[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
Ok, I've crafted the Simplex Amulet in this league - this time using the new Black Morrigan method described by @Maaster in his post. Overall, this looks definitely much cheaper than the proven meta-crafting method used in 3.23. I've spent more time and currency than I could if I knew what I know now. Most of it was trial and error, and checking what would happen if I did this or that. I'm going to make two posts about it: 1) one for the crafting nerds who would be interesting in how it all works and could add some more useful information when they do it on their own; 2) a concise write-up for everybody with the exact procedure. This may take some time to write, so bear with me... |
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" Welcome to the game! This is a great guide to get starte with the endgame. " Follow the gearing guide step by step. You need intelligence on each piece of gear, resistances anda couple of dex/str affixes. You mostly just buy them if playing trade league. " Only way to reroll affixes is Divine orbs. As you might imagine, it's reraly worth it. You're better off buying a 18% staff directly, which should be pretty cheap. " The staff has an inherent skill. That means it's going to benefit from every support gem slotted, regardless of links. This means that the only mantadory link should be between Cyclone and Cast while Channelling. The rest doesn't have to be linked. Chest needs five links : two curses, Hextouch, Cast when damage taken and Ball lightning. You can add Culling Strike as a sixth (requiring another link) or just slot another spell or aura you use (no need for a link). " You need to allocate the Sovereignty wheel (left of the tree) and use Enlighten lvl3 to fit in Hatred. The increased mana reservation efficiency will make them reserve less mana. " Perfectly normal. Crafting a higher-end chest piece will give you a chunk of extra ES when you get to it, and it goes up whenever to add some intelligence to the build. Hope that helps! |
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" Can I buy any Simplex Amulet to start the crafting process and Ilvl/rarity/mods dont matter? So total costs would be 80 Divine for the Simplex + 100C for awakener orb + some chaos for the shaper amulets? |
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Simplex Crafting in 3.24 (notes and technical details) 1. The Black Morrigan craft works only on Magic (blue) items. Which is perfect for the Simplex craft because you want to convert it to 1-mod Magic and imprint it anyway - as an insurance that you don't lose such an expensive base if you screw up. This means we have a 1-mod blue Simplex with the Crusader %Int mod as the base, and we combine it with a Shaper amulet that has either %Attr or Dmg Per 15 Int. 2. Only the influenced mods matter on the donor Shaper amulets. Anything that's not "Shaper's" or "of Shaping" is completely irrelevant and never has any effect on the outcome. It doesn't matter if it's magic or rare either. 3. The same combination of influenced mods will always produce the same result. There is no point in trying multiple donor amulets with, for example, %Attr + %Movespeed. Hinekora always shows the same outcome for them. Instead, you should use as many amulets with different combinations of Shaper mods as you can. 4. I ended up using 10 different "%Attr + something" and 10 different "Dmg/Int + something" amulets in my tests, and most of them resulted in the "something" mod always getting picked over the target mod. While the rest always got me the target mod. Which means that... Awakener's Orb craft is NOT RANDOM in how it chooses which influenced mods to keep!! When you have 2 Shaper mods on the donor amulet, it will ALWAYS choose the same one for the combine. Therefore, some mod combinations will NEVER work and should be avoided. This is the most important discovery here. Maybe the crafting nerds already knew it, but I did not, until now. This may have wider implications for crafting than just our Simplex amulet. Here's a small list based on my craft. There are many other Shaper mods that I have not tried. GOOD: %Attr and no other Shaper mods %Attr + Gain Phys as Extra Cold %Attr + Dmg per 15 Dex %Attr + %Movespeed Dmg per 15 Int and no other Shaper mods Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Haste Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Determination Dmg per 15 Int + Chance to Block Attack Damage BAD: %Attr + Ele Penetration %Attr + Gain Phys as Extra Lightning %Attr + Lv 22 Discipline %Attr + Lv 22 Vitality %Attr + Fire DoT Multi Dmg per 15 Int + Gain Phys as Extra Lightning Dmg per 15 Int + Gain Phys as Extra Cold Dmg per 15 Int + Reduced Attr Requirements Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Clarity Dmg per 15 Int + Gain Charges on Kill Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Clarity + Gain Charges on Kill If you craft a Simplex and come across more combinations of "%Attr + something" or "Dmg per 15 Int + something", please message me or post here which ones are good or bad, and I'll add them to the list. 5. According to Craft of Exile, for a dual-influenced Simplex, the chance to roll either the Shaper or the Crusader version of the Dmg per 15 Int prefix is 0.535% or about 1/187. This is when you use a donor amulet with %Attr. For donor amulets with Dmg per 15 Int, your chance to roll the %Attr suffix is significantly lower because there are many more trash suffixes. I couldn't find a way to calculate that on Craft of Exile, but