[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
So in order to get Hatred I need charisma, enligthen 3 and sovereignty? All of them? Because on the PoB I don't see the charisma or the Simplex is making that big of a difference. Also which league mechanic do you find quite easy for this build? So far I can't choose.
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" You need: Sovereignty (and 2 small nodes in the wheel) Mana Mastery 12% reservation efficiency and ether Charisma or Enlighten lvl4 For league mechanics whatever you enjoy doing. | |
Hey again,
i wanted to ask you what league mechanic you are farming... i am not sure what this build is good for. Its kinda to slow for breach? Maybe ultimatum and rituals? Thanks! |
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The "Auras" section of the guide says:
" As for which mechanics to farm: the current league! The most profitable farm in this league is Scarabs and Allflames. They dwarf and obsolete all other league mechanics in profit. And the best thing about them is that they don't take any extra time. You just clear your favorite map without spending time on any extra mechanics. In fact, you disable everything else! I'll post the details below. |
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Guys what would you say would be the next item I should upgrade? Would love some help as I'm a new player. Mainly struggling with survivability but maybe it's because I dont do enough damage.
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Casual Farming the Necropolis League
I'm not an expert farmer and don't do the 'mega juiced' strategies from reddit. They are typically designed for very specific builds or parties and require a lot of investment to get even more profit. Here's what I use in the 3.24 league to farm enough currency for gear upgrades while grinding xp and levels safely and working on challenges. Atlas Tree (if it shows a tree version other than 3.24 on the right: switch to 3.24 and reload) Focusing on: Scarabs, Allflames and boxes. Disabling all league mechanics not only removes the distractions, but it also removes their scarabs from the regular drop pool (although they can still drop from altars and strongboxes with specific mods). While the overall chance of dropping scarabs stays the same. Therefore, the chances of dropping expensive non-league scarabs increase. Heist doesn't have its own scarabs. Just ignore it. Ignore Delve too, it's not worth the time in this league. We are taking all major scarab clusters plus a couple of small ones that make your farm mostly self-sustaining on maps and scarabs. Remember that you can 3:1 vendor cheap scarabs for random other ones. Here's a > Useful Spreadsheet < that shows current scarab prices from poe.ninja. Reload it once in a few hours, it updates automatically. We are taking nodes on 3 Necropolis clusters. You want more Allflames to drop. Some of them sell really well. Also, maximize the number of monsters with Unresolved Anguish. They are the ones dropping corpses. And you want those corpses to be of the more useful/expensive types. This lets you craft great items in the Graveyard for yourself, or for sale. Corpses and Allflames can also be sold in bulk on the trade website if you are not into crafting. Boxes spawn a lot of extra monster packs. And they can drop extra currency, maps and expensive cards. Favorite map: Defiled Cathedral. It has the 100% predictable square layout. The boss is a total pushover (switch to the boss weapon, move up to the top edge of the carpet, and cast Icestorm on him while he uses his ranged attack on you). There are multiple expensive cards that can drop in this map. Chisel + Alch. Optionally, Vaal it too. Map device: Ambush. Boxes. Lots of boxes. Scarabs: More boxes. You can often open the same box multiple times. More arcanist/diviner boxes. The 4th scarab (Cartography) makes sure you drop more maps than you use. Then you can chisel/alch/vaal your maps and discard particularly bad 8-mods. Or you can sell them in bulk. Also, this will result in the T17 map (Sanctuary) dropping quite often. You can sell it for a nice price or farm Uber Lycia yourself when you feel strong enough. Alternatively, the 4th scarab can be Divination for more cards. Or another Ambush for even more boxes. Influence: Red. Red is much better than Blue. Blue mobs are ranged, they like to run away. They also often get spell suppression or cold resist from the altars. The chance of getting a Divine drop from the Blue altars is astronomical, and all other Blue altar drops suck. With the Red altars, you can often find Chaos or Unmaking orbs for some very nice additional profit. The red mini-boss (The Black Star) can drop a ring that sells for 9 div. The blue mini-boss is trash (and harder than the red one). What to take on the Altars: 1) Unique Jewellery (Minions); 2) Chaos or Unmaking orbs (Minions); 3) Scarabs (Minions); 4) Greater or Grand embers (Minions); 5) Chance to duplicate (Player); 6) Quantity/rarity (Player). Don't bother with any of the Boss choices. Don't take the Meteor or -Fire res (Player) unless you are well geared or don't mind dying. When opening the map: Yellow mods are at the top by default. The game wants you to drop more currency. But most of those mods suck. Leave only the good ones at the top (Chaos orbs or better, Nameless Seer, etc). Drag the crappy yellow mods to the bottom. Yellow packs are Devoted, meaning that they have those extra drops. But they rarely drop corpses. Blue packs are Haunted, meaning that they often have Unresolved Anguish and drop corpses. You want more corpses, unless there are some good drops from the yellow packs. Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 24 апр. 2024 г., 14:12:03
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How about ultimatium farming?
