Deerminator написал:

Lancing Steel looks great if you don't have a problem with mana regen. It's actually 4x as much mana as SB.

About 40-50 mana per second for LS, just slightly more than as sb+pf (about 35-38 mana per second).

Well, you are correct overall.

I'd say, that the real downside of lancing still is calling steel mechanic, and how much qol lord of steel jewel does. Jewel socket is too precious, and i usually don't have any spare buttons too.

But, mechanically, LS is freaking good and reliable source of both virulence and wither.

monik390 написал:
Deerminator написал:

Lancing Steel looks great if you don't have a problem with mana regen. It's actually 4x as much mana as SB.

About 40-50 mana per second for LS, just slightly more than as sb+pf (about 35-38 mana per second).

Well, you are correct overall.

I'd say, that the real downside of lancing still is calling steel mechanic, and how much qol lord of steel jewel does. Jewel socket is too precious, and i usually don't have any spare buttons too.

But, mechanically, LS is freaking good and reliable source of both virulence and wither.

Yes, it might be too demanding. But maybe I'll test it. Now there will be a lot of testing, as Chromino already wrote. And I'm excited for it!

I currently have a solidly balanced build, but in 3.20 it will probably be an even bigger massacre :)
monik390 написал:
Couple of virulence tips:

1. For guys who use United in Dreams: Lancing Steel - GMP - Chance to Poison (or Faster Attacks) - Withering Touch support.

Easy max virulence and wither stacks. The best alternative for spiders.
No need for totems, skellies or withering step.

2. Another self-casting option: Eye of Winter - Unleash - GMP - Chance to poison.

Alternative for storm burst. No need to channel, but cast speed is a bit long. Anyway, pretty reliable.

Hi Monik! Let the arachnophilia flow the sanctum! Here we crawl into threetwenty!

Thank you a lot and it looks very interesting again! I check it out soon! The lancing-steel-range was a bit smaller and winter eye gains a bit less virulences-stacks, but I need to check soooon! I used now almost always faster casting, storm burst channeling purifying flame or storm brands which synergizes great with faster casting.

Hope so much you make a great video again! Hope you have a nice wondeful time! We miss your skills and music and knowledge!
Последняя редакция: Chromino#4813. Время: 9 дек. 2022 г., 14:37:19
Chromino написал:

Hi Monik! Let the arachnophilia flow the sanctum! Here we crawl into threetwenty!

Thank you a lot and it looks very interesting again! I check it out soon! The lancing-steel-range was a bit smaller and winter eye gains a bit less virulences-stacks, but I need to check soooon! I used now almost always faster casting and purifying flame or storm brands synergizes great with faster casting.

Hope so much you make a great video again! Hope you have a nice wondeful time! We miss your skills and music and knowledge!

Sup =) My point of lancing steel is saving gem sockets for some price. You are correct, with it we have to stay close to a boss, however build is freaking tanky, so not a problem.

I will do a hoag occultist in my way this time, just found EoW being very good yesterday or so, and decided to share it.

Didn't write a guide for my build bc of prices lmao, wanna a smooth and cheap start xD

I have some mapping footage recorded from lvl 68 basically naked to lvl 95 with 4 divines budget. After i get a proof of concept of my current ideas i will share smth good, bc it can be done with other ascendancies too.

The real problem of the current arachnophilia allstars is a low budget and a league starting, and i solved it =) although for guardian and necro it would require a few chaos, unlike occultist which can be done naked xD
Hi, Im new to this build and trying to league start this... Currently barely doing any damage as all and just finished a4 :( Please help? https://pastebin.com/Z9RtPYRa
Последняя редакция: FallenWingsX#0305. Время: 10 дек. 2022 г., 2:01:34
FallenWingsX написал:
Hi, Im new to this build and trying to league start this... Currently barely doing any damage as all and just finished a4 :( Please help? https://pastebin.com/Z9RtPYRa

I struggled for a bit too. Played HoAg for many leagues in the past. The PoB is a bit difficult as the skills appear to have multiple selections. Guide is great, but let me see if I can help some.

Storm brand with chance to poison and faster cast to stack virtualance (can cast up to three times.
Absolution with spell echo, phantasom, and a 3rd or fourth support.
I also stacked herald of purity.

