[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16
update my gear a little : buying shroud of the lightless and March of the legion (no corrupt)
my DPS in POB is 1.44M with 89.6% crit , 438% crit multi what change in my stuff for up like 4-5M? :) |
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With shroud a lot of your damage comes from the ele pen, which isn't tooltip damage. 2% ele pen if you havent killed on the abyss jewels and 4% ele pen per abysss jewel from the chest is where most of the damage is. From where you are at now I would say try rolling mine throwing speed and cold exposure on your gloves, and look for some better flasks. Those would be easy DPS increases for you right now. Also, big tip, keep an eye out for the that which was taken gem. Those things can have pretty wild rolls. If you wanted for example a crit hatred watchers eye. it is about six divine now just for that one mod. It can go up to 1.5% base crit, but if you wanted a high roll like that it would be way more. Now if you wanted that and a second useful mod? Double mod crit hatred watchers eye is over fifteen divine right now. Now, here comes this new gem. It can have up to 1% base(100%) crit on this gem if you haven't crit recently, and it can have three amazing other mods to it. I got mine for a single divine and I get the crit and ailment/curse removal every four seconds. Some of the mods are wildly expensive so it will be a fun item to track, but yea you can get great ones for cheap still!
Последняя редакция: Corwynt#2039. Время: 15 дек. 2023 г., 10:17:06
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EDIT: must explain this at the start. League mechanic buff monsters rly hard, even after path. So ppl shouldnt expect that they pay 1-2 div into build and can clear league mechanic + delirium monsters or smth. When u invest more u can do it easily. If u think you have problem, check other build or ask ppl how they trying and whats their result.
Also I dont think that ultimatum is best mechanic for this build. If u fight vs jumping monsters dont stuck in one place for 5 min trying to kill him but flame dash sometimes. Its not a build where u can stay in one place for 5 min and throw mines (well later you freeze almost everything so ye you probably can? XD) Few tips from me: (just self reflection) - best defense in this build is high dmg + projectile speed to clear atleast your screen. Most of the ppl here die bcs they dont know how to play with that kind of character OR they have too low dmg for content they want to farm. You CANT flame dash or blink into random place on map or into monsters. Its insta death. Get detonate on your left click so when u move u detonate and one of your hotkeys. While mapping throw your mines infront of you and run. With enought mine throwing speed and detonate speed (enchance + detonate gem) its not clunky (also with tailwind and frenzy charges). - One of cheapest and good dps increase a) craft gloves. its in guide. Buy decent gloves with atleast 40% inc damage with hits against chilled enemies and get cold exposure on hit implict with orbs - you can also buy that chilled enemies mod on belt, if u re fine with ress its also dmg for kinda cheap price b) curse enemies with frostbite on hit ring, dont need to be implict if u dont have currency. Just buy decent one valeria influ rin with this mod. c) ofc heatshiver, its basic. d) craft decent wand on fractured +1 to cold spell skill gems, all info in guide just read it. Also for me replice amulet +3 icicle is just bait. You re fine with +1 amu and crit multi + projectile speed or smth. In my opinion its not worth the slot and its kinda expensive. Dont prio it. But I remind you, thats just my opinion :) for the cheapest inc dmg thats all. Later you can get shroud and boots for 4L mines combo, 21 lvl icicle. One of MOST powerfull dps inc is charm with +% base crit when on full charges (get atleast 0.8%) For survi inc you can try to get 100% spell suppres with 2x 15% suppres charms and 2 nodes on tree below INstinct node (5% each) or 3x 15% spell suppres chance. AVOID map with (monster movement speed cannot be reduced below ...., and monsters have 70% chance to avoid elemental ailments. You have less chance to freeze these and its more deadly) Someone asked not sure If me, why using Shadow Shaping node on atlas tree. If this question is aimed to me not sure how u notice it since u dont have acces to my atlas tree :D Im using it to block maps around the maps Im running so only these 2 maps usually drop. Try to google atlas blocking strategy or smth for more in depth info. Someone up asked for my PoB. I checked your items, you have 10000x better items than mine with that nimis, corrupts and mace +2. I have rather basic items bcs I stop investing in this character. Im running with darkness enthroned belt, shorud, +7 march, shitty wand, crafter gloves with 2 spectres combo (onslaught + vitality just for movement since Im farming t15 deli maps I dont feel I need more dps). Instead you can tell me how your dmg bcs I see that u have kinda end game gear here. Can u kill blue or red bosses (forgoy names search and smth) 90% quant around 5-10 sec or it take longer and they can one shot you? Sorry for all the english lang. mistakes. I hope I helped little bit. Последняя редакция: szybciorek1144#0536. Время: 15 дек. 2023 г., 11:19:21
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Hello i got amulet with fractured tier 1 crit chance how would you craft that ?
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" I was speaking to the original poster of the build. |
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Скрытый текст
![]() I'm farming Strand + Field (T16, 4 Voidstones). I got their connected maps blocked with fav map slots. Chisel + alch + go, but I do run unid maps unid. Implicits don't matter. I drop so many Strand / Field maps, I can sell Strand in bulk too. Последняя редакция: 99prosorc#1700. Время: 16 дек. 2023 г., 8:21:25
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"The charm that gives 5% crit multi per power charge is pretty busted as well. It's so easy for this build to hit crit cap, im looking forward to being able to run three of those. Последняя редакция: Corwynt#2039. Время: 16 дек. 2023 г., 10:02:34
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Upgrades on the cheap version? I don't like the 10-15 divine version I like the cheap version, is there any way to upgrade THAT one? With the warden it's insane and I don't like low life. If you see that, please let me know
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Guys what would you recommend instead of Rathpit shield? I really dislike playing on low life where anything can one shot you..
I love the build so far, I'm having tons of fun. Dying a lot, but thats mostly on my part cause i like to zoom-zoom. |
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"You are playing with dissolution of flesh, right? Rathpith is just an amazing amount of defenses and damages for the cost, especially now that the price dropped. I don't use petrified blood, just dissolution and I am doing the league mechanic in t16s speed running ten ways pretty easily. Best thing to do with a Rathpith is make sure you are ignite, poison and bleed immune because you need the reserved damage to go away after two seconds, and dots are really great at stopping that. Plus Rathpith makes it to where you don't even need a life flask usually, and open up a flask slot for more dps. |
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