it's probably about half as good as using the donor amulets with %Attr, let's say 0.267%. However, my successful craft came from a donor Dmg/Int amulet. So I would recommend using both. In my case, I was using 10 of each type. But as I later discovered, only 4 of each type were from the "good" list above. So my chance of success per 1 iteration of Black Morrigan was something like: Correction: 1 - (1-0.00535)^4 * (1-0.00267)^4 ~ 3.16% or about 1/32. Sounds about right. I forgot to count exactly how many iterations I went through but it was somewhere in the 20-30 range. In hindsight, I should have prepared more different "good" amulets. Still, this is FAR cheaper than the meta crafting. Other than rolling (or buying) donor amulets, the biggest expense is 1 Cracic Chimeral per round (currently about 130c), or about 1 div total together with The Black Morrigan. So this method costs about 30 div with average luck. You can prepare more different donor amulets (but the cost goes up as you look for more combinations that you don't already have). Or do more Morrigan rerolls. Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 12 апр. 2024 г., 16:45:36
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" That is not how probability is calculated. If it was calculated that way, having 2 50% chances to success would result to 100% success rate, when in reality it is only 75%. 1 - (1-0.00535)^4 * (1-0.00267)^4 ~ 3.16% With this low success rate per try and low number good options it is not much different, but if you had more good options per try (and/or higher success rate per option) it would quickly have higher difference. | |
" Good point! But the same result. 3.16% isn't that much different from 3.20%. And as I mentioned, if I knew beforehand what I should be focusing on (get more different 'good' mod combos and reroll the 'bad' ones) - I'd hit the jackpot a lot sooner. I noticed that some combos always resulted in the trash mod getting chosen and started making the lists only after about 20 Morrigan rerolls. Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 12 апр. 2024 г., 15:10:26
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How much does Atziri's Promise really do for the build, compared to a Sulphur flask? Is the virtual 8% more damage with some irrelevant effects that much better than a Sulphur's 40% increased damage plus nice mods? At least on PoB, Sulphur seems to give a bigger boost to average hit damage. Am I missing something?
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" The way increased damage is calculated is, that you add all increased damage together as single multiplier. So if you have 400% increased damage, Sulphur Flask gets it to 440%, that is 10% more damage overall. If you have 800% increased damage, Sulphur Flask gets you to 840%, that is 5% more damage overall. With multiple sources of %damage/int, better your gear gets, lower effect (as %more overall damage) Sulphur Flask gives. Atziri however gives constantly same %more overall damage. Последняя редакция: Cjin#1011. Время: 12 апр. 2024 г., 16:00:47
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" It also appears that you can awakener orb fractured influence modifiers onto another item that has fractured influence modifiers (though it seems buggy...and probably not intended). Fast forward to 7:00 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFzPLYJEra8 |
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Beast-crafting the Simplex Amulet
The Base Simplex Amulet, ilvl 80+ with either no influence or only one influence. Dual-influenced ones are bricked and cannot be used for this craft. Split is fine. No influence: hit it with Crusader's Exalted Orb. If it says there is no space for more mods: scour it, use a Transmutation orb, and then a Regal orb. Crusader influence: good enough. Some other influence: Harvest craft Randomize influence (1000 Blue lifeforce) until it's Crusader. Begin Crafting 1. Chaos or essence spam the base to get the 18-24% Increased Int mod (T1, not T2 that's lower than 18%) 2. Annul the other mods. If annulled the good mod go back to step 1. 3. You have a 1-mod Rare Simplex amulet with the %Int mod. Craft "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" (2 div) and scour it. 4. You have a 1-mod Magic Simplex amulet with the %Int mod. Imprint it (Craicic Chimeral). The 2-Mod Amulet If you don't have currency for 30x Black Morrigans + Craicic Chimerals, craft the 2-mod version first. Otherwise skip this part and go straight to crafting the Uber amulet. 1. Buy an ilvl 80+ Shaper amulet. 2. Alt spam it until you get the mod "1% Increased Damage Per 15 Int" (it's a Shaper's prefix) and no suffixes "of Shaping". 3. Right-click Awakener's Orb, left-click on the non-Simplex amulet, left-click on the Simplex. You get a dual-influenced Simplex with 26% Increased Int (at 20q), "2% Inc Damage per 15 Int" and some random suffix. If the %Int roll is too low, you may want to adjust it with a divine or two. This is a HUGE upgrade for the build. Use it well. Improving it further can cost ~30-40 div. When you have the budget and desire for it, restore your Simplex base from the imprint and proceed. The Uber Amulet Do this when you have 40 div and are willing to spend it to add the 3rd mod "19% Increased Attributes". 1. You have a 1-mod Magic Simplex amulet with the %Int mod. Imprint it (Craicic Chimeral). This is not required but it's good to ensure that you don't lose such an expensive base if you mis-click on the Awakener combine. You'll be buying a lot of Craicic Chimerals anyway. 2. Prepare the donor bases. They must be ilvl 80+ Shaper amulets. You will need the following 6 amulets: 1) "6-9% Increased Attributes" and no other Shaper mod (magic or rare); 2) "1% Increased Damage per 15 Intelligence" and no other Shaper mod (magic or rare); 3) "6-9% Increased Attributes" + another Shaper mod from List A below; 4) "6-9% Increased Attributes" + another Shaper mod from List B below; 5) "1% Increased Damage per 15 Intelligence" + another Shaper mod from List A below; 6) "1% Increased Damage per 15 Intelligence" + another Shaper mod from List b below. List A