For single target, use storm burst in a 2/3 link with chance to poison. I did faster casting, chance to poison, and storm burst.

for normal clear, tag with absolution, drop a storm brand, and that should generate enough virtulance, absolution should be self perpetuating, and purity should generate enough from the storm brand to create enough minions.

I also added carrion golem with feeding frenzy for more damage.

Hope this helps piece.
I'm struggling with the POB a bit. As mentioned in a post above, helping someone else, played HoAg quite a bit back in the day, but the PoB appears to list the primary skill with 10 or 15 supports below it. Are those in order or importance?

kmfrank3 написал:
FallenWingsX написал:
Hi, Im new to this build and trying to league start this... Currently barely doing any damage as all and just finished a4 :( Please help? https://pastebin.com/Z9RtPYRa

I struggled for a bit too. Played HoAg for many leagues in the past. The PoB is a bit difficult as the skills appear to have multiple selections. Guide is great, but let me see if I can help some.

Storm brand with chance to poison and faster cast to stack virtualance (can cast up to three times.
Absolution with spell echo, phantasom, and a 3rd or fourth support.
I also stacked herald of purity.

For single target, use storm burst in a 2/3 link with chance to poison. I did faster casting, chance to poison, and storm burst.

for normal clear, tag with absolution, drop a storm brand, and that should generate enough virtulance, absolution should be self perpetuating, and purity should generate enough from the storm brand to create enough minions.

I also added carrion golem with feeding frenzy for more damage.

Hope this helps piece.

Thank you so much. Will continue to try to with your suggestions!
FallenWingsX написал:
kmfrank3 написал:
FallenWingsX написал:
Hi, Im new to this build and trying to league start this... Currently barely doing any damage as all and just finished a4 :( Please help? https://pastebin.com/Z9RtPYRa

I struggled for a bit too. Played HoAg for many leagues in the past. The PoB is a bit difficult as the skills appear to have multiple selections. Guide is great, but let me see if I can help some.

Storm brand with chance to poison and faster cast to stack virtualance (can cast up to three times.
Absolution with spell echo, phantasom, and a 3rd or fourth support.
I also stacked herald of purity.

For single target, use storm burst in a 2/3 link with chance to poison. I did faster casting, chance to poison, and storm burst.

for normal clear, tag with absolution, drop a storm brand, and that should generate enough virtulance, absolution should be self perpetuating, and purity should generate enough from the storm brand to create enough minions.

I also added carrion golem with feeding frenzy for more damage.

Hope this helps piece.

Thank you so much. Will continue to try to with your suggestions!

Yes, optimize like kmfrank3 writes.

I would advice: Use in this order:
storm brand - chance to poison - storm burst - faster casting

(when you get a 4 link more)

So you generate always easyfull HoA virulences casting stormbrands and singletarget stormburst too.

Then also put HoA into a 4/5 link.

The much alternatives supports and skills in pob are used a bit later for skin of the loyals / skin of the lords because you cannot change their socket-colours.
The in pob activated/ used / checked skills/ supports are the prefered ones, the other ones are alternatives. When you get a cheap SoL with different socket colours or when you are short at mana you can use flexible the other listed supports.

sikews написал:
Hello, what is urs favourite farm strategies with this build?

There are many great new most updated videos on youtube about farm strategies.

I always only farm what I most love. Overall this build shines most when tankyness and all layers of defences and range are needed in in multiple damage-mods of maps and altars. Aegis Aurora offers best benefits and immortality in high density.

Simulacrums are great with all our defensive layers and 100% ailment-immunities. With the range of HoA full juiced wide red delirium maps, sanctums, deeper delve are a joy.

In heist it's immortal in all damagepeaks and you farm by default good currency without investments. But probably it get's fast too boring opening always doors and traps.

Sirus is of the bosses best to farm with iron reflexes on SoL and spellblock - you can bath in his attacks and meteors. It's also one of the very few builds to tank Uber Shaper critting slams and bullet hell, Maven's memory game, Uber Exarch Fire of 1000 suns, etc.

It's an allrounder - prepared for all content.
Последняя редакция: Chromino#4813. Время: 11 дек. 2022 г., 13:41:18

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