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Your work here and all of those who are contributing is awesome!
This thread is highly underrated and needs more attention. - You provide a step by step guide for beginners to pros, from getting the first items to highend crafting. - You update and provide helpful feedback frequently, even over the last few seasons. - You give reliable information not only related to the build itself. I am having really fun with the "Ice Dancing Queen" and I personally find all of feedback really helpful. Thank you! |
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" Very easy with this build. But takes too much time and is not rewarding enough compared to Scarabs/Allflames. |
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New video: Tier 17 Bosses
I started killing them with 9k ES right after getting the clusters and adding Hatred. It was quite rippy since I didn't know their mechanics and the impact of various T17 mods. Now with much better gear and after a lot of learning, I feel confident enough to make a video. Some tips: - One Step Ahead is extremely good in T17. There are lots of things that can slow, snare, hinder you. - Make a separate Atlas tree for T17. Avoid taking the nodes at the top that increase the magnitude of map mods. They are already nasty enough. A few may be Ok (e.g to path to Remarkable Relics), but avoid taking more. - While you are still working on upgrades and don't have much ES, you might want to take Wellspring of Creation. 25% less damage is a lot of help. 50% more boss life only makes the fight a bit longer. But you need to stay alive first. - Do not give the bosses any haste! Monster speed, boss speed, frenzy charges, ghosts, shrine buffs - all that can be very bad. They'll just spam you to death and won't give you any time to react. - 100% Inc AoE is bad for most of them (except Uber Uthred who doesn't have any AoE 1-shots). - Name Locking is extremely useful for all of them (see the Play Style section of the guide). You want to dodge their 1-shots without stopping your damage. - Fortress is the easiest by far. The beams don't seem to do much. Just stand near the golem and Frostblink behind it when it starts any attack animation. - Citadel is also very easy. Focus on dodging the beams. The bosses don't do much. Just namelock them and Frostblink to the gaps between the beams. - Abomination is perhaps the hardest because of all the chaos on the screen. Kill Maligaro first, then Shavronne (have to re-namelock her after her flying invulnerable mechanic). Doedre must die the last. If she is not the last, her ghost form will fuck you up. The final boss is a joke. Frostblink around it, same as the Fortress golem. - Uber Lycia has multiple 1-shots: -- "Inevitable": Frostblink and move too, it's a very large AoE slam; -- "Swift death": Frosblink; -- "Be gone": Frostblink; -- "You will know pain": Frostblink behind her. The final pulse of the beam does huge damage. At 50% life she locks up, goes to the middle of the room and starts doing the lightning waves. Beidat spawns just below her. Stand exactly below Lycia, namelock Beidat and cast on him. Once he is dead - move to avoid the last waves before Lycia re-activates. Then finish her off. - Uber Catarina herself is more like the golem. Frostblink when she announces her attacks. At 75%, 50% and 25% she goes invulnerable and breaks the spires to spawn Kurgal, Ulaman and Amanamu - always in that order and from the same spires. Only Ulaman is actually dangerous. Stay at range to take fewer shots from his barrage. Below 50% Catarina starts using the explosive skeleton mechanic. This is the single rippy thing about the whole encounter. If you get blown up: come back and wait for them to despawn while invulnerable. Catarina announces: "Rise, my children!" and the skeletons spawn. Switch to Cyclone and plan your pathing. A couple of seconds later she calls: "Feed!". This is when they become destructable by walking over them. Hit the Writhing Jar to give yourself some healing for the next 5 sec and Cyclone over all of them. The beams left by Kurgal hurt - that's why you need the Jar. After Amanamu is dead, just finish off Catarina. She'll be dead before the skeletons go active even if she does that mechanic again. Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 14 апр. 2024 г., 21:07:22
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