[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-Tail|660m|Herald of Agony|CI Cyclone-Necro|The Arachnophobia Allstars

I can't choose between specializations.. necro or defender? or oссu?(((
klorin2 написал:
Had a question but figured it out from reading more. Great build so far, I'm currently starting it out in t1 maps.

How is the map progress? Going well?
How is this when it comes to league start? I'm assuming not too good given the uniques required?
Which skill tree in the PoB corresponds with the gear listed under "starting gear"?
Well, it's been going decently fine. The map clear speed is good with only the agony crawler and no spiders. I was getting 200m xp/hr on t9-10 yellow maps. The issue I have right now is that my defenses are way too weak to survive red maps as the sole tank with no minions. I need to stand still to cast Storm Burst and get Virulence Stacks for my agony crawler to do damage but I'm missing sustain. My block/spell block atm is 38/57 but this can be improved quite easily when I get some more currency to buy the jewels I need. The biggest obstacle is the Aurora Aegis which costs 7 Divine atm so I'm a bit stuck on progression until I farm for it. The good news is I can clear relatively fast on yellow maps and Expedition rewards are pretty good for farming.
XxFeroZxX написал:
I have a doubt, if I use the glove to convert all physical to chaos, will unholy might still work?

Hi Fero!

Like Akuma wrote, 100% are converted to chaos. Unholy might counts the first damage before conversion and is big buffed with 15 withers, despair, sniper's mark , etc.
Последняя редакция: Chromino#4813. Время: 22 авг. 2022 г., 7:25:15
undeadok написал:
I can't choose between specializations.. necro or defender? or oссu?(((

Hehe, hi undeadik,

in the spoiler "why Necro? why hoag?" we tried to rank the ups and downs.

Guardian has more tankyness. Necro more damage and flexibility. Occu I can only advice to for high density content with profane bloom, tankyness is hard to build up as Occu.
Последняя редакция: Chromino#4813. Время: 22 авг. 2022 г., 9:16:12
Hello, first of all ty for the guide.I'm following the pob ,but the updated pob continues saying that is for 3.18. Currently i'm leveling with friends, but i have the doubt that if there are so many changes to do for 3.19. Ty so much
BoDanger написал:
Wow, this guide is a lot to take in.
Was going to try this, but damn, it is not easy to follow. (maybe I am just a dummy)
Would love to see a video guide.

Hi BoDanger!

Yes, the build is a bit complex because it maxs auras, ana, poisonchance and HoA-virulences, keystones and more for full tankyness beside the mainskills.

Betta-ah Gaming made a great budget 5 exalts starter-guide, but it's for the guardian-ascendancy, a bit outdated 3.17 and some smaller optimizations are missing:


The important spoilers are listed in "TL;DR".
okiller написал:
Hello, first of all ty for the guide.I'm following the pob ,but the updated pob continues saying that is for 3.18. Currently i'm leveling with friends, but i have the doubt that if there are so many changes to do for 3.19. Ty so much

Hi okiller,

I am travelling and not in reach of desktop-pc and pob, so I will transform pob to 3.19 today or tomorrow home again. The pob's already now simulate all needed 3.19 changes like the removed manamastery and the new b.i.s. rare helmet and there are no further changes in the pob-trees.

The new interesting buffed 3.19 uniques are already added as alternatives in the last spoiler with the tradelinks at the bottom of the build, but I still need to test them them this/ next week.
Последняя редакция: Chromino#4813. Время: 22 авг. 2022 г., 9:23:58

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