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(rare) %Attr + Gain Phys as Extra Cold (rare) %Attr + Dmg per 15 Dex (magic) %Attr + %Movespeed (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Discipline (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Haste (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Determination (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Fire DoT Multi (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Chance to Block Attack Damage (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Mana Reservation List B
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(rare) %Attr + Lv 22 Discipline (rare) %Attr + Lv 22 Vitality (rare) %Attr + Fire DoT Multi (rare) %Attr + Ele Penetration (rare) %Attr + %Movespeed (magic) %Attr + Gain Phys as Extra Lightning (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Lv 22 Clarity (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Gain Phys as Extra Lightning (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Gain Phys as Extra Cold (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Gain Charges on Kill (rare) Dmg per 15 Int + Chance to Block Spell Damage (magic) Dmg per 15 Int + Reduced Attr Requirements If you manage to get any amulets with 3 Shaper mods, try them too, just in case. You can easily Alt spam the 1-mod ones. Chaos spam the 2-mods. And check the market too. You might buy some of them cheaper. Just make sure they are ilvl 80+.
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You can alt or chaos spam 2 amulets at the same time. Put a stack of Alteration or Chaos orbs in the main inventory. Go to the Delve tab. Put 2 amulets in the 2 crafting slots. Type "sed attr|15 int" (with the quotation marks) in the search box. And then use the orbs on the 2 amulets. They will show as faded. But once you hit the right mod the amulet will un-fade and the border around it will light up. Don't click too fast. Make sure you can react and stop clicking when you get the right mod. Note: If you get an amulet with a combination of mods/rarity that's not on either of the lists, you can check what Hinekora shows for it (see below). The projected outcome will either keep the good mod (%Attr or Dmg/Int) or discard it. All amulets from the same list (A or B) will either keep or discard the good mod. So, if your new amulet keeps it, and so does a known amulet from List A - then your amulet is also on List A. If it shows the opposite behavior - then it's on List B. And vice versa. Feel free to PM me (Kelvynn) if you discover new mod/rarity combos, and I'll add them to the lists. If you really want to know why you need 6 amulets, you can read my research notes on how this craft works. 3. Buy the beasts: Craicic Chimeral and The Black Morrigan. In bulk if you can. You will use 1 of each per attempt. Right-click them inside your Menagerie. Important: If your Menagerie is full (i.e. you've done some beast hunting with Einhar, and now every time you capture a new beast the game notifies you that it replaced an old one) - do not add the bought Morrigans and Chimerals all together! Otherwise they might just replace each other and get wasted. The safest way is to make space by deleting some trash beasts and then to add 1 Morrigan and 1 Chimeral at a time as they get used. 4. Use the beast craft 'Apply Hinekora's Lock' on your Simplex amulet (The Black Morrigan + Craicic Chimeral). 5. Put the Simplex amulet in a tab next to Awakener's Orb and the prepared Shaper amulets. 6. Right-click on the Awakener's Orb, left-click on a Shaper amulet, and move the cursor over the Simplex. DO NOT CLICK ON IT! JUST HOVER. The item information pop-up will show the projected result of the combine. If it's anything other than the Trifecta (Increased Intelligence + Increased Attributes + 2% Damage per 15 Intelligence) then right-click on an empty space to cancel it. If you accidentally mis-click and complete the wrong craft - restore the Simplex base from the imprint, re-imprint it and replace the Shaper base used in the combine. A mistake will only cost you 1 Craicic Chimeral and 1 Awakener's Orb. Instead of losing the super expensive base. ALWAYS HAVE THE BASE IMPRINTED (Step 1)!! 7. Repeat step 6 for each of the prepared Shaper amulets. If you hit the Trifecta - CONGRATULATIONS! Otherwise, proceed to step 8. 8. Use any catalyst on the Simplex amulet. This will modify its quality and remove the Hinekora's Lock. If you have more Chimerals and Morrigans - go to step 4. Otherwise get more beasts - go to step 3. The chance of success seems to be about 1/30 if you have all the bases prepared. Therefore, the average cost of this craft is about 30x Black Morrigans + Craicic Chimerals. Plus 1 Awakener's Orb. Plus whatever currency spent on preparing the Shaper amulets. Which you can later sell or share with friends. Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 21 авг. 2024 г., 15:13:18
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