[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

GimmeZeLoot написал:
Alooren написал:
I urge you all to try a 4L setup with raise specters and use atleast a Perfect Pain artist to get a free zealotry aura and roughly 40% extra crit multi.

My profile is private for those interested, and i got it in my gloves currently. Can also use another spectre of your choosing

"Casts zealotry". Can you please clarify, whats the duration or is it permanent? And also conditions of those "casts"

Yes, its a permanent aura. Its basicaly just an aurabot in a spectre

EDIT: Ive also begun using a perfect forest warrior as it grants Onslaught to us and itself, and it also has culling strike on its own hits. With it ive been able to drop my onslaught flask and I intend to use another flask in that slot now, wether for defense or offense im unsure

(Raise Spectre lets you raise 2 spectres, so Perma onslaught & zealotry for free)

Id recommend using another spectre though, maybe determination grace etc if you wanna be tankier. i only care about speed and dmg at this point so i went for onslaught since the Haste spectre is worth WAY too much

They havent died on me yet, the 2 spectres I use is literally 1c each so dirt cheap if you ever need to replace them.
Последняя редакция: Alooren#0186. Время: 13 дек. 2023 г., 23:40:04
Alooren написал:
GimmeZeLoot написал:
Alooren написал:
I urge you all to try a 4L setup with raise specters and use atleast a Perfect Pain artist to get a free zealotry aura and roughly 40% extra crit multi.

My profile is private for those interested, and i got it in my gloves currently. Can also use another spectre of your choosing

"Casts zealotry". Can you please clarify, whats the duration or is it permanent? And also conditions of those "casts"

Yes, its a permanent aura. Its basicaly just an aurabot in a spectre

EDIT: Ive also begun using a perfect forest warrior as it grants Onslaught to us and itself, and it also has culling strike on its own hits. With it ive been able to drop my onslaught flask and I intend to use another flask in that slot now, wether for defense or offense im unsure

(Raise Spectre lets you raise 2 spectres, so Perma onslaught & zealotry for free)

Id recommend using another spectre though, maybe determination grace etc if you wanna be tankier. i only care about speed and dmg at this point so i went for onslaught since the Haste spectre is worth WAY too much

They havent died on me yet, the 2 spectres I use is literally 1c each so dirt cheap if you ever need to replace them.

do you need to use a life flask to regen those spectres? or do they survive forever?
Yes, its a permanent aura. Its basicaly just an aurabot in a spectre

If it works like you said, this should be busted bro! I will test this also later today.

EDIT: tried this spectre, works pretty good with my setup. Free damage for me at cost of 4 sockets i dont use anyways. Dont know the exact aura level from spectre, poedb states 30%crit chance and 10% spell damage. Still less damage than lvl 21 zealotry, but nevertheless decent damage upgrade at cost of 1c and 4 socket slots (maybe even less, gonna test it out, since noone can hit me, i suppose i dont need all 3 links together).

EDIT: Perfect Forest Tiger spectres are OP, and you can have 2 spectres with different auras. This is actually busted.
Последняя редакция: GimmeZeLoot#1718. Время: 14 дек. 2023 г., 7:03:57
What budget do I need for this build to farm sanctum ?
So Perfect Tiger is good, but still i wouldnt recommend, cause he engages in melee all the time and gets damage. Since its not 1c minion use at your own risk. You have to pay attention on his life, and regen him with vitality i guess. Very sketchy to use actually.
zlokobbb написал:
What budget do I need for this build to farm sanctum ?

Depends on the ilvl of the sanctum, the one im using right now is actually a sanctum farmer if you check out my page
GimmeZeLoot написал:
So Perfect Tiger is good, but still i wouldnt recommend, cause he engages in melee all the time and gets damage. Since its not 1c minion use at your own risk. You have to pay attention on his life, and regen him with vitality i guess. Very sketchy to use actually.

Yeah I wouldnt really recommend using him bc hes too expensive, what you could do aswell is replace the onslaught spectre for a Vitality spectre if you only use the zealotry one and you want his health to regen.

But overall for a 2c setup getting free zealotry crit multi and onslaught is actually crazy
hi ,
I would like to know if someone could tell me what to change to increase my DPS (approximately 900K currently).
I am in the process of completing my atlas (100/115) and would like to be able to kill the bosses a little faster

I currently have 2 divine orbs and 150 Chaos orbs as a budget
Последняя редакция: Krillia#1385. Время: 14 дек. 2023 г., 22:54:26
First time trying this build.

League start: I switch to mines at a6, little bit clunky but doable.
white maps - breezee, destroy everything
yellow maps - if u dont change items u will get decent time

After I switch to +7 March of Legion and Shroud of the lightless my dmg skyrocket but (!) I was kinda squishy. Its much better when I maxed suppress spell dmg 100%.
Now I almost freeze and one shot everything. I can farm 100% deli 90% quant T15 maps like its nothing.

Ignite/freeze immunity, 5.4k hp, 100% spell suppres, 210k tooltip dps on mines (in PoB smth around 30 mln dps) when buffed. I still dont opt my items but I dont think its important.

Overall rly fast mapper but kinda decent/terrible boss killer (didnt checked new quant miens (shoooting in one direction) ) but as mentioned in guide, its not boss killer, its just fast mapper. Get your strat, prepare atlas and farm thats all.

Thank you for rly good build and a little bit of love for Icicle Mines :)
Последняя редакция: szybciorek1144#0536. Время: 14 дек. 2023 г., 19:03:18

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